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The Good Things On The Iom


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Firstly I am a Manxie born-and-bred just like you (I suppose). I'm not MCB. If you can interpret my signature then you may realise who I am or if you are still stuck you could send me a PM.


Cheesemonster, MCB and you all the same person eh? Are you Crumlin and FCMR too?

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I think I've been accused of being MCB in the past as well. I can't really understand why as MCB has more extreme views than myself and certainly of a different political spectrum. Maybe I'm being accused of being MCB, FMCR and Crumlin simply because these people are the few on this forum who actually have opinions which aren't knee-jerk and populist.

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I think I've been accused of being MCB in the past as well. I can't really understand why as MCB has more extreme views than myself and certainly of a different political spectrum. Maybe I'm being accused of being MCB, FMCR and Crumlin simply because these people are the few on this forum who actually have opinions which aren't knee-jerk and populist.


Nope. It's because you seem to have absolutely no sense of humour whatsoever. A trait shared with all of the people named above.


And with that I shall leave this thread. Never to return

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I like the scenes the best. Sure its not as vast or maybe as splended as other places but there is a bit of everything, coasts, countryside, hills, the lot. I can't complain about the amount of tax I pay (too much anyway).


I must admit more negative things spring to mind but I choose to stay here so whats the point in moaning.


I think violence is the worst. I would quite happily let my girlfriend walk around Soho in London and get the tube at night but I would be very pesimistic about her walking home in Douglas.

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I'm with Politician...43 years before I moved here and it was instantly my first real 'home'. Somewhere I'm proud of and would gladly fight to defend.


Adore the place, and (most) of the people...but isn't that true everywhere.

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No what you inferred in your post was that you are better than us Manxies because you are not insular and are somehow more sophisticated us mere mortals who's idiocy depresses you. What colour you bring to our dull sheep-abusing lives just by being here!


Terry's offer of a ticket does, I am sure, still stand.


MCB your new identity is f**ked already.


Give up.


An alternate, and in my view more likely, interpretation is that it's more interesting being in a multi-cultural setting than a largely homogenous group. Variety, spice, and all that.

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I'm with Politician...43 years before I moved here and it was instantly my first real 'home'. Somewhere I'm proud of and would gladly fight to defend.


Adore the place, and (most) of the people...but isn't that true everywhere.

What he said...except from the "fight to defend" bit - we Germans have to be a bit careful with that stuff...


...Oh and that pretty much anywhere on the island you are 10 minutes away from a beach, 15 from mountains and 5 from fields.

Mountains? What mountains? No offence, but Snaefell is a hill at best - that's what a mountain looks like:




The mighty Zugspitze - at 2964m, it's Germany's highest Mountain, and I've climbed up there a few times in the past (past = when I was still physically fit and didn't have an office job...).

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So as i see it the isle of man is this :


1. Has great countryside


2. The tax structure is better


3. The crime is not as bad as the UK




Three things is not much for a place that is meant to be so good.


The problem with the isle of man is its a island, this means you have so many people with closed minds to the bigger world.


We are all able to have an opinion thats the great thing of being is a free thinking world.


Like is said closed minds make people give two or three word answers like "There is a boat in the morning"




I personally think that the isle of man is unmatched for what it is, just a shame about the people.

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The island is too small, depressing and constantly being around Manxies all the time makes you appreciate the multi-cultural UK society a lot more.


Depressing? I can't quite understand how anyone could call the Island depressing?


May I suggest that it is infact you and the way the choose to live your life that leaves you feeling depressed and it is nothing to do with the Island. I am sure you would be a miserable tosser wherever you lived!


If ever there was a reason to say "There is a boat in the morning" etc etc it would be to you perhaps we should all club together now and get you a ticket.

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You seem to like the island yet would like it to be more like england,you know, people with open minds to the world, BNP for example. Man U supporters on their joyous losing rampages, inner city race riots all things absent over here.

Where indeed is this perfect country that we should try to emulate.


One thing that always crops up regarding immigration is that immigrants wont try to integrate, they try to change things to what they were used to where they come from.

Why try to change the IOM, accept it for what it is, warts and all.

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You seem to like the island yet would like it to be more like england,you know, people with open minds to the world, BNP for example. Man U supporters on their joyous losing rampages, inner city race riots all things absent over here.

Where indeed is this perfect country that we should try to emulate.


One thing that always crops up regarding immigration is that immigrants wont try to integrate, they try to change things to what they were used to where they come from.

Why try to change the IOM, accept it for what it is, warts and all.


Where did he Scholar say he would like the island to be more like England? It is possible that some people, even some manx people, simply prefer other places to the isle of man, just as the converse is true.

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I like the idea of the post - of course we should never have our minds closed to the possibilities of improvement and be constructively critical of those who exercise dominion over us, but it would be a sad thing to forget all of the great things about the IoM.


To avoid repeating others, here's a new one:


It's a good ice-breaker in conversations. It usually makes me seem a bit more exotic than saying I'm from the UK, which most people are familiar with to some extent or other anyway. This has been shown to work on five continents :)

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I personally think the island is what you make it. Because we only have a small population every seems to know everybody that knows somebody (Did that make any sense?) And because of that the crime rate is a lot lower and the few bad people are almost always weeded out.


The 3 points mentioned before are perfectly valid and is what makes the Island up, So why not say you enjoy it?


One thing i'd like to say i most enjoy is the slower pace of life, Its just a lot more relaxed.

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