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Is 23 Too Young To Be An Mhk?

Albert Tatlock

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As promised, although later than anticipated



You're not serious are you? That's your manifesto?

What is it about Onchan?

Its as good as any independent candidate's can be Declan. Think about it.

Outside a properly constituted political party with the appropriate policy making structures and

the determination to either form a Government or act in opposition, how can anyone at all put a manifesto in front of the electorate?

Anyone who puts together a detailed manifesto and is also standing as an independent is basically deceiving the electorate. He or she is in no position to state what policies will be be put on the statutes.

They may as well say "Hey Im a really nice guy. Vote for me".

Rant over.

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Peter Karran elected to Bd of Educ at 22 y. MHK at 25


Charles Kerruish elected as MHK at 29 y. born in 1917


Peter Karran contested Middle in 1981 (aged 21) but was unsuccessful when he came 6th out of 9 candidates.


Peter Karran was actually 24 when he became an MHK for Middle in the bye-election of April 1985, due to the elevation of Mr A. Callin to the Legislative Council. He gained 1042 votes, just beating Richard Leventhorpe by 7 votes.


When Onchan became a constituency in 1985 both he and Mr Leventhorpe were elected to Onchan (Peter Karran topping the poll by 159 votes).



The above should be encouraging to any young hopeful politician. It should also encourage any politician that does not succed first time.

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Nice and concise but to win as a new candidate you need to saysomething which grabs the attention of the electorate.

What is it in your case? Have I missed it?


Two interests of mine:


What will you do about the Bishop's vote? Should he retain it, become a mere observer or be removed?


Climate change - should there be more tax on the aviation industry to reduce flying or should there be no change or even more help given so there they are more flights from the IOM? What is your position on the extended runway application?


Answers to questions such as these are not easy as no matter what you say you will upset a large section of the electorate. Perhaps you can give your answers and at the same time any other candidate is welcome to as well.


Good luck. You are a brave man to put your name forward.



Is there no candidate willing to tackle controversial issues and tell the electorate how they would vote?

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I saw the chaps profile in the paper and he seems quite a level headed guy - good luck to him.


If you want me to put a "Vote for A Dossor" sticker in my car window you're more than welcome.


lol, exactly what I was thinking...not the best name for a candidate, is it?

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Although I'm sure that 23 is old enough to be an MHK, it looks like 23 is not old enough to be a copy reader.

I only read:

“Imprisioning most offenders does not solve the problem or stop reoffending”

Which should have read:

“Imprisoning most offenders does not solve the problem or stop re-offending”


I don't intend turning this into a spot the errors thread.

We all make mistakes, I accept that, but you would have hoped that he would have made sure that his manifesto was A1, I’m sure that he would rather people criticise it for it’s content rather than give them ammo as well as load the gun!

This document is meant to 'sell' the chap in question, these types of errors don’t really instil confidence.

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Is there no candidate willing to tackle controversial issues and tell the electorate how they would vote?


But isnt that the problemCharles?

Not a single candidate in this election is in a position to know what issues or proposals will be there to vote on. What, if anything, can they tell the electorate?

In the absence of at least two properly constituted political parties putting forward programmes to which they are committed how could the situation be any different?

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Well Lonewolf we certainly do have a problem. One of the reasons I have decided not to stand is because I believe being elected would have meant having to live through five years of total chaos and possibly betraying all the hopes and trust of the people who had voted for me through no fault of my own.


I believe in the next five years there is a lot of work to do not only within the House but also for politically minded people who can contibute to the process of putting together parties outside.


Once the election is over I shall consider joining with others in this process.

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I believe in the next five years there is a lot of work to do not only within the House but also for politically minded people who can contibute to the process of putting together parties outside.

Once the election is over I shall consider joining with others in this process.

I hope you make some progress with it, but Im not optimistic.

I am still a member of the Manx Labour Party, but recognise it no longer exists in a form most people would recognise as a properly constituted party. Possibly it could be revitalised and any elected members persuaded to act as party representatives. Very unlikely though as the leading lights have all taken the "Queen's Shilling".

