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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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12 hours ago, Anyone said:

I would imagine that an MHK salary plus benefits beats freelancing for Manx Radio and is probably a whole lot easier if you avoid any ministerial or departmental role. 

I was earning more on an hourly basis doing radio than doing politics, its just that I do more hours now.

Easier? You should try it, although I doubt you have the temperament or ability.

Avoiding roles? Well, apart from being Vice Chairman of the OFT and member of the Tynwald Constitutional, Legal Affairs and Justice Committee, but then I offered to be elected Benevolent Dictator For Life and nobody took me up on it.

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12 minutes ago, IOM said:

Ah of course it’s a completely fictitious data set which is all made up ! What utter rubbish all the respected radio operators follow it including Global and Bauer ! And advertisers use it to help them direct ad spend . I am sure there will be a level of inaccuracy but I would suggest in the round it’s a fairly accurate picture of listening habits . 

Yes it's very outdated and inaccurate. Not something you would really use to measure anything these days. 

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12 hours ago, Barlow said:


Er, duh.
Only 'a fool' would try and compare Manx Radio with BBC, as you have tried to do here.'

And Stu of course:


They're both public service broadcasters so a comparison is logical, the same with RTE. I was simply pointing out that one was very much cheaper than the other two.

Why do you think they're incomparable?

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12 hours ago, Barlow said:

^ As did many people on the Island.

Mandate was the flag ship programme for well over 20 years, and it did a good job with interviews and reports, and up to a point it held politicians to account.

And then the powers that be discovered Manx Radio could replace Mandate with musical wallpaper and guff conversation between the presenters - for just the same subvention money. And far less work and hassle. And of course this suited the politicians, who could have a 'lie in' and listen to the pop music and guff. Unless they wanted to, no one is going to drag them up Douglas Head to answer awkward questions no mo'.



Totally agree

I used to support the subvention for Manx Radio to support its public service broadcasting remit, especially its news and current affairs remit. We were forever being told, see Stu Peters earlier post, that speech based programming was far more expensive than music based programming and that Manx Radio could stand if it did not have the public service. 

Since the re-organisation under Alex Brindley my support for the subvention has slowly dwindled as the news and current affairs aspect slowly get cut and  dumbed down. Mandate in the morning has ceased to be a news programme. I used to be a frequent listener but not any more as it seems basically music intercut with headlines very 15 or 20 minutes. All the recorded or live interviews have long gone.

There used to be 2 hours of basically current affairs speech based broadcasting on a Sunday lunchtime but that has also gone and it has been replaced by music. Where have the savings from cutting back on speech based music gone? With 4 hours of day time programming having programs with two rather than a single presenter Manx Radio does not feel like a radio station tight for cash.  




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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

You should try it, although I doubt you have the temperament or ability.

Avoiding roles? Well, apart from being Vice Chairman of the OFT and member of the Tynwald Constitutional, Legal Affairs and Justice Committee, but then I offered to be elected Benevolent Dictator For Life and nobody took me up on it.

That is probably a bit unfair. Just look at some who are presently MHKs and those who have been elected in prior elections and although I have no idea who "Anybody" is or what they do I doubt they would not have the ability to be an MHK as it does seem that any ability is basically required.

1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

Avoiding roles? Well, apart from being Vice Chairman of the OFT and member of the Tynwald Constitutional, Legal Affairs and Justice Committee, but then I offered to be elected Benevolent Dictator For Life and nobody took me up on it.

Really what experiencing or knowledge does a jobbing freelance radio presenter with entrenched views really bring to those positions, especially the legal affairs and justice committees. I am not picking on SP in particular, he just posted on this thread, but it seems to be a reflection on the number of MHKs and their knowledge and experience that when filling roles it is difficult as a member of the public to look at and think, yes that person's background experience would appear to fit the role they are appointed to rather than they are simply appointed because somebody has to fill a position. John Wannenburgh when he stood was stated to have "25 years in the events, entertainment and hospitality sector" so that obviously makes him an idea fit for Home Affairs. We have an ex-compliance officer in the Department For Enterprise which is headed by a doctor.  A person who has spent 15 as an education support officer in the Treasury

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38 minutes ago, Lost Login said:


Totally agree

I used to support the subvention for Manx Radio to support its public service broadcasting remit, especially its news and current affairs remit. We were forever being told, see Stu Peters earlier post, that speech based programming was far more expensive than music based programming and that Manx Radio could stand if it did not have the public service. 

Since the re-organisation under Alex Brindley my support for the subvention has slowly dwindled as the news and current affairs aspect slowly get cut and  dumbed down. Mandate in the morning has ceased to be a news programme. I used to be a frequent listener but not any more as it seems basically music intercut with headlines very 15 or 20 minutes. All the recorded or live interviews have long gone.

