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Desperate Dan

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44 minutes ago, Zarley said:

While I've yet to "phone in", I have often texted in. They certainly DO filter out texted questions or comments they don't like. Whenever I've texted a Q or C that could be construed as controversial (I've never been rude or used profanity) it's been ignored. I've yet to have a non-controversial text ignored.

There's no doubt in my mind they filter out callers with potentially controversial Qs or Cs as well. It just stands to reason and yes, next time I'll gird my loins and call in to see what happens. (I dislike talking on the phone, hence normally texting instead.) 

I used to text in. And when Wint ever read them out he twisted the wording so that the text made a different meaning, which I can only assume was his intention. It also usually allowed him to be make a smug remark in reply.

I don't believe many of the correspondence exists that Wint reads out anyway, and it just sounds like they are made up by him, so that he can make a clever reply to.

To be fair to Stu Peters he read any texts and comments just about word for word. 

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18 minutes ago, Barlow said:

I used to text in. And when Wint ever read them out he twisted the wording so that the text made a different meaning, which I can only assume was his intention. It also usually allowed him to be make a smug remark in reply.

I don't believe many of the correspondence exists that Wint reads out anyway, and it just sounds like they are made up by him, so that he can make a clever reply to.

To be fair to Stu Peters he read any texts and comments just about word for word. 

Yes I've had Wint do that to me as well, but I learned to be as concise as possible to give him less to twist. I can be rather long-winded* so sometimes I just give up rather than give him ammunition. 


*you may have noticed? 😂

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Yes, I learned the same. On such as a forum you can spread it out a bit and go back and edit if necessary, but that's obviously not the case txting in to Mannin Line. As with using Twitter when there was a 90 character limit, there is a need to be concise and to the point.

Wint wants something to twist and for him to think he's making an opposing view (as long as it makes him sound smart). If a txt can't do that for him he just won't read it out, particularly if it is to the point. I gave up too.

Bring back Stu. But I suppose there would be more chance of bringing back David Callister, Marje, and Dorothy from Peel.

Edited by Barlow
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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

The one good thing with Quayle was this stopped, probably because he was pretty useless at reading things out from a piece of paper.

I recall reading that at some important meeting, Quayle was reading from a teleprompter. The prompter gave some text along the lines of "(pause for adulatory applause)", but Quayle read it out verbatim.

I cannot find a reference to that, so maybe it is a self-generated memory. Still, it's as good as the real thing.

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I think you may be referring to the good ol' Hyperbowl (where the yanks play rounders I think)

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13 hours ago, Barlow said:

I think you may be referring to the good ol' Hyperbowl (where the yanks place rounders I think)

The "bowls" are all American football championships. In baseball there are two leagues. The two teams who win the Pennant (top of their league) go on to play the World Series. Yes, "world", even though it's just North America. That's Yanks for ya!


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13 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

Now that we have David Quirk and Brian Stowell on the Mannin Line every day maybe it's time for the Onchan Alternative Show.

They're a great Manx double-act. Always reminds me of a sitcom like the Odd Couple or Tony Hancock, with Brian as the grumpy misanthrope and David the dogged sidekick who won't be beaten.

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34 minutes ago, WTF said:

who's the bonzo fella that gets to rattle on and talk bollocks ?, i can see why he's called bonzo.

There is a fella called Tony that talks some shit too. He was talking about an enquiry into Summerland. You couldn't have made it up what he was saying and there was also a lady on today talking about water turbines and why we should use them instead of wind. The show is becoming a laughing stock. If I was Wint I would be embarrassed. I think he is embarrassed sometimes. I don't know why he doesn't just cut them off.....well I do......there would be no show anymore.

Should be once a week I think and with a guest each time

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