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Desperate Dan

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Is she South African ?   I have friends that are and I understand them.   No disrespect here she may be a valued member of staff but I do not think she is the best person to read the news.   Simon Richardson is good and a couple of others they seem to just get anyone who is handy to read the news which is probably the most listened to broadcast on the station the weather people are problematic too.  Having said all that I doubt I am missing much and there is generally a rehashed version some days later on a quiet news day.      Phil Gawne is another matter just a nasal whine.

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4 hours ago, hissingsid said:

Is she South African ?   I have friends that are and I understand them.   No disrespect here she may be a valued member of staff but I do not think she is the best person to read the news.  

I must confess I thought she was an escapee from the short lived “small talk” competition on the breakfast show where they got children to talk about something and you had to guess what that thing was.

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Thank god Andy is back, Bonzo was on fire today, Quirky not so much I didn’t hear Howard I do hope he is well 😜 it was about wind power in the main Daph is coming on in three weeks to tell us how she and her Committee are progressing that should not take long.   The amount being trollied around has now dropped from the 41,000 to 37000 or something like that no one said where the rest has gone although sea defences were mentioned very briefly.   It is was mentioned if we lease the land they require to build the turbines the boat going to Liverpool will be sent off course which is a bit of a buggar when we have just paid out a nice few quid for the all singing, dancing landing stage but hey ho it is Tynwald day tomorrow so drinks all around 🤩.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't listen to MR much these days but heard some Mannin Line today.

Quirky was on giving it lahdee lahh about "this Government" being inactive. The presenter nicely responded by suggesting to the former MHK and self-styled elder statesman that the said problems were there when he was in Government.

(non-developed sites: Summerland, Vic Rd Prison, Castletown Golf Links Hotel etc)

The reply was less than convincing.

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3 minutes ago, hissingsid said:

It is getting embarrassing now , nearly every day he is on pure waffle and crap how he ever got voted in heaven knows the trouble is the voters of Onchan have never really had much to choose from and have to go for best of bunch, look at the last lot of wannabes.

Maybe they could give him and Gawnio a programme to themselves...we've got "Talking Heads".

We could call theirs, "Talking Shit". Where they both get airtime to discuss their remarkable achievements whilst in office.

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1 minute ago, Non-Believer said:

Maybe they could give him and Gawnio a programme to themselves...we've got "Talking Heads".

We could call theirs, "Talking Shit". Where they both get airtime to discuss their remarkable achievements whilst in office.

It would be the shortest show in Manx Radio History.

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they should  do what David Callister  used to do with marg Joughin and Roy  Gough  and give them a rest for a week or so ,  I think Bonzo and a few others like Quirkie  are tending to hog the programme now ,and it would be good to have  a few manin lines when people are encouraged  to phone in for the first time for a comment ,

either that , or find some presenter who will subject callers to much more scrutiny and not just let them rant on ,

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