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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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21 hours ago, Dave Hedgehog said:

Marvellous. Now as well as not listening to Manx Radio shows you can also now not watch them online

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=37008&headline=Don't just listen to Manx Radio - you can now watch shows online&sectionIs=NEWS&searchyear=2017

Even by the standards of Manx Radio 'management', this is pretty all pretty odd.  According to the IOM Newspapers piece[1] "Manx Radio is now providing a service on video and its own version of the BBC’s iPlayer system".  But of course they've had a listen again facility for years  and what Anthony Pugh describes as "initiatives [that]will put it ’ahead of the market’ " appear to consist of video clips on the website and using webcams. Even the actual webcams aren't new.  If you look at the interview that Brindley and Gavin Smith from Manx Telecom gave to a rather sceptical John Moss, the facility has been there since their latest lot of equipment was installed years ago, they've just never bothered to use it.

This has all been branded, both portentously and redundantly as "the portal".  They make a big thing about hosting other people's content, which  consists in a large part of Paul Moulton stuff for MTTV, plus  some other stuff (mainly sport-related) they appear to have published already on YouTube.  Of course Moulton's stuff mainly illustrates just how poor and scanty their own in-house offerings  are.

Now studio webcams of radio programmes have been around for a very long time - the Today programme's started in 2000 for example.  Although Manx Radio don't even appear to intend to do something as high tech as that  Rather than showing the full Mandate (say) in all its glory, a few token clips appear to be put up when they feel like it.  Brindley makes much about how people now consume news over the internet, but Manx Radio's effort in that direction haven't changed for many years[2] and this really does nothing much to add to this[3].  You suspect it may have been prompted by 3fm starting to use video clips in their news reporting online, despite their not having anything near Manx Radio's news budget or  public service remit.

So in other words this is just Manx Radio continuing to party like it's 1999.


[1]  You imagine them trying to write it in as neutral a tone as possible, while stifling giggles.  The piece is one of the few times when they quote things as being "from a press release", rather than just copying and pasting its contents, presumably wishing to distance themselves from the nonsense as much as possible.

[2]   In their last big reorganisation (2012?) they actually got rid of the website editor along with making most of the presenters freelance.  The number of managers remained unchanged however.

[3]  For example it's very rare to have online news items or their associated sound clips of any length at all and most of the new video snippets are similarly truncated.  They still seem to designed as 'tasters' to get someone to listen to the original (unlinked) radio item rather than stand-alone new items in themselves.  Equally there's rarely any attempt in online news to link to other stories or external sources of information.  And I suspect the word 'podcast' has never been spoken on Douglas Head. 

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2 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Oh yeah, Roy.:lol: 

Roy knew his stuff. From the price of a loaf of bread throughout the North West to the VAT take of the Isle of Man. It was Roy who publicly mentioned the huge VAT share of the Island, quite some time before it was cut.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Even by the standards of Manx Radio 'management', this is pretty all pretty odd.  According to the IOM Newspapers piece[1] "Manx Radio is now providing a service on video and its own version of the BBC’s iPlayer system".  But of course they've had a listen again facility for years  and what Anthony Pugh describes as "initiatives [that]will put it ’ahead of the market’ " appear to consist of video clips on the website and using webcams. Even the actual webcams aren't new.  If you look at the interview that Brindley and Gavin Smith from Manx Telecom gave to a rather sceptical John Moss, the facility has been there since their latest lot of equipment was installed years ago, they've just never bothered to use it.

This has all been branded, both portentously and redundantly as "the portal".  They make a big thing about hosting other people's content, which  consists in a large part of Paul Moulton stuff for MTTV, plus  some other stuff (mainly sport-related) they appear to have published already on YouTube.  Of course Moulton's stuff mainly illustrates just how poor and scanty their own in-house offerings  are.

