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Desperate Dan

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8 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Because Remembrance doesn't make me feel Scottish, Welsh or Irish. You really do have a chip on your shoulder old bean.

Never sure when you are trolling or being obtuse. I would make the same comments to anybody who said Remembrance made them feel Scottish, Welsh, or Irish and I expect that if anybody posted that Remembrance or the Red Arrows made them feels Scottish, Welsh etc you would be one of the first ridicule. To me it appears crass to equate a day which, in GB, is a day to remember the fallen across the whole of GB etc as being in respect of a particular country which is how your post came across. That does not not meaning not being proud that people from a particular country, area, town or village served just have respect for what Remembrance Day is and all who served. 

Maybe also try and find something English to feel patriotically English about rather than something appropriate British.    

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To be fair, Lost Login, elderly English people were brought up to conflate Englishness with Britishness and use the words interchangeably. That's all Stu did. You can't expect someone who's only been living and broadcasting in the Isle of Man for 25 years to have got to grips with details like the other nations of these isles aren't funny Englanders. 

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@Lost Loginhas never been quite the same since jacking in Manx Forums after getting ganged up on during the early days of the pandemic/lockdown days. To be fair, it wasn't a flounce or anything like that, more an "I've had enough, I'm off- see ya".

I can't remember what it was about but he stood his ground quite admirably (even though he was total wrong).



14 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Said Voirrey Costain, never

( made up Manx name. In case there is a real Voirrey Costain reading this)

You should be ok. According to Manx BMD there is only one Voirrey Costain, born 1936 (Peel, just to complete the stereotype). She married in 1956 and name was changed (Reid).

Edited by Barlow
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1 hour ago, Declan said:

To be fair, Lost Login, elderly English people were brought up to conflate Englishness with Britishness and use the words interchangeably. That's all Stu did. You can't expect someone who's only been living and broadcasting in the Isle of Man for 25 years to have got to grips with details like the other nations of these isles aren't funny Englanders. 

SP comes across to me as reasonably well meaning but rooted in the past. He got a bit upset when in the election thread he was accused of being a bigot and racist. Understandably, as most people would not like to be thought of in that manner and I am sure that SP genuinely believes he is not. However I expect, and it comes across in his posts and on the radio. that his definition of what racism is fairly old and it is no longer the classical definition of disliking another person due to the colour of their skin. I am not saying that SP is on a par with the Alf Garnett character or the likes of Bernard Manning who would not have thought themselves as racist but I just think he lags a bit behind the times in his understanding of issues at present.



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14 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

SP comes across to me as reasonably well meaning but rooted in the past. He got a bit upset when in the election thread he was accused of being a bigot and racist. Understandably, as most people would not like to be thought of in that manner and I am sure that SP genuinely believes he is not. However I expect, and it comes across in his posts and on the radio. that his definition of what racism is fairly old and it is no longer the classical definition of disliking another person due to the colour of their skin. I am not saying that SP is on a par with the Alf Garnett character or the likes of Bernard Manning who would not have thought themselves as racist but I just think he lags a bit behind the times in his understanding of issues at present.



How about instead of flinging claims around you provide us now, with the solid evidence of all the awful things he's said?

I'm not saying he's NOT said anything a bit iffy in the past but can we just take a minute or two and think about whether or not he has been genuinely OFFENSIVE and offended, discriminated or ever antagonised against any racial or ethnic minorities? 

You're probably one of those types that will firmly attest to the whole everything must be perfectly politically correct agenda and we're not allowed to say anything, by any stretch of the imagination, which MAY upset somebody because they're of a different origin. 

You're probably the type to proclaim "OH! That's Racist!!" all the time, but would still happily call somebody a "Ginger bastard!" in an argument and not think twice about it. 

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54 minutes ago, Barlow said:

@Lost Loginhas never been quite the same since jacking in Manx Forums after getting ganged up on during the early days of the pandemic/lockdown days. To be fair, it wasn't a flounce or anything like that, more an "I've had enough, I'm off- see ya".

I can't remember what it was about but he stood his grand quite admirably (even though he was total wrong).


I cannot either now but I think at the time my opinion was that we should be making a lot more effort to protect the vulnerable and the elderly so that the rest could live a more normal life. At the time I thought that was a reasonable argument as it was being presented that Covid 19 generally effected the elderly and the vulnerable. Probably I also was of the view that as with illnesses' s like flu we accepted a there will be a small number of severe cases rather than aim for zero which is not consistent with what we do with other illnesses. We do not close the borders when there is a severe strain of flu which could impact the elderly. 

