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Which Is The Worst Cigarette Butt Grot Spot?


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Personally if a company has a smokers policy (mine does) and allows them to go outside for breaks, they end up working a good half an hour less than me a day for the same wage. Plus if I want to have a beer at lunchtime I can't because of the company's alcohol policy (its an office, its not like I use heavy machinery).


I think smokers get an easy ride on this basis.


If I could work half an hour a day less and get pissed at lunchtime I might feel different about it.

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Will the anti-litter exercise apply to Douglas 'bus station' - maybe it is a way to stop smoking in public spaces - it was great to see in Shetland that there was a notice attached to all bus stop shelters indicating that there was a hefty fine for smoking together with a phone number for people to complain about smokers. One smoker in the bus shelter makes it totally unpleasant for non-smokers but of course they don't want to wait in rain.

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An office I worked in many years ago established a 10 minute break in the morning and also in the afternoon for everyone. Smokers could go and smoke and non-smokers could go for a cuppa or quick shag or whatever.


Seems reasonable.

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Sorry MCB, but the trend is now to marginalise smokers which means that more are pushed into the street to smoke. Surely you non-smokers will put up with a few cigarette butts on the pavement as a quid pro quo for having a smoke-free environment indoors?

Smokers mentality, lazy bastards who can't be arsed finding a bin for their stinky butts, just chuck it on the floor for some other fucker to clear up

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Sorry MCB, but the trend is now to marginalise smokers which means that more are pushed into the street to smoke. Surely you non-smokers will put up with a few cigarette butts on the pavement as a quid pro quo for having a smoke-free environment indoors?

Smokers mentality, lazy bastards who can't be arsed finding a bin for their stinky butts, just chuck it on the floor for some other fucker to clear up


Totally agree with you. Litter is litter and a very large amount of the litter on our streets comes from smokers carelessly discarding their fag ends. I find their behaviour selfish and self centered, but what should I expect from a habit that makes my hair and clothes stink and exposes me to carcenogens.


Was in Scotland recently ... a pregnant collegue complained when we suggested meeting in the hotel bar ... "it'll stink of cigarettes and I don't want to be exposed to the smoke" ... she was delighted when she realized smoking was banned. Made being in the bar much more pleasurable.

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yes it's great eating out in Scotland now - no longer do you have to ask for the non-smoking section and hope it is far enough away from smokers so as not to have your meal ruined - horrible shock when on the way back we stopped off in a N England pub to find that just one or two smokers could make the place stink.

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... she was delighted when she realized smoking was banned. Made being in the bar much more pleasurable.

Still no reason why smoking shouldn't be allowed in some premises - where smokers can go and non-smokers can avoid. It is not a pleasurable experience for smokers not to be able to socialise with their own kind, and, a breach of their civil liberties for mealy mouthed fascists to dicate that they should not be able to do so on private property such as a pub that allows smoking. There are plenty of pubs and hence a market capable of dealing with both types of customer, as well as those who accompany them who are indifferent.

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. . . . just one or two smokers could make the place stink.


I was in the Woodbourne the other day and there was a woman in the front bar puffing away like mad on a cigarette and bellowing out great masses of smaoke. She wasn't even inhaling the smoke, just getting huge mouthfuls and blowing it out for effect her own effect. How anti-social is that?

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When smokers were integrated with the rest of us, nobody gave them a second glance. Now they stand out as the dirty seedy bastards they are, with no regard for the health or wellbeing of those around them.

The sooner that they all 'disappear' the better!

I am sure that they have affected my health and probably that of many people I know. Is there anything more selfish than a smoker, especially one who has children in this more enlightened age?

Anyone who starts smoking is an absolute dickhead these days, and it calls their intelligence and judgement into question. Think about it.... do people who smoke perform well?

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yes it's great eating out in Scotland now - no longer do you have to ask for the non-smoking section and hope it is far enough away from smokers so as not to have your meal ruined - horrible shock when on the way back we stopped off in a N England pub to find that just one or two smokers could make the place stink.


Why dont you stay in cotland at let us smokers have a pint in peace.


Smoke does not make a pint go flat but some git eating chips does.

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