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Speed Cameras


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Nitro all i want to see is the speed camera's on the built up areas.


No need for out of town areas just where people think it is ok to do 40mph + in a 30 mph zone.


Great idea then, Its about time idiots doing 40mph+ in a 30mph or 20mph get caught.

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ive seen on another forum this morning that the camera has been set on fire!


I just heard that on the news, something about a tyre was set on fire below it and they're assessing the damage.

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Certainly didn't take long for it to happen, ah well...


Vandals have struck at the newly installed 'safety camera' at Ballaugh Bridge.


A tyre was placed on top of the unit and set alight.


Police and fire services were called out at around 1.30 am this morning.


The blaze was quickly extinguished and at this stage it is thought damage is limited to external blackening of the camera's casework


Ramsey police are carrying out enquiries


Quote from Manx Radio. Note the 'Safety Camera' .....

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ive seen on another forum this morning that the camera has been set on fire!


I wonder if everyone who's proudly boasted on all the local forums about how they'll destroy these cameras will get a visit....


Remember the Prince Edward assassination plot?

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A point had been made.


There were shudders running down the spines of those who had proudly boasted of their intentions to destroy speed cameras.


Such an act of anti-establishment non-comformism may have made Cool Hand Luke, played by Paul Newman in the 1967 film, a hero, but would their chance remarks have unforeseen repercussions?


Would the naughty poster's logged IP addresses and ISP information be forwarded to the authorities?


Would those posters be best advised to practise eating 100 boiled eggs?


Only time would tell.

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just heard a minister-type person spouting on about sending warning letters to drivers, ......... how can they do that if the device is UNCALIBRATED ?

it's as much use as a chocolate teapot !


anyone who gets a letter can put it straight in the shreader ;)

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A few questions -


If its not calibrated - how do they know your speed?


If they dont know your speed - and you are a 'repeat offender' (DoTs words - not mine) - they then pass your details to the Police.


Is that a case of guilty before being proved otherwise?


As its not calibrated and, if they pass your details onto the Police as a 'repeat offender', if the Police then give you a visit, is that harassment?


- on the grounds of you may have committed an offence, or may do so at some point in the future. (But they cannot prove it, but your card is marked, because at some point you drove past a safety camera at some speed which may have been a legal speed anyway.)


Sounds like a minefield to me.


Lets see just what we have at Ballaugh - A camera paid for by the tax payer, that cannot be enforced, used in court, or used to determine the exact speed of vehicles passing it.


There's sound use of the publics money. I hope the plonker that set it alight realises that the repairs will come out of the tax payers purse as well.


Thats another fiver going on everyones road tax next year.

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ive seen on another forum this morning that the camera has been set on fire!


I just heard that on the news, something about a tyre was set on fire below it and they're assessing the damage.

Someone burning rubber, eh?

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If its not calibrated - how do they know your speed?


If they dont know your speed - and you are a 'repeat offender' (DoTs words - not mine) - they then pass your details to the Police.


Is that a case of guilty before being proved otherwise?


Must admit to wondering about that myself

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If its not calibrated - how do they know your speed?


If they dont know your speed - and you are a 'repeat offender' (DoTs words - not mine) - they then pass your details to the Police.


Is that a case of guilty before being proved otherwise?


Must admit to wondering about that myself


I ask myself, could this be another D.O.T Blunder?

Then tell myself no it can't be.


Then say to the forum "it can't be" can it?????????????

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"...Minister runs past a line of confused defenders, nutcrackers the opposition, lofts the ball into the air, flips over backwards and cannons it into the net. IT'S ANOTHER GOAL.


Shame he was in his own half again..."

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