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Comedy Alert

Desperate Dan

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All my posts seem to be about radio lately but purely because it has kept me sane during some difficult months at work and i ain't too political. Well here is the latest comedy that has cheared me up!


This girl thats on the afternoon show. She managed to talk for 7 minutes about getting over looking silly when in a walking race! I sat that there and pissed my pants.

Firstly who cares what you look like when your in a race and secondly is it magic mushroom season?

More comedy to come i reckon, this girls is off her rocker on life

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DD "This girl thats on the afternoon show. She managed to talk for 7 minutes about getting over looking silly when in a walking race! I sat that there and pissed my pants".


you don't mean like Paula Radcliffe - surely not??


Even better was the interview on MR Countryside tonight at about 18:12 or so when the bloke being interviewed said:- quote "In the mid-nineties we were doing some ringing" hahaha :D ...really...did he use his clamp on some tits too?? :D

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