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Continental Pavement Cafe Style Arrives In Douglas


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The Government get a good deal out of smokers it is time they gave something back.


Pure unrefined bullshit. It's been proven often that smoking costs the government far more than it brings in revenue. Costs of smoking include;


- NHS/hospital treatment

- Fire/emergency services for smoking related fires

- Lost revenue from smoke breaks

- Lost revenue from smoking related illnesses


Early death isn't a win in pentions either, it's a loss in revenue. You pay more in income tax than your fucking pension.


But all of that aside, who gives a shit about the cost? I'm more worried about your ugly antisocial habbit inflicting all of the above on non-smokers like my kids.

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Great, cafe culture starts at the same time as we ban smoking and they'll all be stood outside!


Hey, on the bright side, with 30 fags burning, who needs patio heaters.


Thinking of being green - can't we burn the eatery's rubbish in an old oil drum outside? Saves the emmissions of the bin wagon collecting it just to burn it up the road and we'll get to keep warm!

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The Government get a good deal out of smokers it is time they gave something back.


Pure unrefined bullshit....


But all of that aside, who gives a shit about the cost? I'm more worried about your ugly antisocial habbit inflicting all of the above on non-smokers like my kids.


Correct - it wasn't a serious post.


Is your last para suggesting smoking should be banned outdoors as well?

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MCB. Do you have any news about the dogshit warden patrolling this area. I'd hate to be nice and cosy next to a roaring patio heater and then realise I have trodden in a great big dog turd.


Perhaps you could investigate on our behalf.


Oh and while your there could you quiz him on the disappearance of white dog shit. I bet those Corporation fat cats are hoarding it. They are probably spending your rates on some kind of cryogenic freezing device to keep it all fresh.

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The Corpy don't object to Coasters application to have an outside dining area under an awning with removable furniture posts and screens....just hope Coasters are environmentally responsible and do the green thing and don't use outdoor patio heaters...


Can't say I honestly give a toss. Sat outside Coasters when its blowing a hooly and pi**ing down with rain is not my idea of a "Continental Pavement Cafe", plus when you get an exceptionally high tide it will be fun to watch their furniture float off into the harbour.


A crap idea at best so who cares if they get planning or not.

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For more information on the ecological damage Patio heaters generate check out


The Guardian


As the article says it would be more sensible for the cafes to provide individual hair driers to their customers to warm them selves up with. At least then the energy used would pay a carbon tax and come from a technology which attempts to reduce green house gases ... regularly using a Patio Heater is about the most environmentally unfriendly thing a person can do!!! ... that and using a JCB to do the daily commute into work!


May as well use patio heaters in the Island. There aint any carbon tax here.

As for the JCB Im sure there is someone living in the Ballasalla area does travel to work in one.

he's on the road every morning anyhow.

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But it would be good to have some heating in this less than pavement cafe climate that we have!



Put another f@cking jumper on you pansy!!!!

As for continental cafe's, they will only be good if there's continental birds sat on the patio!!!

Thanks for the advice Stuart. BTW I am not a little show your face in the sunshine-type annual, but more a rugged, stalwart perennial! However a bit of heat never goes amiss!


Edit to correct typo: mixing up rugged with haggard!

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May as well use patio heaters in the Island. There aint any carbon tax here.

As for the JCB Im sure there is someone living in the Ballasalla area does travel to work in one.

he's on the road every morning anyhow.


Hey we import most evenings ... by the time they'll be lighting these things up we'll be 100% on the cable!!


Know what you mean about Mr JCB commuter ... got caught behind him coming home just the other day!!

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Pure unrefined bullshit. It's been proven often that smoking costs the government far more than it brings in revenue. Costs of smoking include;


- NHS/hospital treatment

- Fire/emergency services for smoking related fires

- Lost revenue from smoke breaks

- Lost revenue from smoking related illnesses


Early death isn't a win in pentions either, it's a loss in revenue. You pay more in income tax than your fucking pension.


But all of that aside, who gives a shit about the cost? I'm more worried about your ugly antisocial habbit inflicting all of the above on non-smokers like my kids.


Ah, statistics... here are a couple I remember reading a couple of months ago in one of the UK dailies.


In the UK, tobacco taxes contribute over £9 billion to the economy, less £2.5 billion cost to the NHS of smoking related diseases.


I have no reason to believe that a similar percentage doesn't prevail here - despite assertions by the DHSS that smoking treatment vs. tobacco taxes are almost exactly balanced.


That's what I object to - if I were a non-smoker (I keep trying) I'd not want to inhale secondhand smoke either, so I can appreciate the arguments. So why won't the Government BAN tobacco sales to make it easier to give up? Because the taxes here are contributing £55,000 a DAY to the economy.


Look at illegal drugs - who gets the heaviest sentence - the user or the supplier? Seems that if there are taxes to be had, that is turned on it's head. It's the users who are suffering, while the Treasury pays lip service to the health issues yet keeps cashing the cheques.

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