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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Aaaaye...'jus a goood ol' boy from down the norrrrth tho', demeanin' meself an' a load of other yessirs for a cheeep laaaf at the expense of a social stereotype. I dunno wot that meeeens tho' 'cos sum fella rote it down for us. But youse'll know n'all.

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1 hour ago, Craig King said:

Hah hah! I didn't realise it had become a 'news' item on Manx Radio Mandate.



Oh they can do much better then that. I liked the one a couple of weeks ago that included the times and locations that the new ice cream van service would be open for business in Laxey. :)

Edited by woolley
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3 hours ago, Craig King said:

It sounds like a caricature and as such should be applauded as a bit of a grin, but the advert is intended to be a serious Manx accent. Which makes it even funnier fella.

Every culture has its short bread tin Scotsman or leak wearing Welshman etc. There always has been a fair share of tracksuit wearing knobs here shouting "Heyboy" at everyone in a Mouser accent. There are dicks in every culture. 

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13 hours ago, Craig King said:

No. The Manx Radio advert is spoken by the greatest living Manxmen, in the world, ever, John 'Dog' dog dog Callister. I know that because he came on straight away to tell everybody. And that is how he speaks all the time he says. And that is true Manx.

And as Chris Williams said, he is the Manx Bard - Official.

Well as far as I am concerned the advert is like a Gaiety Theatre Isle of Man fringe Young Farmers pantomime act of a yokel Manx Accent, wth an over-abundance of 'Yessirs' and plenty of 'Fellas' (a recent addition to the 'Manx' vocabulary btw).

By chris' yessa, this Islan' is gettin' desperate for it's identity by the minute. Fella'.



Prof Brian Stowell is the greatest living Manxman

John Dog can wait his turn

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52 minutes ago, Max Power said:

The ad that I find most patronising to the Manx accent is the double glazing advert with the woman who so obviously has no Manx accent really laying on thick, 'Jeffreeyyy'!

what about the one where 2 people are talking about how one of their wives got dressed up to go and see Tom Jones or something?

That's awful

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17 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

I had to chuckle when John was made Manx bard. Top bloke, grand fella and all that, but there's dogs roaming the streets that know more about poetry than John.

I quite liked his poem at the LitFest Poetry Slam, some nice imagery. But maybe that was just the contrast to all the rhyming couplets. 

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I believe there is a very thin line between a harmless caricature of the Manx accent and a 'piss take'.

I can juss amagine an enthoosiastic prodoocer sayin "goo-one John lay it on thick for this one".

Seriously, Johns normal Manx accented voice would have been quite sufficient, if directed differently.

If you wanted a seriously beautiful Manx voice, (IMHO) that belonged to the late John Kennaugh. 

Heard him do the Farming programme, some wonderful pathos stuff, and his sermons, as well as lighthearted things, including commercials on Manx Radio.

Never once, in of those very different scenarios did he sound like he was 'puttin us Manxies to shame'. Making us sound 'Common as muck'.

Not suggesting for one minute that John Dog did. He's a proud Manxman, as am I.....but the ad could have been better produced. 

And of course, with repetition, it just seems to get worse!!


Edited by Sentience
Clarity, dang I that's it......Clarity
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