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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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11 hours ago, woody2 said:

why is manx radio buying news content off sky when the bbc are in the same building.....

some of manx radios reporters are already funded directly by the bbc, to much money to spend......

Wow, DOES Manx Radio buy content from Sky?  And I always thought the BBC only funded their own operation and journalists. I didn't know - but you seem to know much more about the station than me.

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7 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Wow, DOES Manx Radio buy content from Sky?  And I always thought the BBC only funded their own operation and journalists. I didn't know - but you seem to know much more about the station than me.

Instead of the poor sarcasm, why not supply a counter argument...or isn't there one?

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9 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Wow, DOES Manx Radio buy content from Sky?  And I always thought the BBC only funded their own operation and journalists. I didn't know - but you seem to know much more about the station than me.



Their wages will be funded by the licence fee - but the staff will work for accredited local news providers, rather than the BBC itself.

iomtoday stated that manx radio reporters are funded by the bbc, (papers search doesn't work)

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7 minutes ago, Declan said:

Theoretically, that role could be placed in the IOM Newspapers, or Energy / 3FM or even alongside Paul Molton on his online tv thing. I bet establishment pressure will see it in Manx Radio though.  

iomtoday said it was going to be a role at manx radio, lets not forget manx radio get a massive grant from the bbc every year...

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Absolutely agree Sentience , I never 'got' T E Brown until I heard John reading some of his work , I , somewhat hesitantly, introduced myself and 'shared' this with him and found him a delight . 

Attended a few of his talks and  particularly liked the one which included how  , at Christmas , he checked on his stock prior to  returning to the farmhouse .


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3 hours ago, Neil Down said:

Instead of the poor sarcasm, why not supply a counter argument...or isn't there one?

Because I'm not an official spokesman so don't have access to real statistics that would probably blow Woody2 and his constant bitching about Manx Radio out of the water.  And poor sarcasm amuses me. BTW: The newspaper story talks about future plans, not current staffing.

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21 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Because I'm not an official spokesman so don't have access to real statistics that would probably blow Woody2 and his constant bitching about Manx Radio out of the water.  And poor sarcasm amuses me. BTW: The newspaper story talks about future plans, not current staffing.

"probably" doesn't cut it I'm afraid

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27 minutes ago, Neil Down said:

"probably" doesn't cut it I'm afraid

but vague uninformed opinion from an anonymous poster does?

why is the emphasis on Stu to put the effort in to refute spurious claims?

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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

iomtoday said it was going to be a role at manx radio, lets not forget manx radio get a massive grant from the bbc every year...

I don't think they do - though Manx Radio's Accounts are pretty vague.   They did get a one-off payment a few years back to do with the digital switch-over, but the Government effectively grabbed that for themselves[1].  The BBC do pay rent to Manx Radio for the reporters they have based at Douglas Head - though we don't know how much it is, it probably doesn't count as 'massive', though arguably it's a bit of a hidden subsidy.

There's enough to criticise about the financial arrangement at Manx Radio without imagining stuff.


[1]  They gave it to Manx Radio and then cut Manx Radio's subvention for that year (and that year only) by a larger amount.

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On a slightly separate note, I just had MR on in the car on way to work. The DJ was again mentioning 'Smart Local Focus'....which I had kind of forgot about !

So it was launched with the strap line 'The worlds first internet search engine.....powered by radio'...or words to that effect. Does anyone actually know what the hell that means ??!! Is that not akin to saying 'Well, this is very exciting news, we have a really unique product...we have the worlds first supercar.....powered by custard !!

So aware I was perhaps being cynical, I thought fair enough I should at least visit the site and have a look around. I randomnly picked Restaurants in the Douglas area (after having to scroll down through the drop down lists because annoyingly you cant type free format in the field for what you are looking for !) and hit search

I got ONE result back...Fryers Fish and Chips in Onchan. So arguably a takeaway and not a restaurant. There is a long list of other businesses with phone numbers underneath, who presumably have not signed up to localfocus...but you cannot click on them, cannot see any further information etc. Which basically means certainly for restaurants, any sane minded person is going to use Google/TripAdvisor to find out what they need.

I then thought that only one restaurant signing up in the three months plus since this was launched seemed pretty poor, so I searched for all entries across the board. Unless I am mistaken it would seem there is only 12 businesses in the whole island who have signed up to this ?

Is anyone able to provide any further information/feedback on this ? Has anyone ever actually used it or benefitted from these brilliant offers that MR keep saying are available ? How much has been spent on it ? I really don't get it im afraid !

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22 minutes ago, sausage said:

On a slightly separate note, I just had MR on in the car on way to work. The DJ was again mentioning 'Smart Local Focus'....which I had kind of forgot about !

So it was launched with the strap line 'The worlds first internet search engine.....powered by radio'...or words to that effect. Does anyone actually know what the hell that means ??!! Is that not akin to saying 'Well, this is very exciting news, we have a really unique product...we have the worlds first supercar.....powered by custard !!

Powered by BS is probably a better description. I can't imagine why, when getting good SEO via Google and great analytics from Google Analytics etc (and using other services like targeted ads on Facebook) is so cheap, anyone would throw money away on this product from Manx Radio. It's not like any of the old grannies who listen to Manx Radio are going to hunt your business down online anyway. It seems crazy to me. 

Edited by hboy
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