Now studio webcams of radio programmes have been around for a very long time - the Today programme's started in 2000 for example.  Although Manx Radio don't even appear to intend to do something as high tech as that  Rather than showing the full Mandate (say) in all its glory, a few token clips appear to be put up when they feel like it.  Brindley makes much about how people now consume news over the internet, but Manx Radio's effort in that direction haven't changed for many years[2] and this really does nothing much to add to this[3].  You suspect it may have been prompted by 3fm starting to use video clips in their news reporting online, despite their not having anything near Manx Radio's news budget or  public service remit.

So in other words this is just Manx Radio continuing to party like it's 1999.


[1]  You imagine them trying to write it in as neutral a tone as possible, while stifling giggles.  The piece is one of the few times when they quote things as being "from a press release", rather than just copying and pasting its contents, presumably wishing to distance themselves from the nonsense as much as possible.

[2]   In their last big reorganisation (2012?) they actually got rid of the website editor along with making most of the presenters freelance.  The number of managers remained unchanged however.

[3]  For example it's very rare to have online news items or their associated sound clips of any length at all and most of the new video snippets are similarly truncated.  They still seem to designed as 'tasters' to get someone to listen to the original (unlinked) radio item rather than stand-alone new items in themselves.  Equally there's rarely any attempt in online news to link to other stories or external sources of information.  And I suspect the word 'podcast' has never been spoken on Douglas Head. 

I think what you also need to factor in is that Butt took the press release and no doubt rooks snippets of it to suit his own agenda.  Look at the tone of the article.

So what you are seeing is probably about ten percent of what was actually provided to the newspaper with the rest twisted and mangled to make little sense.

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I do so hope this news is true, not bothered about the others, but certainly as far as alex brindley is concerned. Will it be downloadable so tgat i can rewind and replay his best bits in any particular show? Plus, there is no better template than alex's blazers for adjusting and fine tuning the contrast on my television. This is fantastic news, worth the license fee alone

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Roger - this isn't my area of expertise, but I think what Alex was saying is that the telephone/TBU system has had a video facility as part of the software for some time, and the 'new' digital desks installed some years ago are able to send a 'voice present on channel' signal to it that automatically switches a number of minicams (rather than just one webcam) thereby making stuff visually more interesting. Should work well on programmes with lots of guests for example.

So I think it's only the minicams that had to be bought-in especially, and it all seems rather clever. I'm not keen on it - the cameras are clearly faulty as they make me look fat.

Edited by Stu Peters
Clarified tech
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4 hours ago, gettafa said:
7 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Oh yeah, Roy.:lol: 

Roy knew his stuff. From the price of a loaf of bread throughout the North West to the VAT take of the Isle of Man. It was Roy who publicly mentioned the huge VAT share of the Island, quite some time before it was cut.

Roy wasn't a bad sort and he was clearly clued up on a lot of stuff, but wasn't his whole time spent griping that he should have been getting the same pension as locals who, unlike him, had paid in all their lives ? Poor buggers gone now hasn't he?

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4 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Roger - this isn't my area of expertise, but I think what Alex was saying is that the telephone/TBU system has had a video facility as part of the software for some time, and the 'new' digital desks installed some years ago are able to send a 'voice present on channel' signal to it that automatically switches a number of minicams (rather than just one webcam) thereby making stuff visually more interesting. Should work well on programmes with lots of guests for example.

So I think it's only the minicams that had to be bought-in especially, and it all seems rather clever. I'm not keen on it - the cameras are clearly faulty as they make me look fat.

The technology is shit though, the output is just random cuts between cameras and completely pointless mainly because it's radio and let's face it if looks had been a factor in employment you would still be driving taxis, and that's a compliment as what would the rest of them do? Suppose if MR actually ever asked a tough and unexpected question then a close up of the interviewees response might give some insight but as that never happens and all it does is randomly cut to wide or the presenter it's just pointless crap, as for their own version of iPlayer? Embedding YouTube clips in a webpage is not iPlayer.

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