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Desperate Dan

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2 hours ago, Craig King said:

The electric bikes are the most amazing piece of motorcycle machinery to hit the TT course and by implication the world, since the Britten. Unfortunately views are polarised with so many folk bedded in tradition. Maybe if they plumed some sort of electric e-cigarette type Castrol R then some of the traditionalists would shut up and see what is happening.

Guy Martin said they're definitely the future

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5 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Guy Martin likes them. 

It's a good comment. It takes someone like Guy Martin to support them to provide impetus. John McGuinness likes 'em too.

I look forward to the day there is a two lapper, with a battery change in the pits.

The Isle of Man needs to shout louder about what is happening here.

Oh, by the way, I nearly got laughed off a building site for carrying an electric screwdriver in my tool bag (about 40 years ago). There's not a joiner worth his salt doesn't have an electric screwdriver these days (and a battery powered saw and arc lights...etc_)

Edited by Craig King
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Craig, the biggest problem most people have with electric bike racing is the fact that the grids are tiny and up to now have shown no sign of growing.  Last season there were low key championships in the USA (typically 7 starters), Europe (around 5 starters) and Australia (4 starters). 

Apparently there will be an electric championship supporting Moto GP in 2019.  They hope for about 18 starters.  The bikes will do about 125mph and the races will be 10 laps (25-30 miles bearing in mind a GP track has to be a minimum of 2.5 miles).  It looks then that the bikes compatible with this series will have neither the range nor the speed for the TT course - unless that is something they can tweek somewhere.

Biggest question perhaps is whether electric is the way forward.  I've seen conflicting reports about the long term availability of lithium, one of which said it was a more finite resource than oil.  It's a nasty & destructive mining process and I also read somewhere that the USA will not recycle dead batteries because it isn't profitable...


(Sorry for going way off topic - perhaps this needs a thread of its own)

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Had a quick ride on an electric TT bike a few years ago. Awesome - although admittedly I'm not very good on motorbikes. I have no real interest in TT but I think the electric bikes are here to stay and will improve every year. And a full lap is no mean feat at full throttle and up a big hill - even the superbikes have to stop to refuel after a couple of laps or so I think. I agree that they lack character - same with the Formula E races - despite the hype they're pretty dull.


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once they get rid of the ridiculous rules about the design of leccy bikes things will improve.  having to have a conventional drive to the rear wheel is killing it, the wheel should be the motor, the final drive is just costing power to the rear wheel and mah from the battery. and they could also be 2 wheel drive???

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