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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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20 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

That’s hardly a surprise.  Who listens to local radio anymore?

Not the old ones who used to.  They are dead.

Not young ones.  They listen to Spotify or similar.

Not my generation.  We aren’t limited to FM anymore so listen to Capital, Virgin, Absolute, Radio X etc or Spotify.

I don’t know anyone under 60 who listens to local radio other than if there is big news kicking off.  I really don’t see there is much they can do about it as it is local radio simply can’t compete for show content and quality of presenter and the need for local news or the need to listen to what is broadcast in your area have both gone.

Broadcast local radio will be dead inside a decade in my opinion.

Seems to me you need to do a little more research on the subject and understand who does listen to radio you make some very sweeping comments which I am not sure would pass scrutiny . Something of a bizarre comment old ones are dead too . 

I can’t tell from your post what you would propose who on earth for example would provide news for the island I assume you do realise that Manx Radio do a lot of it ? 

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20 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

Broadcast local radio will be dead inside a decade in my opinion.

Its been on life support for years, even old people don't listen as they can check the weather on teletext and there is load of antiques guff on the telly if they are bored. 

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The news MR produces is pathetic half a story usually and the if nothing new happens they repeat the same news in a slightly altered form over and over.   Mickey Mouse news readers stuttering , mispronouncing and one who is difficult to understand altogether.   It is time it stood on it’s own two feet and got rid of a good portion of it’s staff.   It comes to something when the five minutes that is obviously a recording of the late Terry Cringle is the only thing worth listening to.   I do like George Ferguson’s choice of music and Carnaby St. but that is about it, Phil Gawne’s whining voice is another move for the knob moment.

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42 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

Its been on life support for years, even old people don't listen as they can check the weather on teletext and there is load of antiques guff on the telly if they are bored. 

I assume you are an expert in this and have the data to support your comments ? If not then I suggest you research it all in a little more detail and start to understand it a bit better . 

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36 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

People get their news from social media or on demand.

There is still a requirement for local news, but 20 years ago people tuned in on the hour.  Now they pick their phone up whenever they feel like it.

Very interesting and where did you carry out your research ? You seem very sure so I assume you have all the data and information to support this . 

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6 minutes ago, IOM said:

I assume you are an expert in this and have the data to support your comments ? If not then I suggest you research it all in a little more detail and start to understand it a bit better . 

Which one of the sales team are you?

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4 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

Which one of the sales team are you?

I have nothing to do with Manx Radio or any other station . However I do find sweeping comments on these forums based on a few peoples opinions without anything to back them up rather nauseating . I think these sort of remarks do little for the people that do appreciate the service and also for the morale of the people working at the radio station whose jobs and livelihoods you are bashing . 

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6 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

The local radio stations provide local news and that is a service most local people use.

I said broadcast radio was on its last legs and that they need to change their model.  I think most people would agree and that is reflected by their push towards social media.

People don’t listen to fixed time news like they used to when there was no option.  I don’t see how you can dispute that.

I don’t claim to speak for everyone but I haven’t watched a top of the hour TV news broadcast for years and I used to sit down at 10pm every night.  Times have changed

Well here is some actual data for you . But according to you people don’t bother with fixed times news! 

The BBC is reaching an audience of more than 20m a week across its evening news bulletins at 6pm and 10pm.

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4 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

I didnot say people don’t bother as clearly some do.

Are you honestly suggesting that the move to social media and online news and music hasn’t had an impact on radio listening?

How about data from latest Rajar . I don’t think 50m is an insignificant number of people listening. 

The numbers are in for Q1 2022 RAJAR and show almost 50m adults in the UK continue to listen to the radio.

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1 hour ago, Youaintseenme said:

Is there anyone here who uses radio broadcasts as their main way of getting local news?

We're probably not an unbiased sample though.  By definition anyone who posts on Manx Forums is going to be 'very online' and so likely to get their news mostly from online news sites etc.

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57 minutes ago, Youaintseenme said:

I would say that’s Bollocks to be fair.

People who are “very online” probably haven’t used a forum for years.

Forums are dieing death as well with the exception of a small number that attract middle aged people and pensioners like mumsnet

I think you are the one talking bollocks and not @Roger Mexico.

An online forum is very online. Forums are becoming more popular and not less. 

Yes, favoured by silver surfers I agree. But the number of silver surfers is exploding in numbers. 

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7 hours ago, Youaintseenme said:

Ok.  It’s late and you clearly work for a radio station.

I will wait for the hundreds of people to comment on the morning how they live to tune into local news because they can’t get that info online at their own convenience and as soon as that happens I will admit I was wrong

You seem to have a lot of preconceived views . I already stated that I do not work for any radio station or for that matter have anything to do with the radio industry. All I have done is find some readily available information to show that a lot of people still listen to radio . 

I might suggest that before you go about making sweeping statements you spend a bit more time understanding what people actually do rather than formulating a view based on what you personally do .  

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