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I've heard a lot about these little things in the past, but only recently did I notice a few more sceptical or negative articles here and there - this one is quite interesting:


Between hype and doom: keeping an eye on nanotech


Basic story is, that many industries hail nano technology as a great step forward for countless products and applications. Currently, there are around 200 products using nanoparticles on sale, but it seems no-one has really researched them thoroughly yet, at least not their possible impact on the human body, good or bad.


Nanotechnology-What is it?


Nanotechnology can best be considered as a 'catch-all' description of activities at the level of atoms and molecules that have applications in the real world. A nanometre is a billionth of a metre, that is, about 1/80,000 of the diameter of a human hair, or 10 times the diameter of a hydrogen atom....


"Nano" Safety Recall


A product touted as “nano” has hospitalized six German consumers, prompting more warnings over the dangers of nanomaterials....


Does Scarlett need regulatory oversight? (Guardian)


No, but her new makeup might. Johansson, star of films such as Lost in Translation and Match Point, has just signed a multimillion-dollar deal with cosmetics company L'Oréal in which her face will promote nanotechnology-based pigments.....


New Light Shed On Health Dangers Of Nanoparticles


The nose, usually the first line of defense against inhaled airborne particles that could damage the lungs, may itself be susceptible to the dangers of extremely small particles, called nanoparticles, which are less than 100 nanometers in size.


Governing at the Nanoscale


Rapid advances in nanotechnologies are giving rise to new economic, social and ethical questions. Are systems of governance and regulation keeping pace? How can we imagine the social possibilities created by emerging technologies and choose among them wisely?



Makes you wonder - great discovery, or time for another doomsday scenario?...

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Ahh, but that's the thing about those pesky Borg, they'll ascimilate all teh tech and make the craft faster and still smoke your ass!


You're right about resistance being futile though, we're all doomed I tell thee!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm more wondering how they actually manufacture that stuff - I mean, to produce nano products, you would need nano-sized tools - but how did they build that nano-sized tool to build nano-sized tools with? :wacko:


Reminds me of an old VW Beetle advert - punchline was "Have you ever thought how the guy that drives the snowplough actually gets to the snowplough?" Not that it would matter - we're doomed...

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Just to look at a slightly more positive side to it, this suggests that even if they are the 'new asbestos,' they may also help provide the cure for the problems it causes:




Tiny nanoparticles could be launched into tumours and heated up using light to destroy cancer cells, say doctors.

This could help treat cancers which are inoperable and resistant to chemotherapy

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