You might remember I was one of a small number of people who attempted to establish a Democratic Left party some time ago. That failed in an orgy of ideological arguments !! Im afraid we had attracted one or two folk who thought it was October 1917 in Russia :rolleyes:

Mec Vannin is probably the best organised party on the Island. It has all the appropriate policy making apparatus and undoubtedly has a good size pool of talented people inside its membership. Unfortunately, it refuses to engage in local politics and has, consequently, become marginalised. What a waste!

I dont know anything about the new Liberal Vannin Party, but suspect it doesnt yet have all the internal organisation and policy making apparatus necessary to sustain itself. If Im wrong I apologise, however I have yet to hear from its Economic spokesperson or its Transport policy spokesperson etc,etc.

Good luck anyhow. If you are successful in establishing a decent political party of any persuasion you will have done a great deal for the Island.

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This candidate is inarticulate and uninspiring - so says my wife who spoke with him Wednesday and who certainly didn't hear from him any reason to even vote at the upcoming election. Didn't offer to shake her hand, would have been nice if he looked up from the floor, she said, and didn't seem to have any idea of what he really stood for. Quite frankly, as someone who hasn't had to work for a living, bring up a family, grow a business, learn a trade or all those myriad things people do to get onwards and upwards in life, I would have been surprised, but being young is not of itself enough of a redeeming quality to compensate for all that. Sorry, but while it's a nice thought, ultimately the youth thing won't work for me.


And why should anyone care what my wife thinks about this (of course, I have no choice!)? Maybe they shouldn't, but she is one of probably many who don't vote out of sheer apathy arising from the behaviour and incompetence of our elected representatives, of how they're only interested in what they can get for themselves, that they believe normal standards of conducting oneself and the responsibility that goes with office don't apply to them - oh, and also because the one time she did vote, some jumped up tw*t decided to embarass her as a result of her entering a polling booth when I hadn't quite finished.


Funny what puts ordinary people off, isn't it?

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I don't know the lad but he has to be applauded for standing. Good on him.


I wonder how many people remarked what a confident articulate chap Peter Karran was when he started knocking on doors all those years ago? Probably none. He didn't get in first time but bounced back alright and remains a well supported politician to top the poll in Onchan.


Maybe your wife should have gathered her maternal instincts and told him to his face to pick himself up, you know, like a ticking off on the doorstep for not presenting himself properly.


On another subject, I think everyone should vote even if it is to cross out all the names on the ballot paper and write Mickey Mouse or something. I know it is then a 'spoilt ballot paper' but I think there should be a better name like ''un-satisfied voter ballot paper' to encourage people to at least be counted.

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I don't know the lad but he has to be applauded for standing. Good on him.


I wonder how many people remarked what a confident articulate chap Peter Karran was when he started knocking on doors all those years ago? Probably none. He didn't get in first time but bounced back alright and remains a well supported politician to top the poll in Onchan.


Maybe your wife should have gathered her maternal instincts and told him to his face to pick himself up, you know, like a ticking off on the doorstep for not presenting himself properly.


On another subject, I think everyone should vote even if it is to cross out all the names on the ballot paper and write Mickey Mouse or something. I know it is then a 'spoilt ballot paper' but I think there should be a better name like ''un-satisfied voter ballot paper' to encourage people to at least be counted.


Sorry, but you can only judge by what you see and inarticulate and uninspiring are not qualities I am looking for in an elected representative, regardless of age or inexperience of life. The fact the IOM has that quality of candidate at all (including PK) speaks volumes about the government we get and nobody gets any sympathy votes from me. It's for this lad's mother to apply maternal instincts, not the voter IMO.


As for compulsory voting, when public embarrassment awaits you, you may not take too kindly.

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Sorry, but you can only judge by what you see...

That's the challenge when it comes to canvassing, though - you only have a few moments to introduce yourself and get your points across, all while hopefully leaving a good impression and ideally securing another vote. You never know what's awaiting you behind the next door - I guess some people find that easier to do than others, and it did feel a bit odd during the first few times. Now I think it's great, though, and I'm enjoying every minute of it, no matter what the final result will be. When else do you get to meet your neighbours - all 4369 of them... :)

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