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Anti Limit Meeting


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Just a suggestion...thinking more about it and looking at some of the replies, I'm wondering if e.g. Monday evening 7.30pm might be a better meeting time. Lots of people seem to be doing stuff Sunday, plus many families want the time together and even 4pm might cause them to have to change plans.

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Was thinking about that as well - so on second thoughts, let's just set it to Monday, 7pm, same location.

I just think we shouldn't waste too much time setting a date and time, and Monday evening sounds fair - maybe some people will just stay in Douglas a bit longer after work so they can come along, and it leaves Sunday for quality time off..


Please pass it on, and sorry for the change of time/date - just not much time to get something organized...

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There's no limit to how many of those forms you can fill in!


Go and grab a load from the Post Office then fill them out and put them in different post boxes!


If everyone does enough it should have an effect on the result!


I don't see the point, People who are wanting a speed limit can do exactly the same!

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I don't see the point, People who are wanting a speed limit can do exactly the same!



I honestly think that alot of the "for a limit" votes will be people who casually fill it in having never thought about it before, thinking its what they should do. Most of those who vote for a limit probably don`t even feel that strongly about it either way and have gone for the obvious "easy" option - everyone wants to stop accidents after all.


Thats proven by the fact there were only about 150 people who felt strongly enough to write letters to the last consultation and about 250 felt strongly enough to write in against (sorry I don`t have the actual figures).


Thats why everyone who feels strongly against a limit should ensure they get their own form and vote - and also why those against a limit should be advertising the alternatives to the casual voter !!

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3 drivers in the family, so went to the Post Office and asked for two additional forms. Was told they were instructed to only give out one per person, and the postmaster said he wouldn't be surprised if the Post Office had run out of forms by tomorrow, as not many had been sent out to them.


So better hurry before they run out.

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I am up to help in any way I can, will have a word with my sis and see if we can get more than one copy to hand out in the likes of strand street, maybe get some volunteers on a saturday afternoon with the old clipboards to ask people questions about what they feel is the best way forward in terms of road sefety...

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Do you honestly think what you do will make the slightest difference to the result of the ballot?

As much as the result of the iomonline ballots make really.

The result is pre-ordained by the powers that be.

This year is an election year and whatever will get them re-elected will be the result.

While I abhor the way this so-called ballot is being run, I dislike even more the attempt, or rather the misguided gerrymandering, you are proposing. On the one hand the politicians are being attacked for their cynicism while you are suggesting fiddling the result, on the other we all know there are some who will ignore any limit set because they are deluded in thinking that speed has no impact on road accidents (pun intended).

When are all you petrolheads going to realise there are 75,000 people on this rock and they all deserve the best we can give them? Some may like to risk their lives by blasting about the island in cars and on bikes at what can only be called reckless speeds to satisfy some deathwish they have with total disregard for safety. The roads are little more than cart tracks during normal times and only reasonably safe when closed for racing or roadworks. Even during racing professional riders and drivers get killed due to their speed and mistakes, what the hell makes you think you are as good or better than they are on your way to a night out or work?

There is a need to control speeds on the roads and reduce accidents and deaths, I don't know the answer any more than you do, one thing is sure though, speed kills and it needs controling before they produce cars that are even faster and, therefore, more likely to be driven into a hedge by an inexperienced, or even experienced, driver.

I can't say if I want a limit or not, I only drive at 60 ish anyway so it won't bother me a lot. It would be nice to be able to pull out without needing the calculation skills of a nuclear physicist to judge the speed of the approaching vehicle, also not to be sucked off my bike by some lumphead in a VW doing in excess of 100mph on a single carriage country road with a mountain one side and a 100 ft drop on the other and sheep wandering about less than 4 ft away



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I still haven't had a form delivered to me at home in downtown Douglas...


You're not the only one, two members of my family haven't received theirs either yet I got one on Monday and got an additional one at work yesterday!

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how about a slow drive out with as many cars as possible driving from Douglas to say C'town...



great idea and we could all crash into each other at the end in an horrendus pile up to prove you dont have to go fast to crash.


Hehe, that made me laugh.


I don't know why everyone is so against a speed limit. I mean, where on the island can you safely go above 70MPH other than some parts of the mountain?

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I don't know why everyone is so against a speed limit. I mean, where on the island can you safely go above 70MPH other than some parts of the mountain?


Well it would be 70mph on the mountain and 60mph on all other currently deristricted roads, Once we have a speed limit their won't be any going back. Speed cameras will be introduced and the speed limits will get even slower because of more accidents.


Also i read on the leaflet that cats eyes could be installed once a speed limit is intoduced, Surely that will be the death of the TT then.

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