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Is 23 Too Young To Be An Mhk?

Albert Tatlock

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His website which he set up "the Island Insider" is excellent. I am surprised he is only 23 and if I was in Onchan I would be tempted to give him my vote provided his manifesto bears my initial impressions out.


Good luck to the man!

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Dosser was always quite mature when I knew him. As long as he can give the voters what they want to hear to win their votes, and he is capable of handling the responsibility, then why shouldn't he be an MHK.


Giving people what they want isn't what responsible leadership and representation is about IMO.


Responsible and decent candidates formulate their own ideas based on their genuine beliefs and best instincts. Then try to explain to the voters why their ideas make sense. Genuine beliefs and best instincts would normally be formulated over many years of life experience.


Really good leaders make unpopular policy because they know it's right. Rather than pandering to basic instincts.


Shaping policy according to what they want, in a voting democracy, is a menu for nasty and / or stupid government. What they want , what they say they want, may not be the best policy.


Why would a 23 years old want to be elected to government in a small place like the IOM? Surely he should be taking some time getting out into the abroad and experiencing life and business and different cultures. To maybe come back and stand as a representative many years later when he has the experience of different situations which would give him some background.


Or we would end up with a generation of Manx politicians whose only experience of life beyond Douglas is, at very best, a brief trip to a UK Polytechnic. Exactly like the previous generation whose only experience away was 1950s National Service and, maybe, a few holidays in Spain.

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Responsible and decent candidates formulate their own ideas based on their genuine beliefs and best instincts


I agree to an extent......but they should take into account the views of those they represent. If their genuine beliefs and best instincts are entirely contrary to those of the people then they have no business being a representative of the people.


I do not agree that you need a lifetime of "experience" to develop these genuine beliefs and instincts.

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Do we have any examples of typical young politicians in recent years? Without looking it up, I can think of:


William Hague

Jeffrey Archer

Beranadette Devlin


All of whom stand out as early risers who impressed their elders. But who were either useless or deeply flawed.


Any examples of a useful young politician ?


EDIT - and Charles Kennedy.


EDIT - standing for election just isn't what a well adjusted young person should be doing. They should be out having fun. From which comes a wealth of experience. No more than they should be joining the Rotary Club or the WI.

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He has decided to stand so who are we to say he should do something different? He will appeal to a significant sector of the electorate because of his youth, the shared experiences of his own generation and to a wider group of people who will respect his education and who desperately want a more rounded Manx parliament and recognise that young people have a right to have representation from their own age group.


Now whether he can withstand the sustained political onslaught from experienced Onchan MHK's/Commissioners and others who wish to be elected is unknown at this stage. But if he can take on board some of the wise words that Simon has spoken about beliefs he stands a reasonable chance of being elected.


I also believe he will not be the only young candidate this November.

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Isn't the whole point about elected representatives is that they are representing and articulating the wishes of those that have elected them? Giving people what they have voted someone in for is responsible leadership and representation, nay honest leadership and representation. It's the old strategy versus tactics thing, surely? You vote for the strategy and the representative delivers it by tactics.


Back on thread, is 23 too young? It isn't legally too young, so if his manifesto suits your ideals and you believe he is capable of delivering, then why not vote for him? I don't think youth, by itself, should affect his credibility to stand.

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I suppose we have to wait till the manifestos come out. Perhaps we should encourage him to come to this forum.


He might pick up some useful advice and a few allies.

There has been a poster called Islandinsider, I think, so he may already be here!

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Isn't the whole point about elected representatives is that they are representing and articulating the wishes of those that have elected them? Giving people what they have voted someone in for is responsible leadership and representation, nay honest leadership and representation.


No doing what you think is right is what matters.


Think, for example, of how people like Keith Joseph gradually changed the British Conservative Party in the 1970s - and then Britain. How the ideas about economics which they postulated are now mainstream internationally.


They didn't tell the people what they thought the people wanted to hear -> they brought their own ideas to the table and went out to convince the electorate that they were ultimately right. They had political beliefs and an ideology based on years of learning, research and experience.


Their message was deeply unpopular and difficult even with their own party but they stuck to it because they were convinced that it was proper.


If they'd stood for what people wanted then Mylchreests would probably still be selling union specified Allegros.

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Isn't the whole point about elected representatives is that they are representing and articulating the wishes of those that have elected them? Giving people what they have voted someone in for is responsible leadership and representation, nay honest leadership and representation.


No doing what you think is right is what matters.


Think, for example, of how people like Keith Joseph gradually changed the British Conservative Party in the 1970s - and then Britain. How the ideas about economics which they postulated are now mainstream internationally.


They didn't tell the people what they thought the people wanted to hear -> they brought their own ideas to the table and went out to convince the electorate that they were ultimately right. They had political beliefs and an ideology based on years of learning, research and experience.


Their message was deeply unpopular and difficult even with their own party but they stuck to it because they were convinced that it was proper.


If they'd stood for what people wanted then Mylchreests would probably still be selling union specified Allegros.

A 'blink of an eye' - an assessment of what was happening during a moment. And the end result...at least 40 years in the wilderness for the Conservatives (and Labour) - with any luck!


End result - Mylchreests sell and rent foreign cars.


The rest of us sell services - and what happens when the Chinese and Indians realise they can do that for themselves and can also do it for other nations cheaper than the UK?


Wise up - start selling or manufacturing something that will sell and bring money into the country!

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Aye, you wont be able to for a small while yet!


Doing a lot of research into facts and figures to make sure i dont come out with unobtainable promises or unworkable schemes, so as soon as that's done i'll publish.


As i'm 23 theres people who dont think i'll be up to the job, so i need to make sure i have water tight propsals before I come out with anything.

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