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Desperate Dan

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On 11/23/2020 at 9:19 AM, Chris Williams said:

Just to answer the question which has appeared on this topic concerning my absence from the station and to clarify a couple of points. 

I had been referred to Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital earlier this year for a double bypass operation. This was delayed twice due to Coronovirus which has obviously placed extra pressure on the facilities and staff. I received a last minute phone call two weeks ago to advise me that surgeons would be able to perform the operation last weekend. I took a Covid test here on the Island and self isolated prior to travelling. I was tested twice whilst in Liverpool and have now returned to the Island to complete two weeks self isolation. I am self employed and won’t receive any payment from the station whilst not presenting or producing programmes. I have learnt in over 40 years in the business that listeners do relate very closely with presenters that they like and are naturally interested if they do not appear on air. However, I do not believe that it is anyones given right to know details of somebody else's private life just because they happen to work for a radio station which is part Government funded. It was my decision to allow my colleagues to mention the situation on air if they felt it right. Any of you with experience of this type of surgery will be aware that it will take time to recover and I hope to be back at work as soon as possible. There you are, that’s it, no hidden agenda, no waste of public money and no skeet or gossip. Keep safe, be lucky and be nice.



Please hurry back Chris. If I have to listen to that whiney Yamaha 125 recording you set on auto-play for early mornings, or the carboard cut-out and drinking bird you left in the studio to cover Saturday mornings...the radio's going in the bin.



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On 8/16/2020 at 4:27 PM, Roger Mexico said:

Well the age matches as well and there can't be that many people with that exact name in Lhergy Cripperty.

The IOM Newspapers piece on his sentencing in April rather confusingly says he had served more than eight weeks on remand, which is odd given he was only arrested on 20 March, unless he was on remand for at least four weeks in 2014/5 as well, which seems unlikely for those offences.  I also like how in mitigation his advocate said "Mr Rodgers added that being in trouble and sent to a borstal at a young age had left a ’profound impact on his life’ but that Powell had turned himself around in the early 2000s", which if you think about it translates to "My client was a career criminal for 25 years".

Seems like he’s in trouble again. 

Threatening behaviour during a “strange Bentley test drive” 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

Woken up to the dulcet tones of Andy Wint, again!  Is there some plot for him to take over the station by stealth?  I know the regular presenters need a break,  but isn't there someone else to share the load? 

What do you expect for a million quid a year ? LOL

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3 hours ago, Gladys said:

Woken up to the dulcet tones of Andy Wint, again!  Is there some plot for him to take over the station by stealth?  I know the regular presenters need a break,  but isn't there someone else to share the load? 

They managed to get rid of him a few years back and then he sneaked back on the late show and next thing it's wall to wall Wint. Depending on what is on Mannin Line I ration myself to about 20 minutes a week of his somewhat patronising tones.

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He manages 6 days a week normally, but could be heard sometimes twice a day over the festive period.  Nothing personal, but really it is too much.  Is there no one else who can bodge a couple of hours of some musical genre or other and call it a Christmas Special? 

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23 hours ago, Gladys said:

He manages 6 days a week normally, but could be heard sometimes twice a day over the festive period.  Nothing personal, but really it is too much.  Is there no one else who can bodge a couple of hours of some musical genre or other and call it a Christmas Special? 

There was someone called Kerry with a shrieky high-pitched voice on at lunchtime today - awful :( Don't listed to MR much any more but are there no presenters left with a nice Manx accent?!

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1 minute ago, the stinking enigma said:

24/7 if possible. Pump him full of drugs or something. See how long he can go. Havent fully thought it through to the end game yet.

There was a bumper crop of mushrooms up round Scard this year, basically his back garden, he should be well stocked.

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