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The Good Things On The Iom


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Hey maybe we could get the forum moderators to change the Local News thread name to 'Electronic Mannin Line'


Heh heh :P


IomCombat, I suppose you just have to get used to the fact that everone's views are different based on their life experiences, some people have negative attitudes regarding some aspects of the island and prefer to focus on them than the more positive ones.


You can't say that their opinions are wrong any more than you can criticise someone's taste in music - everyone is different.


Also take into account human nature, people are about 5 times more likely to complain about something than to praise it, and the forums give people a quick and easy way to do this.


You just have to accept the fact and let everyone get on with having their 'two penneth worth'.


Life's too short if you ask me...if you worry about the little things too often then sooner or later you will be given something to truly worry about, that's my philosophy anyway.


Trying to start a positive thread on here can be hard work at times!!

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Hey maybe we could get the forum moderators to change the Local News thread name to 'Electronic Mannin Line'


Heh heh :P


IomCombat, I suppose you just have to get used to the fact that everone's views are different based on their life experiences, some people have negative attitudes regarding some aspects of the island and prefer to focus on them than the more positive ones.


The only off thread messages started with Scholar posting "The island is too small, depressing and constantly being around Manxies all the time makes you appreciate the multi-cultural UK society a lot more" and then it became a free for all.


I accept its his oponion but firstly it was irrelevant when you've been asked to document the good points and secondly I don't care how anyone chooses to read it but its insulting to most Manx people, and suggests he holds some sort of moral high ground that places him above everyone else.


The Island is a great place to live and work. QED.

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I can get the boat in the morning because I have one for diving around the best divesites in the British Isles.

I can also get the boat if I want to see other cultures in other countries and then come back to mine.

Friends come here to escape multicultural UK


I can have a blast on the bike without going on a motorway or toll roads.

I have German friends staying for TT who I met here

Walking to the Gaiety from home see to Robert Plant made me feel so lucky


Anyone can put theirself up for election with a chance of office, it is far more democratic than the party system of other countries


I agree with most of your good opinions.... and of course if we don't like it we can try to join somebody else'e culture


Some of my positive thoughts

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A thread that starts off by characterising those who complain on here about various aspects of the island as "moaning halfwits" can't seriously be expected to stay on topic - y'know, what with the right to reply and all that.

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Just out of interest. I wonder how many Manx people, living , working or in university outside of the Isle Of Man for example in the U.K.get told theres a boat in the morning.


They probably do - and quite rightly so if they start every sentence with "This country is sh*t" or "These English people are half-witts" or this country and its people are "depressing".

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My family visit the IOM every summer because the people are friendly, there is plenty of places to visit and things to do. It is safe for my children to go to the beach or park etc without me breathing down their necks. You have a lovely Island without the rampant commercialisation of the mainland enjoy!

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Suggesting that people get the boat in the morning is no solution.


Its the best one I can think of if you find it too awful to be mixing with Manxies all the time.


Well getting the plane is quicker and I think there are some deals on at the moment..........

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The island is better for reasons of crime and pollution. If money is really important to you then I guess the island trumps in that category as well. The island is too small, depressing and constantly being around Manxies all the time makes you appreciate the multi-cultural UK society a lot more.


I'm not going to slag you off, but, what exactly is it that keeps you here on this small depressing Island surrounded by Manxies when you could be back on the adjacent Island with its declining health service and soaring taxes, congestion, unemployment etc and be among your multicultural drug addicts, thieves, rapists, benefit cheats, asylum seekers and suicide bombers?

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I'm not going to slag you off, but, what exactly is it that keeps you here on this small depressing Island surrounded by Manxies when you could be back on the adjacent Island with its declining health service and soaring taxes, congestion, unemployment etc and be among your multicultural drug addicts, thieves, rapists, benefit cheats, asylum seekers and suicide bombers?


What classier way is there to prove a point, than coming up with an even more vile and ludicrous charicature of another nation? Ace!

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It makes interesting reading with everyone slagging each other. You do not have the problems we have across. to give you a short resume, flytipping, vandalism, graffitti, foulmouthed abuse, random violent attacks, street robberies, house breakins, to name but a few. The IOM is beautiful and relatively safe place to live compared to across. Enjoy what you have because you are lucky!

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Ok folks, as frankly Im getting sick of a load of whinging halfwits constantly moaning about how bad everything is on the Island I thought I'd try a thread about what people like over here...


...When I graduated I checked out the poss of living in the UK ...


...Dear me, aren't some people arseholes! I try and start a positive thread about what is good about being here and my thanks go out to those of you who contributed to that side of things!

Hardly a positive thread when you started by stereotyping a wide group of people (Manx/Other) as 'a load of whinging halfwits' - what else can you expect?

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