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Move Over, Ecstasy...


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From the Examiner:




HEROIN and cocaine use is on the up according to a drug charity report.


The Drug Advice Service and Helpline's annual report said the number of people contacting it about heroin and opiates had jumped from about 18 last year to 50 this year. It also said the popularity of Ecstasy is being replaced by cocaine among people in their late teens to late 20s.


'Cocaine is a popular mix with alcohol, which is a health concern in itself due to the chemical change to cocaethylene, a long-acting and more lethal drug in itself,' said the report.


'The implications for mental and physical health (particularly the liver and brain function) could be more catastrophic than cocaine itself and an area we need to look at further in the coming year to raise awareness.


'Crack issues were small in number but the fact that they are there at all shows times are changing.'


The report was published today. It said 338 people contacted the service during the year and, of those, 184 did so about their own drug use with the remaining 154 contacts being from people with concerns about their child or about their partner, family member or employee.


Coke now more popular than Ecstasy? :blink: Must be the high average earnings over here...


Drug Advice Service and Helpline website: drugs.org.im - which actually looks very good, especially as their mission statement reads:


This website has been set up with the Island’s community in mind. We are a HARM REDUCTION service, in that we accept that drug use goes on and sometimes can lead to problems. We want you to be able to access information regarding the risks and consequences of drug use, which allows you to make informed decisions and access help should it be required.

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Ketamine is also being used over here now :huh:


And has been for the last 10 or more years, that I know of.


Coke now more popular than Ecstasy? Must be the high average earnings over here...


Prices have dropped considerably - so cocaine is sifting down to more people on the street - although of a very poor quality, heavily cut. However Cocaine has always been the popular choice for the rich and there has always been a heavily cloaked scene in the high end business community on the Island since the 80's. Drug statistics are usually very different from what is happening in reality.


And if anyone thinks drugs are just part of a dirty street chav scene, they are wrongly informed. It works on all levels and from all walks of life. It's just what gets reported and how secretive some scenes are.


From what I've heard........

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Is this a surprise to people? I think it is high time the government adressed the real situation with drugs and stopped fannying around sending useless people to conferences.


Drink is a huge problem on the Island. NOTHING is being done to prevent the sale of cheap nasty booze (only alcholics and kids buy cheap nasty booze, so, why allow the sale of it?)


As an ex-junkie (never a drug addict, always a junkie) I would like to be able to be open about my past drug use, and I would also like to be free to smoke pot if I want to - It is no huge crime, yet people who are old enough to know their own minds are being sent to prison for pot, how silly?


A mental nusre I know once said "Half my clients are in the hospital because of smoking pot" I would challenge that and say I was quite mad before I began taking drugs! If anything I have improved my mind and gained an aversion to violence.


As for Cocaine, sadly it has become the drug of choice. Personally I would not mind for people to stay at home and have a few lines with their mates, but they dont do they? oh no, they go out and mix with people....it just dosent work.


Also, it is OK for the doctor to prescribe Codine & diazepam to people, these are highly addictive drugs, but they are ok because they are NHS approved? theres an old lady I know who has been taking codine since the 70's, she isnt on the drug re-hab program. Why is she any different to the smackhead on the street? Kate Moss and Pete Doherty are 'druggies', so what? they can afford it and are getting on with their lives in a normal fashion, where is the problem? The problem is with the law. The whole situation is a mess and needs serious attention.

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Kate Moss and Pete Doherty are 'druggies', so what? they can afford it and are getting on with their lives in a normal fashion, where is the problem?


normal ? Hmmmm.


'Down In Albion' is a fantastic song but I'm not so keen on his blood and spit paintings.

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OK they are as normal as can be expected given the public lives they lead.

Do you think it is drugs that make him create this form of art? What then is the excuse of the people who use pooh to paint? I'd say they crave publicity using shock tactics.

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I don't find Pooh shocking.


Bump, bump, bump.





OK they are as normal as can be expected given the public lives they lead.

Do you think it is drugs that make him create this form of art? What then is the excuse of the people who use pooh to paint? I'd say they crave publicity using shock tactics.

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I noticed a real difference on the Island recently, everyone was on the old beak??? I remember years ago no one would have any charlie, it was just pills, booze, nasty speed, an then you get your standard smack heads, but as far as Iknow no one really did coke, now i notce people are ON IT! I mean things like going on for lunch on a sat afternoon and half the pub is on it, jabbering away, fired up etc....cant be doing with it!


I have seen alot of my mates in London go the wrong way on coke and to me its a pointless drug - it makes you talk more shite than usual and then sobers you up when your hammered! its just a drug of stature I think, more like a ritual thing???


Everyone I know takes drugs of some form, from the 50 year olds to the 20 year olds, regardless of race, religion, class, etc EVERYONE i know takes illegal substances and I find more and more worrying and bizaare! Back in the day I remember feeling like a freak cause I took drugs and lots of people didnt, but now i dont know one person who hasnt experimented!! I think its to do with the consumer society we live in, the fact that we need cheap thrills and to push our boundaries cause life can be boring.


Drugs are like everything else in life now, accessable and almost marketed that way! I have been out raving in South London and this Yardie was handing out flyers with pictures of pills, coke on , and a mobile number!!! these guys just didnt care they were standing there just handing out drugs, and they had body guards!! Almost above the law!


I am not suprised at the amount of smack heads in the IOM, its a standard joke that when there is shortage of recreational drugs on the Island, there is a rise in smackheads! I noticed when I was younger that alot of the reason people get too mixed up in drugs is through other people, so people would kind of compete with each other, this espec between men, and another one is that I ahve seen many girls get messed up with smack cause their fella does it? The island is quite clicky and I think that to stay in certain circles, people might be more inclined to join in with others when taking them drugs, this is just my personal observation though.


Also it is weird that I know so many smack heads, more than lots of my mates who grew up in Inner Citys? That must tell you something about the Island?

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Mind you, I still stand by what I used to say about ecstasy and booze - you'd have fuck all fights and violence and vandalism in Douglas on Saturday night if everyone was pilled up instead of pissed up.....


Damn right.


All Douglas is full of these days is angry pissed up knob-ends looking for a fight. Its sad and pathetic.


At least someone is E is not going to kick the sh*t out of you for looking at them in a funny way.


I'd welcome the legalization of drugs anyday. At least like Holland you'd get a happier and more harmless class of yob.

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I hate the way you have to wait for the police to make a bust before buying.

"Police today seized 200 ozs of cannabis with a street value of £xxxxx", quickly do the maths and find out how much you need for a decent score. Why not just put it on the front of the Courier every week.

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Question . . . . . . .


when someone is cought with drug on the Islan Of Man why dio they always say how much the drugs are worth as if that is the main point of the subject???????


Either they have drugs or they don't. OK if it is a BOAT load (hint, hint) or a (part container or express wagon load hint hint) then yeah say 2 tons (lol !!! :blink: ) but so what if £2000 or "20 or £20,000.


Are they saying look - they dont pay taxes on this amount of income nd THAT is the real crime !!!


The Isle of MAN is soooooooooo backwrd !! lol.

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