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Manx Radio

Desperate Dan

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3 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Akin to pele telling me i have a decent right foot

I often remember your parents lamenting the day about 9 months before your birth, when two vans drove down their road with music playing.

The first was the ice cream van with the man calling out " stop me and buy one". The other was the Durex van with the guy calling out "buy me and stop one"

They sadly bought ice creams.

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7 hours ago, Neil Down said:

So what was this topic about...:blink:

The usual Dilli shite. One mans personal crusade to finally get rid of MF. Quite remarkable that he's suddenly become this righteous asshole considering the usual misogynist, backward tripe he usually spouts. 

The kind of guy who would've been the first in the queue for the President Club ball until the shit hit the fan then afterwards distance himself from and denounce the behaviour. 

Classic bellend. 

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10 hours ago, Neil Down said:

So what was this topic about...:blink:

The meltdown seems to have been triggered by piebaps pointing to a particularly poor piece of journalism on Manx Radio online (and presumably broadcast) where some FoI requests about legal aid had been misunderstood as an attempt to set up a Manx Army.  This has now silently disappeared from the website (without apology or correction), but not before I copied it and posted it on MF.  I also pointed to some more systematic failings in Manx Radio that this exemplified.  

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15 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well spotted.  It's probably better to quote the Manx Radio item in full in case it mysteriously vanishes:

It's actually the only original item they've come up with today (everything else was press release stuff published automatically at 7am[1]) and they don't even seem to have got the details of what they have published correct (there was a TA presence on the Island after the War and there is again today). But it's astonishing that they couldn't even read as far in the FoI request to see that the information already supplied to the requester was about  "Criminal Legal Aid Costs" and "the Legal Aid Public Defender Sub-committee".   You'd think even the most inexperienced journalist would have been warned to check further, and anyone would click on the links to see what was already known about the story.

But I suppose that if the main purpose of journalism is seen as faithfully repeating what you've been told, then any form of investigative enquiry is going to be treated as something to be kept carefully away from.


So the question was about the cost etc of setting up a Public Defenders Office for legal cases rather than setting up some sort of Home Guard?

Edited by Declan
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13 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Who shows their posts on here to their parents? Or children? Am i the only sober person on here?

I have been known to show my dad things on here and the minibee, she sometimes posts here but I don't know her screen name. Sometimes I show MrBees something I've posted, usually just before I delete it :)

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