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Social Services On The Isle Of Man


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I am a father of children who have been born on the island , although I think that the isle of man is a great place to live I do believe that this department needed to be investigated fully .

I found the report into the care of young people which was chaired by M. Everall Q.C. very shocking , how as parents can we sit back and allow these sort of things to happen in this day and age .

the very agency which is surposed to protect vunerable children and young people has failed dismally , how are these very people still employed by this dept. .

These people know who they are , and have been named in the local papers .

This is just not good enough !!

I believe that there is a conspiracy to cover up the whole facts of what has gone on and is still going and as long as these very people are still employed by this dept . then things will never change .

i look forward to hearing your comments .

a friend of the people .

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I'm not disagreeing, but I also think we need to take a look at the parents of the children who end up being taken 'into care.'

Without condemning all of them (not possible without knowing everything about their circumstances), I think its often too easy to condemn the institutions who are required to pick up the pieces when parental responsibilities haven't been taken seriously enough.

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I'm not disagreeing, but I also think we need to take a look at the parents of the children who end up being taken 'into care.'

Without condemning all of them (not possible without knowing everything about their circumstances), I think its often too easy to condemn the institutions who are required to pick up the pieces when parental responsibilities haven't been taken seriously enough.


Hello , thanks for your comments , I agree , Im not saying that all social workers are incompetent ,

not all children who social services work with are in care and I agree that the parents have alot to answer for .

But in the report social services are guilty of mismanagement , neglience and attempting to cover up past mistakes .

I have children myself and through no fault of my own they are on the child protection register because of their mother , and her lifestyle .

I have parental responsibility which I had to go to court to get because I wasnt married .

In my my case every obstacle has been placed in my way to keep the facts concerning my children from me .

Social services are involved , I had to get them involved a number of years ago , they have disregarded me and my family , misdirected me and lied to me in order to work to the agenda that they have.

The only agenda that I have is the safety , care and welfare of my children .

But after many serious issues and concerns they are still attempting to assist a situation which I believe is irepairable . My children are in an environment with serious concerns as well as domestic violence between their mother and her past and present partner .

Instead of admitting that they have gotten it very wrong they further try to portray themselves as doing good .

I have been denied access to my childrens files .

What has to happen in order for enough to be enough , my children now have behavioural problems , their infant years has been destroyed and they now accept an abnormal situation as the norm .

I will be seeking residency of my children , but the system is set up to protect the woman , even when wrong rather than to admit that a men can raise children in a loving happy home just as women can .

I am not trying to be sexist or descriminate towards women in any way but sometimes the system fails and they get it wrong .Lets have equality for all .

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Its for your own concsience what you do in these situations.


Personally if I was named in an enquiry as being incompetent, or even if it was suggested, I would resign on principle. So you can bet that this will not happen to anyone.

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There may have been personal incompetencies, but the systemmic incompetencies are even more worrying!


What system puts vulnerable (and I mean the whole range of vulnerabilities) children who need continuity and a structure that they can rely on, into small units with a constantly changing staff where the only continuity is themselves! I understand the thinking behind these smaller units was to replicate the family unit as near as social care could, but it seems to me to be deeply flawed.


Particularly when these kids are given no strong in loco parentis, just a passing cavalcade of carers who are required to do their job with both hands tied behind their backs.


I may not be a model parent (who is?), but I really do worry that if anything should happen to me and my kids were left to social services to raise what would happen to them?


As for parents, my continual plea is "you need a licence to own a dog, but.."

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There may have been personal incompetencies, but the systemmic incompetencies are even more worrying!


What system puts vulnerable (and I mean the whole range of vulnerabilities) children who need continuity and a structure that they can rely on, into small units with a constantly changing staff where the only continuity is themselves! I understand the thinking behind these smaller units was to replicate the family unit as near as social care could, but it seems to me to be deeply flawed.


Particularly when these kids are given no strong in loco parentis, just a passing cavalcade of carers who are required to do their job with both hands tied behind their backs.


I may not be a model parent (who is?), but I really do worry that if anything should happen to me and my kids were left to social services to raise what would happen to them?


As for parents, my continual plea is "you need a licence to own a dog, but.."




The fact that the parents gave these kids into care is worrying, and you don't see many model parents do it. BUT when you've perhaps been failed once, you don't want to see it happen twice. Lets not forget there has been a potential heroin overdose since this case. What are these people doing, if they are not filing case notes, not talking to each other, and not having review meetings. Just what are they doing?

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I feel aggrieved that the parents of errant children see fit to criticise social services when they themselves have failed those same children and allowed them to be placed in care. As a parent I know the difficulties in bringing up your own flesh and blood and it must be very difficult, if, as a social worker you are faced with the problem of dealing with a child who is perhaps aleady beyond control.


That said there have certainly been failings in Government care as highlighted in the recent report and there will always be irresponsible and incompetent parents who produce "problem" children. Social Services need to get their act together, address the highlighted failures and if a Social Worker is found to be blame worthy then appropriate action should be taken depending upon the severity of the failing and if serious enough that worker should be prevented from working with vulnerable children in future.

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I feel aggrieved that the parents of errant children see fit to criticise social services when they themselves have failed those same children and allowed them to be placed in care. As a parent I know the difficulties in bringing up your own flesh and blood and it must be very difficult, if, as a social worker you are faced with the problem of dealing with a child who is perhaps aleady beyond control.


