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George W And Iran


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US planning massive bombing campaign against Iran


The Bush administration is planning a massive bombing campaign against Iran, including use of bunker-buster nuclear bombs to destroy a key Iranian suspected nuclear weapons facility, The New Yorker magazine is to report in its April 17 issue.


The article by Seymour Hersh said that President Bush and others in the White House have come to view "Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a potential Adolf Hitler." "That's the name they're using," the report quoted a former senior intelligence official as saying.


A senior unnamed Pentagon adviser is quoted as saying that "this White House believes that the only way to solve the problem is to change the power structure in Iran, and that means war."


In recent weeks, the president has quietly initiated a series of talks on plans for Iran with a few key senators and members of the House of Representatives, including at least one Democrat, the report said.


One of the options under consideration involves the possible use of a bunker-buster tactical nuclear weapon, such as the B61-11, to insure the destruction of Iran's main centrifuge plant at Natanz, Hersh wrote.



Errm..if this report is true and to be believed, should we be a little bit worried about George W wanting to use nuclear weapons against Iran? I know, they're "only" bunker busters, but still - the US military is over-stretched as it is - surely, there must be another solution to this?

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The actual existence of the plan isn't that much cause for concern, since it's not unusual in times of tension for countries to work on sometimes seemingly dramatic plans of conflict. An example was during the cold war, where recent documentation shows the Soviet Union's plans for strikes against Europe, and British plans to combat soviet invasion of West Germany with giant 'landmines' that carried a nuclear payload. Such plans do not, however, suggest that this conflict is imminent, or even inevitable. It's more likely that this document has been leaked by the US in an act of sabre-rattling, in an attempt to shake Iran's resolve to the point where a less disasterous resolution to the current impassé can be effected.


Note that the report says that nuclear bunker busters are only an option at the present moment in destroying Iran's centrifuge plant. If this were a serious plan of imminent war, and one that was never meant to reach public eyes, you'd think that it would be talking in far more robust tones about similar strikes against strategic targets up and down Iran, especially since the US conventional military is so overstretched. As such, my guess is that it's primarily an attempt to put the heebie jeebies into Iran's government.

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So Al Bawaba, that well known bastion of factual Middle East reporting not, is scaremongering. Well who would have thought it?


The US has made it known that shortly they will test a "bunker buster" bomb that uses "conventional" explosives. So that's all right then!


You can run, but you can't hide...

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My view is that long before the US gets around to doing anything about Iran, Israel will have done it for them. Back in the early 80's Israel did the same thing when Iraq looked like having nuclear bomb making material and bombed Saddams reactor. The Iranian one may be a bit tougher to bomb but the Israelis already have their own nuclear capability and extensive US ordnance. Only thing is if they did bomb Iran the shit would certainly hit the fan good style!



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I doubt that Iran will be ready for the attacks if and when they come because as long as nobody tells them everything will be ok.

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Wow, an islamic country with lots of oil being threatened by the USA because of "weapons of mass destruction", how novel, totally unexpected.

Next it will be Tony Blair supporting them.

Where will it end? With a wonderful result like Iraq perhaps?

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What tends to be overlooked here is that Iran's policy of acquiring nuclear weapons is a direct response to Washington’s years of sabre rattling & words of pre-emptive strikes against Iranians. At present our media sources are doing a sterling job in creating the public consent needed to support a PRE-EMPTIVE strike on Iran.


So yet again biased & unjust US/UK foreign policy & the cosy relationships between the Political/Military & our so called media have played directly in to the hands of the extremists.... Way to go! Will we ever learn??


Personally I think it would be better for all of us if the US/UK would sort out their own internal strife, before casting themseleves as the Worlds Policemen.


Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones & all that

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Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran



Quality - I remember the Bin laden ones but I am sure that was after the bombing started.....


My bet is there will be strikes on Iran by the end of the year - based on no fact just a wild guess.

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A few quotes from an American president who did serve in wartime, wise words then, even more so now with Dubya running unchecked.



"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."



"Only Americans can hurt America"



"The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without. "

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Specious arguments justifying the manufacture of atomic weapons by Iran abound and often the nuclear status of Israel is used as an excuse to justify the actions of Iran. That is so much bull.


ALL Israeli governments past, present, and future know only too well that of all of the nations on the Earth their possession of a nuclear capability (if they do actually have such a capability) is pure and simply the ultimate example of having a nuclear deterrent.


If Israel EVER went first strike then there is no government in the world that would stand behind them.


This is most certainly NOT the case with Iran and any retaliation then made against Iran would immediately result in a closing of ranks with other islamic states world wide. Add to that the use of homicide bombers as an acceptable means to an end in the persecution of infidels, the deaths of innocent FOM as being martyrs and all that brings, and there really is a danger far greater than the world has EVER seen from communism or for that matter even Nazism. At least Nazism contained the seeds of its own destruction not to mention the desire to live outweighing the desire to die in all but the most rabid Nazi.


All attempts to bring Iran into line with the modern world – even to the extent of Russia offering them power station grade uranium for their (claimed) peaceful use of atomic power and which they rejected – and so it now really is a case of time that they were made to toe the line.


Let’s just hope that the US will once more take on the role that the rest of the world are so ready to benefit from and at the same time lambaste them for doing what they do that actually benefits all and do anything and everything even top the extent of turning Iran into trinitite to rid the world from the threat of an islamic bomb.



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