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Capt Douglas (a towering presence in the House of Keys),


Just for the record, I understand that Cap'n Douglas was actually only a skipper the once, that is he was only actually in charge of a ship on the one occasion which was something to do with the removal of the strike bound Manx Viking from a Scottish shipyard during the formative years of the now defunct ManxLine service. Since then he has sunk into insignificance and dropped his anchor in the safe haven of the House of Keys.


He is clearly unable to think of anything more noteworthy than his latest gibberish, can't see it doing anything to enhance his election chances though.


I also believe that you're only entitled to refer to yourself as "Captain" if you were a Captain in the Navy, so basically he's having a bit of a laugh with the whole thing.


I was in charge on a row boat at Silverdale once, I might try calling myself Captain too.....


Captain - as in being a ship's master in the merchant service, or non-military environment, is a courtesy title only and used whilst carrying out ship's business. I cringe every time I listen to Tynwald and this chap is constantly referred to as 'Captain Douglas'.


Those of us tabloid readers will have seen what Prince Harry, for example, has had to achieve to gain a Queen's Commission. And he has a couple of ranks to go yet before he is a Captain. Someone who will need the charisma and respect to be able to lead men into war.


Any person who likes to call himself 'Captain' in everyday life after having been a ship's master in the merchant service is either a buffoon or a con-man, hoodwinking gullible people that he is something that he most definitely is not.


I do not intend to depreciate the driving of a big ship in heavy seas, especially where a pilot and tugs will help you out in the tricky bit of leaving and enterig a port, but I refuse to recognise someone who has no Queen's Commission calling himself a Captain.


We have a typical one in our golf club. See above re buffoon.

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