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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Ok  so a bit inflammatory here, but ...

How many BLM/POC IOM have had a knee to their neck whilst dying? How many have faced poor housing, education and healthcare? How many have faced true discrimination, that has impeded them? How many have encountered such discrimination that they feel unable to break the law of the host  country that is actually the right target of their ire? ( And that is such bollocks, I cant even address that.)

FFS, make a difference, but think about what you are saying and doing and take people with you, don't alienate.


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I suspect there's really nothing more to be said, aside from the futile minutiae. The majority of opinions, from both sides of the discussion in this thread, as with the BLM thread, are just going around and around and never the twain shall meet. Immovable object, unstoppable force springs to mind...

Edited by quilp
Maybe I've just become bored with it all. Yes. That's it.
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On 7/6/2020 at 4:58 PM, Gladys said:

This is how they responded:-

"We had previously been in discussion with Manx Radio in regards to how we can work together to tackle racism and discrimination within society, and part of that plan was a series of shows.

However, we will not be used as a tokenistic gesture to divert attention from the deeper systemic issues rooted within their organisation."



Holy Jesus!!

It would seem like this group's only aim is to bring total disrepute to the local version of BLM.

There is certainly a very very serious ongoing 'colour' problem in the US....3,000 miles away IN AMERICA, different country, totally different culture. They openly carry firearms...GUNS FOR GODS SAKE!! It really is still the 'wild west'.

This problem is mainly highlighted by the police and other so called 'population security services'...sic towards what they call African Americans and, I believe to a lesser degree, this is a similar situation in GB, BUT to those from a totally different country.

All still bigotry & prejudice though.

But I have never witnessed anything here on the Island in the 20th century. (Maybe I move in the wrong circles?!)

Working at Manx Radio for over 40 years, this really was a most distant subject for ANY discussion because it was never ever considered/perceived to be a problem.

And now this. :(

Can we not all respect the obvious fact that we are all simply.....People.


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7 hours ago, quilp said:

I suspect there's really nothing more to be said, aside from the futile minutiae. The majority of opinions, from both sides of the discussion in this thread, as with the BLM thread, are just going around and around and never the twain shall meet. Immovable object, unstoppable force springs to mind...

Those first 9 words are probably uttered about most of the perennial subjects on here. You are totally correct. Nothing new to bring out here. It's all been said. 

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1 hour ago, Sentience said:

Can we not all respect the obvious fact that we are all simply.....People.

"All men are created equal. But some men are more equal than others..."

Dec of Ind + Animal Farm

Looking forward I can't see PoC IOM actually doing anything. Because in my experience the island isn't exactly a seething hotbed of discrimination. Which means they don't actually have anything to do.

However, as we have seen, the most innocuous of exchanges could be misconstrued to suit an agenda.

I guess we'll find out...

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11 hours ago, Kopek said:

No, did you?


You spout the shittiest of shit opinions about the matter,  and whinge like a total fucking tw@t, and you didn't even hear it.

You absolute soft cunt.

Apart from expletive laden remarks, I am lost for words.

You fucking total spineless knobhead. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Yes I did hear it. A few times. And so could you if you hadn't been a lazy spineless bastard who can't even be bothered to click a link to the show, It was there for a week. Thinking that people have even the slightest interest in your pathetic armchair ramblings.

Anyway Kopek, please excuse my outburst I hope you understand although that should go without saying







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Yeah, I agree. And I apologise to Kopek, but, well, I am just stunned.

I daren't ask how many others are in the same Kopek boat.





14 hours ago, Kopek said:

........but, unless you actually heard the origonal broadcast, you view could only be tainted by the view you have decided to take on the progamme, possibly from several days later when 'you' have heard conflicting views on the matter and already formed your opinion that '' Our Stu is innocent''?


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18 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

I'm hearing some positive changes up at Manx Radio in that one particularly unpleasant senior staff member has "retired".

If you are referring to Terry Cringle, he is a bit of a legend and is remarkably "on the ball" given his advancing years.

Or are you referring to someone else?

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