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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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Declan even dismisses knowledge about early Pink Floyd (a group he doesn't even like) if it was learned easily via YouTube or the internet and why does he dismiss it? Because that's too easy and accessible. Unless it's completely esoteric and learned through esoteric means, Declan will reject it. This is snobbery for the sake of snobbery.


Sorry but I didn't dismiss finding music this way. You're reading too much into an opinion on one band. It's brilliant that people have easy access to so much music from around the world, and from much of history. It's been especially invigorating for young musicians as they have access to a massive musical palate that wasn't possible in previous years. I'm not even sure how I'd discover new music nowadays without it.


Also the only reason you dismiss my opinions as snobbery is because of your own inferiority complex. People have opinions on music, they differ. It's not a big deal, but apparently we can't express ours in case it upsets you.


There's lots of good obscure music, I'm sorry if you haven't discovered any. But there's lots of incredibly successful music, that's also lots brilliant massively successful music - it's just not made by pretentious gits like Pink Floyd.

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I don't doubt that notty.


But he was on the Public Services Commission, and it is a mighty powerful body that can agree a secret pay deal and all that that implies. Easy to engaratiate yourself with so many people when it is other people's money you are spending.

I don't really get the point you are making.

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I know lots of obscure music but I don't brag about it. The fact that it's obscure or popular is irrelevant to me. If it's good it's good, if it's shit it's shit.


My sentiments exactly.


So maybe we can discuss music like adults without this passive-aggressive talk about snobbery.

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Just snobbish about how MY money is spent. Even if it was the greatest radio station on earth I'd still oppose having to fund it. Then again if it was half decent they wouldn't need taxpayer subsidies AND ad revenue to survive. It should be one or the other, not both.

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Firstly, you probably pay next to fuck all tax.


Secondly, you probably consume services at a cost much higher than you support them.


Thirdly you appear to have an issue with government subsiding something and if it can't stand on its own feet commercially it should not be supported. So I assume you'd be glad to see the NSC go and numerous other things on the island.


As I said, you don't know.

Edited by notwell
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Firstly, you probably pay next to fuck all tax.


Secondly, you probably consume services at a cost much higher than you support them.


Thirdly you appear to have an issue with government subsiding something and if it can't stand on its own feet commercially it should not be supported. So I assume you'd be glad to see the NSC go and numerous other things on the island.


As I said, you don't know.


Firstly, I pay a lot of tax.


Secondly, I don't consume more than I contribute.


Thirdly, you're absolutely right that I'd be glad to see the NSC and numerous other expensive white elephants go on the island. We are going down the shitter with too much big government. We need to cut down on spending starting with pointless things like these which really should be commercial. There are plenty of gyms on the island who don't get subsidies from the government.


As your name indicates, you're not well.

Edited by llap
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