That said there have certainly been failings in Government care as highlighted in the recent report and there will always be irresponsible and incompetent parents who produce "problem" children. Social Services need to get their act together, address the highlighted failures and if a Social Worker is found to be blame worthy then appropriate action should be taken depending upon the severity of the failing and if serious enough that worker should be prevented from working with vulnerable children in future.



in response to the above :

fact for 5 years social services have covered up a whole catalogue of offensives against my children !

fact they have failed to inform me as a parent that my children were on the child protection register !

fact they have helped create a situation were the childrens mother can do almost anything she wants with out having to answer to anyone !

fact she has assaulted my children !

fact she has admitted substance misuse !

fact there are concerns of alcohol misuse !

fact my children have been picked up by the police roaming the streets at 21;30 hrs they were 6 and 8 years old !

fact there are still concerns of domestic violence between her and her partners !

fact both her and her present partner have criminal records as long as your arm!

fact social services have misdirected me , misled me and blatantly lied to me in order to prevent myself from exposing crimes which they failed to prevent !

fact she is now on her 6 or 7th social worker !

fact they very people named in the report and manx newspapers are some of those who have worked with my children !

and many more concerns !!

if I had of committed 1/10th of these violations I would have been imprisoned .


when will enough be enough ??, what has to happen ??

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That is a shocking state of affairs and should never have been allowed to progress as it has done, it must be very frustrating for you.


As I said in my previous post, the social worker/s responsible should be brought to task and if they are found to be as incompetent as it would appear then they should be dismissed from their jobs and their superiors brought to account for the failing of the department. Have you brought this unfortunate situation to the attention of your MHK? - you should do and see what he/she has to say about it, after all our Government have just spent about £2 million on the child care enquiry, that is wasted if your situation is allowed to go on.

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It is society that fails children, there is far too much pressure put on the children of this era. They have nothing to do, I used to be out and about mucking about in fields and building sites when I was younger. What do the youth of today have to do? No skating, No Ball games, No Cycles, No Noise, the signs are endless and all of them say NO. So what exactly are the kids allowed to do?

Citizen, your case is very sad, and not isolated, my cousin has a similar thing going on - his ex is completely off her head but still gets custody and is allowed to call the shots over access. There seems to be huge failings in this area.

I had to take my boy up to Nobles (following a little incident where he ate a bottle of laxatives) - they were on me like a Rotweiller "Whos pills are they?" "How did he get the lid off?". I completely understand why they asked these questions but why so accusingly? But, where were they when the little lad accross the road was cleaning up human mess and being subjected to the hell, that is, alcholholic parents? To be fair they are now taking care of the boy.....because both of his parents are dead!


They are good at the easy things but when it comes to real issues they are failing time and time again. Why do they govenrment waste £2Million having an enquiry? the facts are there for everyone to see, deaths, crime and frustrated parents.

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That is a shocking state of affairs and should never have been allowed to progress as it has done, it must be very frustrating for you.


As I said in my previous post, the social worker/s responsible should be brought to task and if they are found to be as incompetent as it would appear then they should be dismissed from their jobs and their superiors brought to account for the failing of the department. Have you brought this unfortunate situation to the attention of your MHK? - you should do and see what he/she has to say about it, after all our Government have just spent about £2 million on the child care enquiry, that is wasted if your situation is allowed to go on.



I have several Mhks dealing with this at the moment , but still feel as though a cover up is and will take place.

I also have an investigation up and running dealing with my complaints .

What is frustrating is the fact that the new social worker is attempting to discredit myself in order to try to neutalise me dispite the evidence against the childrens mother .

I returned from overseas , gave up everything , including my home in an attempt to do what was best for my children .




a friend of the people .

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I have to question whether posting all this information about an ongoing investigation is wise on your behalf....


Free world an all that, but if half of what you say is true, you might want to think about whether what you say on here may harm your case.

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I have to disagree with you on this Ans, The IOM Government and its departments will do anything to cover up mistakes made by them, and as for getting court action or good legal advice/ help, its not there.

My advice to Citizen is to do the following.

Make an appointment to see the Lt Governor by registerd post. Put you case to him and follow it up in writting, he will act on your behalf as hes totally independant and has to report all wrong doings to the Constitutional Affairs of the UK.


Good Luck for you and the safeguard of your children.

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I have to disagree with you on this Ans, The IOM Government and its departments will do anything to cover up mistakes made by them, and as for getting court action or good legal advice/ help, its not there.

My advice to Citizen is to do the following.

Make an appointment to see the Lt Governor by registerd post. Put you case to him and follow it up in writting, he will act on your behalf as hes totally independant and has to report all wrong doings to the Constitutional Affairs of the UK.


Good Luck for you and the safeguard of your children.


As far as Im concerned injustice of any kind is wrong !!

I think that the more people know the truth the better , Different things are happening at the moment , which I cant disclose but I will never settle for a cover up or be distracted from telling the truth .

What this dept has allowed to happen is criminal especially after being forewarned for the past 5 years .

I have tried all the above and more .

At a later date I will post what I have had to endure and do in order to let the relevant people know.

I will not be silenced , though certain people have attempted to smear my name and character .

But the truth is the truth .

let the fight go on !!

And thank you

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