Others disagreed which is fair enough, but it is the level of abuse you get from certain posters if you hold a difference of opinion. Over the years the forum has gone down hill as the level of abuse that is dished out when somebody has a difference of opinion seems to have gone through the roof. Similarly there are posters who are abusive about certain politicians etc and do not appear to be able to refer to them in anything but a derogatory manner then lay into somebody who dares be impolite about.

At the time I believed my argument was reasonable based on what was known although I accepted that there was a valid argument for a different course of action. Based on what they were saying at the time I was not particularly concerned about my health if I caught Covid 19 as I was outside of the risk categories and new a fair few who were not in the risk categories who had Covid 19 and were fine or had not passed it on to people they lived with. In hindsight I have admitted I got it wrong as Covid, and especially later variants affected far more people outside what were seen the risk groups than initially appeared the position. In spring 2020 I would have happily travelled to the UK and not particularly been concerned about catching Covid 19. By the end of that years I would not have wanted to risk catching by travelling until I was vaccinated. 

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3 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

I cannot either now but I think at the time my opinion was that we should be making a lot more effort to protect the vulnerable and the elderly so that the rest could live a more normal life. At the time I thought that was a reasonable argument as it was being presented that Covid 19 generally effected the elderly and the vulnerable. Probably I also was of the view that as with illnesses' s like flu we accepted a there will be a small number of severe cases rather than aim for zero which is not consistent with what we do with other illnesses. We do not close the borders when there is a severe strain of flu which could impact the elderly. 

Others disagreed which is fair enough, but it is the level of abuse you get from certain posters if you hold a difference of opinion. Over the years the forum has gone down hill as the level of abuse that is dished out when somebody has a difference of opinion seems to have gone through the roof. Similarly there are posters who are abusive about certain politicians etc and do not appear to be able to refer to them in anything but a derogatory manner then lay into somebody who dares be impolite about.

At the time I believed my argument was reasonable based on what was known although I accepted that there was a valid argument for a different course of action. Based on what they were saying at the time I was not particularly concerned about my health if I caught Covid 19 as I was outside of the risk categories and new a fair few who were not in the risk categories who had Covid 19 and were fine or had not passed it on to people they lived with. In hindsight I have admitted I got it wrong as Covid, and especially later variants affected far more people outside what were seen the risk groups than initially appeared the position. In spring 2020 I would have happily travelled to the UK and not particularly been concerned about catching Covid 19. By the end of that years I would not have wanted to risk catching by travelling until I was vaccinated. 

This tells me that you have your head switched on and you operate with integrity.

To be able to hold your own and justify, rationally, and respectfully, why your decision-making seemed to be right at the time amidst a set of circumstances really is a trait that is seldom found in people these days. 

Fair play. 

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2 minutes ago, Darkness Incarnate said:

How about instead of flinging claims around you provide us now, with the solid evidence of all the awful things he's said?

I'm not saying he's NOT said anything a bit iffy in the past but can we just take a minute or two and think about whether or not he has been genuinely OFFENSIVE and offended, discriminated or ever antagonised against any racial or ethnic minorities? 

You're probably one of those types that will firmly attest to the whole everything must be perfectly politically correct agenda and we're not allowed to say anything, by any stretch of the imagination, which MAY upset somebody because they're of a different origin. 

You're probably the type to proclaim "OH! That's Racist!!" all the time, but would still happily call somebody a "Ginger bastard!" in an argument and not think twice about it. 

When he was suspended from Manx Radio. I listened to the broadcast and his subsequence utterings. It would not be classically racist in that you simply dislike the views of anybody else with a different skin colour but he came across to me as clearly prejudiced and simply prepared to disregard the views of one side and accept the opinions of the other with little challenge. I agree there were one or two on the opposite side who were dicks. 


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9 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

When he was suspended from Manx Radio. I listened to the broadcast and his subsequence utterings. It would not be classically racist in that you simply dislike the views of anybody else with a different skin colour but he came across to me as clearly prejudiced and simply prepared to disregard the views of one side and accept the opinions of the other with little challenge. I agree there were one or two on the opposite side who were dicks. 


Understandable, but unless my memory fails me was he not cleared of any wrongdoing by the independent regulator? 

Seems like the woke patrol just kicked up a bit off a fuss because he's an older white gentlemen and that's the kind they target. 

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