There used to be 2 hours of basically current affairs speech based broadcasting on a Sunday lunchtime but that has also gone and it has been replaced by music. Where have the savings from cutting back on speech based music gone? With 4 hours of day time programming having programs with two rather than a single presenter Manx Radio does not feel like a radio station tight for cash.  




100%.  Lord knows why so many programmes are double-headed.  You can't magic the chemistry that makes many such partnerships work, like Johnny Vaughan and Denise Van Outen.  It comes from the personalities of the presenters, not because there are two. 

More current affairs programming please. 

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

100%.  Lord knows why so many programmes are double-headed.  You can't magic the chemistry that makes many such partnerships work, like Johnny Vaughan and Denise Van Outen.  It comes from the personalities of the presenters, not because there are two. 

More current affairs programming please. 

They nicked the bulb out of the torch that shines a light into the darker areas of IOM life!

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2 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Agree Gladys especially the morning breakfast show for part of the time there are three of them usually discussing their food preferences.

Sadly Manx radio has lost touch with the Manx public , its abandoned  those who enjoyed mandate  and the political programs , and many listened to the rural affairs and farming program on a Sunday morning along with the history man , 

I know the youngsters they were hoping at attract don't listen to it either ,   we are now strictly radio 4 family  in the morning from 7-30 ,,                 And at the weekend  the Manx newsdesk must be like the Marie Celeste with the Skeleton at the wheel , and why when there is a bank holiday  most people  off and there are no program's such as Mannin line  especially when the listeners are at home and might want to tune in or catch up on whats going on , 

With oner a million in subvention from government I object  to this waste of public money and its time there was a halt called to this poor value for money 

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6 minutes ago, Omobono said:

Sadly Manx radio has lost touch with the Manx public , its abandoned  those who enjoyed mandate  and the political programs , and many listened to the rural affairs and farming program on a Sunday morning along with the history man , 

I know the youngsters they were hoping at attract don't listen to it either ,   we are now strictly radio 4 family  in the morning from 7-30 ,,                 And at the weekend  the Manx newsdesk must be like the Marie Celeste with the Skeleton at the wheel , and why when there is a bank holiday  most people  off and there are no program's such as Mannin line  especially when the listeners are at home and might want to tune in or catch up on whats going on , 

With oner a million in subvention from government I object  to this waste of public money and its time there was a halt called to this poor value for money 

And isn't that the type of shows the million quid was supposed to be used for?

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3 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Agree Gladys especially the morning breakfast show for part of the time there are three of them usually discussing their food preferences.

Or guessing how old some celebrity is, or reminiscing about when their parents first played some classic track, to engage with their target audience.

Whereas their actual audience remembers the first hit by that celebrity and also was the parent playing that fantastic new track  to their kids. 

I suppose the old adage of "dress for the job you want" has been inappropriately applied to catering for their audience.  They have the audience they have and will never get the audience they are targeting. 


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4 hours ago, Omobono said:

I know the youngsters they were hoping at attract don't listen to it either  

Well of course they are hoping to attract youngsters but I’m sure that is not their main driver as in doing so they would lose a lot of their core audience. Older listeners like me.

The younger audience may prefer Energy or 3 fm 

In my youth I was a regular listener to BBC Radio One. As I grew older I got to prefer Radios 2 and 4 .

Horses for courses, nothing wrong with that. You can’t be all things to all men.

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Gladys, that sounds like Radio 4 to a tee! They even have a program that asks 'Young' people to listen to a Pod Cast they would not normally consider, guess what, 50% say they wouldn't bother again!

Pongo says broadcast radio is on the way out, he's probably right!

MR probably need to keep their current audience happy and to hell with chasing a new listener.

Ten years from now, their core audience will be dead, a management buyout and do what they like with their own money!!!

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10 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I was earning more on an hourly basis doing radio than doing politics, its just that I do more hours now.

Easier? You should try it, although I doubt you have the temperament or ability.

Avoiding roles? Well, apart from being Vice Chairman of the OFT and member of the Tynwald Constitutional, Legal Affairs and Justice Committee, but then I offered to be elected Benevolent Dictator For Life and nobody took me up on it.

How do know I don’t have the temperament or ability ( lots of ability but you are right not the temperament , can’t stand bullshitters or civil servants in general ) lots of nutters have managed to get into the Keys. Not that you are I might add but more than a few so I’d probably fit right in. As far as the hours go just coast like the rest. You might think you are making a difference but in the end none of you do. Not your fault or anyone else’s , just the way things work sadly. I don’t know what you want to achieve in your 5 ( or is it 4 ) but I do know you will probably fail. But you will get a nice pension. No one minds that but maybe you should admit it. After all what other reason would any sane person want to be an MHK in the current climate. Nice line of jobs on your CV but I’ve not a clue about any of then apart from the dictator one ( which is why I think you are not a serious politician but basically saw a chance of a few Bob at the arse end of your career - and good on you for that as you not the first or last who have done that ).

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