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We got ours this morning, only three questions and the opening statement is "The evidence is undeniable; speed is the major contributor to accidents in the Isle of Man." Nothing mentioned about naff driving, nor is there a counter-position put.


What do you think? Consultation or persuasion?

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Just been looking at the "Consultation Document". It's more of a propaganda document. Won't go into it in detail, check out the Q and As - doesn't look as if the introduction of an all Island speed limit will give the police any more work because:


Q - Impossible to enforce. A - the introduction of the modern camera technology will assist the Police to enfore all speed limits. So it would appear that our beautiful Island is going to be covered with more ridiculous road side signage and guess what, the police won't have to get out of the station to monitor things.


Q - Irresponsible drivers will continue to drive fast irrespective of the speed limits. A - the introduction of maximum speed limits will send a clear signal to all drivers that dangerous driving is unacceptable. And so they'll all slow down - b*****ks!


Who's paying for this wonderful piece of propaganda. Could a question not have been added to the bottom of the voting paper in November.


Q - Do you agree with an all-Island speed limit of ? A - Yes/No (delete as appropriate)


Far too simple an idea!

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six people live in my house... and before i even read it YES had been ticked already. Not a true opinion of all members of the house hold.


p.s... all six drive, so should be sent to ALL drivers




If you would like an additional questionnaire to complete you can collect one at the Department of Transport, Central Government Offices or your local post office.



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Hi, according to earlier reports extra copies of the consultation (propoganda) leaflet are avilable from the DoT for additional members of households.


If you do not agree with other members of your household please ensure you get hold of a copy and send it in.


In reality, I think eveyone over 16 who has not filled one out themselves should be entitled to get their own from the DoT as every person should be allowed to vote - whether they agree or disagree with that already sent in by somebody else in their household. Perhaps someone could clarify if this is possible ?



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As it's so very close to a General Election, I would have thought that all sweeping changes affecting non-urgent matters, are left until the new crop of politicians are in place.


Also, if the powers that be are genuinely looking to hear the public's opinion, surely a correctly worded and efficiently distributed form would have been preferable?


This smacks of simply going through the motions and we're really not fooled are we? <_<

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The questions are loaded (obviously). The first question is the crucial one, IMO. It is unlikely that anyone would really say no, but if you say yes and then no to the two remaining speed limit questions, the Government is armed with a mandate to do something, and what will that be? To impose a speed limit, of course!

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This so called 'consultation' document is surely a supreme product of the spin doctor's profession. Has Braidwood been on a course at the New Labour Spin School, headmaster Campbell A, deputy Bliar A? There should have been only one question to be answered on this form: should there be an all-Island speed limit, yes or no.

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Was just looking at the Independant and the advertisements for this consultative doc are outrageous. The one showing the photograph of the crash with a person's hand showing at the bottom of a (obviously dead) covered body is dreadful. If they want to impose an all-Island speed limit then forgodsake have the courage of their convictions and just impose one (they have the power), don't try and blackmail people into saying they want one by showing road traffic accidents! Some "consultation" this is.

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This smacks of simply going through the motions and we're really not fooled are we? <_<

Exactly the same tactics and 'funnelled questionnaire' as used in the smoking ban 'consultation'.


IMHO the only thing to beat this is a properly organised door to door petition. Only then will the governments' process of 'consultation' be shown up for what it really is.

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