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The Chatterbox Challenge


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The rules are simple.


Select a news story from the net and post a link.


Then come up with a tenuous link to the Isle of Man from that news story.


Points are awarded as follows


1 Pt for bafflement and/or stunned silence.

2 pts for inducing perplexed scratching of heads

3 pts if your tenuous connection leaves people with a vague feeling of doom.

4 pts for calling on the Government to act now.

5 pts if you ask why hasn't Manx Radio / IOM Press picked up on your story.

100 pts if Manx Radio / IOM actually do pick up on your story.

-5 pts if your connection turns out to be genuine and interesting.

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Cornwall's airport could be renamed after Radio 1 DJ, Jo Whiley.


In the article we see that Blackpool Airport has named a Boeing 737 Jet after Jo Whiley. A Boeing 737 is a plane, which sounds the same as a different word - plain. Plain is a flavour of crisps, as is Cheese and Onion. Cheese and Onion Crisps are very tasty and can be frequently bought and consumed in Pubs on the Isle of Man.


Will a smoking ban in pubs on the Isle of Man have a detrimental effect on the sale of Cheese and Onion crisps? The government doesn't seem to have considered this!!!11111oneone1eleventy1!


What will happen to the likes of Walkers when a smoking ban comes in here? The UK government are already covering up the fact that Golden Wonder were done in by the Scottish Smoking ban, is the media on the Island also doing the same as we have heard nothing of this GREAT THREAT to salty snacks on the Island.



I'll get me coat...

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Cornwall's airport could be renamed after Radio 1 DJ, Jo Whiley.


In the article we see that Blackpool Airport has named a Boeing 737 Jet after Jo Whiley. A Boeing 737 is a plane, which sounds the same as a different word - plain. Plain is a flavour of crisps, as is Cheese and Onion. Cheese and Onion Crisps are very tasty and can be frequently bought and consumed in Pubs on the Isle of Man.


Will a smoking ban in pubs on the Isle of Man have a detrimental effect on the sale of Cheese and Onion crisps? The government doesn't seem to have considered this!!!11111oneone1eleventy1!


What will happen to the likes of Walkers when a smoking ban comes in here? The UK government are already covering up the fact that Golden Wonder were done in by the Scottish Smoking ban, is the media on the Island also doing the same as we have heard nothing of this GREAT THREAT to salty snacks on the Island.



I'll get me coat...


They've moved Blackpool to Cornwall?


The bastards, nobody told me this was going to happen. I'm not going to sodding Cornwall for a day trip! I think the government should step in and make them bring Blackpool back to the North.


I can't believe that nobody has mentioned it, why haven't Manx Radio been reporting about the relocation of Blackpool.


I think that this could be the end for day trips from the island, it'll never be the same again. A rollercoaster with cream tea just doesn't have the same impact does it!


I'll be writing to my MHK about this scandal.



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Does anyone know what the Douglas Corporation enforcement officer actually does for his £30,000?


Has he actually left the office yet? And while he does favours for the Council, Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, has to go to Iran on his own to sort out the nuclear problem.


I hope the ratepayers know what is going on.

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my rates bill arrived yesterday...its by no means the biggest in Douglas but on my limited income £485 quid is a lot...and so I just feel that I need to be sure I am getting value for money...to my mind I have to ask why the Corpy is employing for £30k a year an "enforcement officer" as well as two "bye-law inspectors" each on £25K+.....when did anone ever see a bye-law enforced...and a prospecution published in the newspapers as a result of non compliance??

I have no issue with the individuals unless they are not doing what they are tasked to do..... but as no one seems to know, not even the elected representatives..... how can anyone tell if the ratepayers are being taken for a "jobs for the boys" ride, or not??

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my rates bill arrived yesterday...its by no means the biggest in Douglas but on my limited income £485 quid is a lot...and so I just feel that I need to be sure I am getting value for money...to my mind I have to ask why the Corpy is employing for £30k a year an "enforcement officer" as well as two "bye-law inspectors" each on £25K+.....when did anone ever see a bye-law enforced...and a prospecution published in the newspapers as a result of non compliance??

I have no issue with the individuals unless they are not doing what they are tasked to do..... but as no one seems to know, not even the elected representatives..... how can anyone tell if the ratepayers are being taken for a "jobs for the boys" ride, or not??

But... but... but... WHO do you ask? and why do you never post any of the replies?


I'm a Douglas ratepayer too although I must be even poorer than you because my house only attracts a rate bill of £358 which means that I (and many others) have to budget our finances, often to the penny. I also want to know that I am receiving value for money.


I think it is great that you are aware of so many abuses of power and money. I also think that it is great that you want to regularly share them with us forum members. I'm sure that you must also have the means to answer so many of your own concerns and thus inform us all of your findings.


You have so many speculative 'questions' but offer so few actual answers. Help us out here mate. :thumbsup:

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