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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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6 hours ago, GD4ELI said:
6 hours ago, piebaps said:

Of course its about the budget. Radio Cornwall gets a £1.42m slice of licence payer money. Presenters are on public sector salaries and public sector pensions.

Poor old Stu is on whatever freelance deal he managed to haggle which will be nothing like a PS salary deal.

Compare like with like please.

Nothing stopping 'poor old Stu' from being interested in his work. Today's TH was embarrassing, only reason I listened was to test a radio. Will tune back in next year.

Edited 6 hours ago by GD4ELI

Maybe Stu is just bored because of his mundane life, like writing computer code all day, living in a retirement village alone and having a social life that consists of going to the little pub with his dogs and driving a girls car.

 Then there is you , heavily into fast cars, motorbikes, women and playing in a band with your friends and having an all round good time .

 Oh F***, I got that back to front.:lol:


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7 hours ago, woody2 said:

what does manx radio get now?

There's a subvention of £875,000 which together with commercial earnings take the total income to a bit over £2 million (based on 2015-16 accounts).  There will be some costs associated with commercial activities,  but the the useful income is probably higher than £1.42 million that Radio Cornwall gets according to GD4ELI.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

You must have the wrong station. Every time I switch on it's effin' adverts.

That silly bitch isn’t still lookin’ f’ Jeffrey to feed the chiiiickens is she?

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Just now, woolley said:

It''ll soon be time for "They're different words, children." Deep joy. Bloody embarrassing, most of the adverts.

That wasn’t an ad...it was a news soundbite from Tynwald.

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11 hours ago, GD4ELI said:

Listening to Talking Heads' NHS program. Feeble.

At the same time BBC Radio Cornwall's program is about the NHS in Cornwall. Excellent.

Good job you're a grockle then. TH is about contributor comments, it's not a current affairs documentary programme. But then I've explained that before to R2D2 so have concluded that he's just a bit thick (or is it more politically correct to mention a spectrum?).

Local programme for local people. No place for your kind of deserter.

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6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Good job you're a grockle then. TH is about contributor comments, it's not a current affairs documentary programme. But then I've explained that before to R2D2 so have concluded that he's just a bit thick (or is it more politically correct to mention a spectrum?).

Local programme for local people. No place for your kind of deserter.

On Radio Cornwall the program is driven by the presenter who is full-on and motivated. On Manx Radio it appears to be driven by apathy from all concerned. Such a shame to treat a topic like the NHS in this way.

Edited by GD4ELI
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12 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Bloody hell Derek, you were a copper and you can't tell the difference between 2 stations that play pop music ( more than likely on a loop or part  pre recorded) and the only station that has live broadcasts, covers all the motorbike events, has phone ins, women's progs. , farming features, Manx language progs.,  etc. etc. infinitum. ?:o

Scale the staff, review the output, and run the comparison. The point is that two out of the three have to operate wholly commercially. The fact they have survived shows it can be done.

12 hours ago, dilligaf said:

Do you not get a big Gov. cheque too ?

I’m sorry I’m not sure what you are getting at there?

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    He's implying that once you're  ïn" you're "in "    I think Derek and don't like to bite the hand that feeds you  ?  Bit like a few other regular posters on here who once they'd accepted the queens shilling became transparent almost to the point of vanishing.

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10 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

There's a subvention of £875,000 which together with commercial earnings take the total income to a bit over £2 million (based on 2015-16 accounts).  There will be some costs associated with commercial activities,  but the the useful income is probably higher than £1.42 million that Radio Cornwall gets according to GD4ELI.


+they had a refit not so long back and are due another which needs to be taken into account.....

i wonder how much of the commercial earnings come from iomg one way or another....

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2 minutes ago, homarus said:


    He's implying that once you're  ïn" you're "in "    I think Derek and don't like to bite the hand that feeds you  ?  Bit like a few other regular posters on here who once they'd accepted the queens shilling became transparent almost to the point of vanishing.

So a bit like the hokey cokey .?......... That's what it's all about :D ,I'll get my coat

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37 minutes ago, homarus said:


    He's implying that once you're  ïn" you're "in "    I think Derek and don't like to bite the hand that feeds you  ?  Bit like a few other regular posters on here who once they'd accepted the queens shilling became transparent almost to the point of vanishing.

H, I'm not sure who that is aimed at. Are you saying that you think I am a Gov. worker ?


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