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Tetra Radio

Dr x

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might i just remind youof the threat to our health that is going to be all around us if the government get there way,and they the quite often do,yes its tetra radio brought to you by the isle of man government,do we really need anymore radio ways around us,i think not,certainly not pulse microwave radiation,but wait a minute motorola say its ok,the government say its ok,well i dont know about you but i think it is time to we were rather worried,look out for things like headaches,feeling hot,nausea,to mention a few,even more so if you have a mast near your house,i read in the paper some time ago there was an expert brought over to calm fears about this,expert,now there is a term that is abused on a regular basis,strange that this expert as far as i know,did not ask anyone who is affected by this system,there view,your life in there hands,i hope not.......have a look on TETRA RADIO DANGERS..........

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Are you stuck in a timewarp? We've had Tetra over here for 5-6 years.


Sounds like you've been sat next to a Tetra mast for that length of time too.


Also, THEIR!

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Apparently mobile phones are hazardous to your health also. :rolleyes:


The only evidence for such being if you were to lob it at someones forehead.


Yep, Same as in the 40's and 50's nobody thought smoking would damage thier health.

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Apparently mobile phones are hazardous to your health also. :rolleyes:


The only evidence for such being if you were to lob it at someones forehead.


TETRA can be a nasty piece of work for some after prolonged use.


TETRA base masts - buy their very nature, are located up on bloody great big masts and the hazards from such are about the same as if somone by-passed the safety catch on their microwave oven 5 doors away down your street.


Try these :-




(Sorry - I was going to put them as a clicky but life is too short!)


Its always a good idea to put some sort of link into a post so people can go 'off piste' and form their own opinion.


Dr x - Thinking about posting construction (and reading it before you post it) is also a boon if you want peolple to read on .. and not just switch off.

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Yep, Same as in the 40's and 50's nobody thought smoking would damage thier health.


That'd be why a common slang term for cigarettes from the 20's onwards was 'coffin nails'.

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TETRA base masts - buy their very nature, are located up on bloody great big masts and the hazards from such are about the same as if somone by-passed the safety catch on their microwave oven 5 doors away down your street.


not quite correct - Just think though, the higher the mast the further away you are from the the field strength and it's going over your head.


Microwave ovens are about 600w power (on 2450MHz), tetra transmitter masts (on 400Mhz) are just a few watts (there's no point having high power transmitters as they overlap the coverage areas too much, they rely on having controlled size 'cells', and the mobile phones or radios are only milliwatts anyway and there's no point having transmitters more powerful that you can hear but not talk back to)


How strange that people are quite happy to stick a transmitter up to their ear but worry about another transmitter hundreds of yards away (read up about the inverse square law).


Denzil - Dish aerials close up actually have a low power density as it is distributed across the total area of the dish, the field density is only concentrated further away but in a very narrow beam like 5º

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There’s a dammned sight bigger risk to health from overhead and unshielded power distribution lines than from mobile phone and TETRA technology.


The brou-ha-ha about ‘phone masts and TETRA is increasingly turning out to be a load of BS from people who don’t understand what ‘radiation’ means and others that simply don’t want their property values dented.


On the other hand the risks from power distribution cables has been highlighted for a number of years and is taken VERY seriously in the US and now increasingly in the UK and Europe.


This article from the highly conservative (small ‘c’) British Medical Journal shows that there is an association between childhood cancer and power lines




though it asserts that the mechanism is thought to be due to magnetic fields rather than voltaic fields though I do recall an article in the journal “Wireless world” entitled The Killing Fields that postulated a relationship between charged dust particles in the air near very high voltage lines penetrating deeper into the human lung than non-charged particulates.


Whatever the mechanism the relationship between ill health and the environment seems significantly proven in the case of distribution lines and power sub stations and totally disproven in the case of low powers from mobile ‘phones and TETRA though it is remotely possible that the pulsing nature of a TETRA link (about a third the rate of the AC mains) may activate the ultra low frequency mechanism that the magnetic fields of distribution lines that is thought to be the probably cause of the cancer clumps around such equipment.


The reference to a TETRA mast and microwave ovens is utter rubbish. For one thing the power output from a microwave is at 2,4 GHz and although at around 800 watts at a distance of ‘5 doors away’ – say 35 metres due to the square law of decreasing radiation from a source would be minimal and far far greater than the RF coming from a TETRA ‘mast’ where size really is immaterial as the active device is a small aerial at the top squirting out around 25 watts and more typically less than 10 watts other than in all but a few where the output can be 40 watts.


Compare that with the 800 watts of a microwave oven and worse yet, the operating frequency of a microwave chosen as it is to be the best to excite the water molecule and so best to cook with.


Summary – maybe worry what the police do with their TETRA kit but don’t loose sleep over the kit as such. Loose sleep over the effects of power lines. Those, at least in my opinion, ARE a problem.

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Are you stuck in a timewarp? We've had Tetra over here for 5-6 years.


Sounds like you've been sat next to a Tetra mast for that length of time too.


Also, THEIR!

on no its too late,i should have put this on a lot sooner than this,you and so many others are already infected,the brain turning to pulp,GO BACK TO BED ISLE OF MAN YOUR GOVERNMENT IS IN CONTROL,free your mind,if you still have one...........

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TETRA base masts - buy their very nature, are located up on bloody great big masts and the hazards from such are about the same as if somone by-passed the safety catch on their microwave oven 5 doors away down your street.


The above quote is absolute tosh, and the info on the Tetrawatch site is very dubious to say the least.


The amount of radiation we are exposed to daily has certainly risen by a huge amount over the past few years, - mobile phones, cordless phones, and especially a number of devices using the 2.4Ghz band WiFi, Bluetooth and video-senders (same as microwave ovens) probably have a lot more potential to do damage because we are likely to be much closer in proximity to these than you would ever get to a Tetra mast.


- Don't see anyone here wanting to ban Wifi equipment....



There is some evidence of Tetra users complaining of headaches, but I've always beleived this is down to a sub-audible tone demodulated with the audio on the Tetra handset (nothing to do with the mast or radio waves) - (I could be corrected on this) - but there don't seem to be any "real" links with symptoms and nearby masts.

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TETRA base masts - buy their very nature, are located up on bloody great big masts and the hazards from such are about the same as if somone by-passed the safety catch on their microwave oven 5 doors away down your street.


The above quote is absolute tosh, and the info on the Tetrawatch site is very dubious to say the least.


The amount of radiation we are exposed to daily has certainly risen by a huge amount over the past few years, - mobile phones, cordless phones, and especially a number of devices using the 2.4Ghz band WiFi, Bluetooth and video-senders (same as microwave ovens) probably have a lot more potential to do damage because we are likely to be much closer in proximity to these than you would ever get to a Tetra mast.


- Don't see anyone here wanting to ban Wifi equipment....



There is some evidence of Tetra users complaining of headaches, but I've always beleived this is down to a sub-audible tone demodulated with the audio on the Tetra handset (nothing to do with the mast or radio waves) - (I could be corrected on this) - but there don't seem to be any "real" links with symptoms and nearby masts.

let me correct you,those who are affected by the system,it is not only the vehicle mounted type,when the onboard tetra is disconnected,if you get anywhere near a mast,instant headache

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