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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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I'll stick up for Andy Wint. I think he's a good presenter with a good style. It's a shame he fell out with MR but it's obviously all been sorted out. On the phone ins he was just trying to do a mild version of that "shock jock" style that was popular at the time but probably not appreciated by the old stagers phoning in back then. I think they're all dead now anyway. Maybe the shock killed them.

There was definite falling out with the station manager,at the time. I can't recall his name but was very surprised when he told me at some length about Wint's aggresive attitude towards him. I wasn't that interested but he must have been feeling the need to vent about it!

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I'll stick up for Andy Wint. I think he's a good presenter with a good style. It's a shame he fell out with MR but it's obviously all been sorted out. On the phone ins he was just trying to do a mild version of that "shock jock" style that was popular at the time but probably not appreciated by the old stagers phoning in back then. I think they're all dead now anyway. Maybe the shock killed them.

There was definite falling out with the station manager,at the time. I can't recall his name but was very surprised when he told me at some length about Wint's aggresive attitude towards him. I wasn't that interested but he must have been feeling the need to vent about it!


Maybe he phoned the Mannin Line when Andy was doing it!

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Firstly, you probably pay next to fuck all tax.


Secondly, you probably consume services at a cost much higher than you support them.


Thirdly you appear to have an issue with government subsiding something and if it can't stand on its own feet commercially it should not be supported. So I assume you'd be glad to see the NSC go and numerous other things on the island.


As I said, you don't know.


Firstly, I pay a lot of tax.


Secondly, I don't consume more than I contribute.


Thirdly, you're absolutely right that I'd be glad to see the NSC and numerous other expensive white elephants go on the island. We are going down the shitter with too much big government. We need to cut down on spending starting with pointless things like these which really should be commercial. There are plenty of gyms on the island who don't get subsidies from the government.


As your name indicates, you're not well.

Firstly, Manx Radio is a bag of shite and should try and stand in its own two feet.


Secondly, I also pay a "lot of" tax, but still think if you work out what you get back most of us don't pay what we take out over a lifetime - and that clearly leads to a huge problem.


This year I have two kids in ful time education, I have been ill (a fairly standard treatable issue but if you google the cost of an MRI scan and the relevant medication!!!!), we use the roads, rely on the police,have a fire and ambulance service on standby (I would seriously downgrade the fire brigade given the option) and loads of other stuff.


I don't have figures,but would be suprised if more than 5% of us pay in more than we take out over a lifetime.

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I must be part of the 5% then - I've paid a lot more in than I'll ever take out. But that's the price of living in a free market capitalist democracy. I don't complain about all the things my taxes fund that I don't use or don't agree with.


trmpton: in YOUR opinion MR is a bag of shite. By way of contrast I had a lovely message from a new listener in Indiana, USA this week who said it was the best radio station he'd ever listened to and far better than the local stations there. MR wins industry awards, is regularly 'inspected' by expensive consultants when MHK's get bored of doing serious work and is always found to be punching above its weight, and is good value for money - it costs much less to run than an equivalent BBC Local Radio station, and without the same call on resources or a network sustaining service.


I understand that there are parts of it that people don't like. There are parts of it that I don't like, so I don't listen to them. But to brand the entire operation 'shite' is irrational and ridiculous.

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.....snip....By way of contrast I had a lovely message from a new listener in Indiana, USA this week who said it was the best radio station he'd ever listened to and far better than the local stations there.....snip....



Well, I'm glad the IoM taxpayer subsidy for MR is keeping fans in the USA happy.


Hardly a way to win over the doubters that is it......

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If you think 95% of people get more out than they put in then I think you live up in the clouds and not in the real world. I actually do pay a lot of tax, adding up to well over 50% of my income so do not tell me otherwise. Most people pay similarly don't add up all the stealth taxes.

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If you think 95% of people get more out than they put in then I think you live up in the clouds and not in the real world. I actually do pay a lot of tax, adding up to well over 50% of my income so do not tell me otherwise. Most people pay similarly don't add up all the stealth taxes.


Sorry, i'm not fully following that. Are you saying that you pay over 50% income (or combined) tax?

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