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Which Is The Worst Cigarette Butt Grot Spot?


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Is there anything more selfish than a smoker, especially one who has children in this more enlightened age?


Worst thing in the world is the pikey single mothers that smoke while pushing their brats around in their pushchairs.




What a look.

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yes it's great eating out in Scotland now - no longer do you have to ask for the non-smoking section and hope it is far enough away from smokers so as not to have your meal ruined - horrible shock when on the way back we stopped off in a N England pub to find that just one or two smokers could make the place stink.


Why dont you stay in cotland at let us smokers have a pint in peace.


Smoke does not make a pint go flat but some git eating chips does.



Smokers are the most pathetic of people I would rather sit in a room full of heroin addicts than sit in a room full of smokers at least they are only killing themselves

Why get hooked on somthing that costs loads of money, may lead to you having your legs removedmakes you smell turns your teeth yellow and kills you in a slow painfull way


bunch of dumb asses the lot of them

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Is there anything more selfish than a smoker


Yes! There are the selfish - and dictatorial - bastards who refuse to let them have smoking rooms anywhere (and will often invade such places simply for the sake of being offended and complaining loudly about it).

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Talkings about smells , i went to the Get Cape Wear cape fly gig in the villa, the place is no smoking and 250 people in a room dancieng sweating ect , the place stunk !! No ciggy aroma to mask the bodily functions of the revelers lol

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ChopleyTurnip, that was a long, but very worthwhile read. Thank you. The language was a little extreme, but I can pretty much say I agree with every word!


I've used this before on the Forum somewhere, but I really respect Frank Zappa, and he said a very similar thing about drugs:


A drug is neither moral nor immoral - its a chemical compound. The compound itself is not a menace to society until a human being treats it as if consumption bestowed a temporary licence to act like an asshole.


Cigarettes, alcohol, controlled substances - it isn't them that's the problem its the assholes behaving badly and antisocially that's the issue.


What you post calls acting like a cunt.

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An illuminating read Chopley, although it goes without saying that I disagree with your verdict on smokers.


Have you been listening to Pete and Dud recently? "A bloke came up to me and said 'hello'...".


Or reading Trainspotting?

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An illuminating read Chopley, although it goes without saying that I disagree with your verdict on smokers.


Have you been listening to Pete and Dud recently? "A bloke came up to me and said 'hello'...".


Or reading Trainspotting?


Off-topic Stu, but any idea where i can get hold of a copy of the Pete & Dud recordings in question? Used to have it on vinyl til it got lost in a house move many years ago.


Back on-topic, I gave up smoking a couple of weeks ago and am feeling rather smug about it. I have my sense of smell back and it's costing me a fortune in dry cleaning now that I realise how much all my clothes/curtains and everything stink.


Good post Chopley, food for thought for any smoker.


edited for spelling.

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Heroin addicts actually do themselves no physical harm providing they take a regulated dose of clean heroin, morphine, opium or whatever....smokers endanger us all.......why are heroin addicts a greater pariah?


How may heroin adicts take a regulated dose of clean heroin/morphine?


How many smokers mug people on the streets to feed their habit - how many smokers break and enter to rob other peoples posessions for their fix??


Not that many I'm sure!!




As for the whole "air pollution" argument, if you drive a car you're pumping nasty carcinogens and pollutants into the atmosphere, so if you drive a car, you're ust as much of a selfish cunt as the smokers!

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Heroin addicts actually do themselves no physical harm providing they take a regulated dose of clean heroin, morphine, opium or whatever....smokers endanger us all.......why are heroin addicts a greater pariah?


How may heroin adicts take a regulated dose of clean heroin/morphine?


How many smokers mug people on the streets to feed their habit - how many smokers break and enter to rob other peoples posessions for their fix??


Not that many I'm sure!!


I think you need a lesson about the effects of pure opium on an entire society. Should we call that society 19th century China. These were the days before processing and cutting the fruits of the poppy. Opium was basically a pure natural product and it caused untold misery to millions of Chinese and many others beyond its shores ... read Sherlock Holmes and his miseries in the opium dens of London.


Opium and its products produces lethargy, lack of emotion, it makes its users withdraw from society and believe the only way of achieving happiness to is consume more of the substance, then perversely the body becomes accustomed to the poppy and so the user requires more and more of it to achieve an ever lessening escape. It also causes constipation on a truely huge scale!


I hope you understand how corrosive this can be on a society (especially the constipation). It was by no means the only cause of China's decline in the 19th century, but only a fool would deny the impact of having many millions of formally productive people becoming addicted to a substance that had to be paid for in silver to what I can only describe as amoral Englishmen who used all the powers of Victoria's Empire to demand the right to pedal their poison against the prohibitions of the Chinese state.


Wars, death and misery for millions were the result.


Any one who claims taking pure heroin causes no harm is uninformed and knows little of the poppy's history. It is a sad tale, and I hope those who know it will steer well away from its fruits.

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An illuminating read Chopley, although it goes without saying that I disagree with your verdict on smokers.


Have you been listening to Pete and Dud recently? "A bloke came up to me and said 'hello'...".


Or reading Trainspotting?


Off-topic Stu, but any idea where i can get hold of a copy of the Pete & Dud recordings in question? Used to have it on vinyl til it got lost in a house move many years ago.

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