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Friends Reunited...a Petrolhead Story

Stu Peters

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Petrolheads will understand this. Others will just think I'm odd. Apologies if it's in the wrong section, but I wasn't sure where to hide it away.


A couple of weeks ago I brought a long-lost lover back to Douglas in the SuperSeaCat's belly.


She's a glorious red Lotus Esprit that I bought new in 1990 (when I had my own business and lots of money) and laid up reluctantly in 1997 after I'd moved to the island, couldn't find work and had none.


From new I drove her as my only or main car every single day, and between us we clocked up over 130,000 miles - and she never put a foot wrong or broke down unexpectedly (she let me down once in the middle of Moss Side, but she'd been overheating and I'd taken the foolish dcision to try to drive her to the dealer rather than trailer her in - so it was my own fault. Nice white boy with a smoky flashy car in the 'hood was a bit scary).


Anyway - back to 1997 and being skint in Douglas. She sat gathering dust in a lock-up behind Ballakermeen School for 5 years (£50 a month was cheaper than the £5k for the restoration she sorely needed, and which I couldn't begin to afford), but in 2002 I was working again and we started the project of sorting her out. Once her engine came out and her other oily bits were easier to inspect, my mechanic pal (Pitstop Paul at South Coast) concluded that she needed LOTS more work than he'd originally thought.


So I - VERY reluctantly - sold her as a project to a fellow Lotus enthusiast in Yorkshire, on the strict proviso that if he ever wanted to sell her, he had to call me first. He lavished hundreds of hours and thousands of pounds on bringing her back to life - with all sorts of upgrades that mean she's likely to end up better than new.


A month ago he emailed to say he was buying a new house, was a bit skint and to ask if I was still keen to have her back. He'd only done two or three thousand miles since the rebuild (twice to Le Mans at 150mph plus!). Two weeks later I flew across to Beverley to have a look at her, and we did the deal there and then (probably for less than he's spent on restoring her, but more than anyone with a Glass's Guide would pay for an 1990 specialist car with that sort of mileage).


On Saturday 6th May I flew to Liverpool where he met me with Lottie and handed her over (his Missus was in tears, saying goodbye) and the following day we sailed home.


My joy is almost complete. This was like buying a favourite child back from the gypsies, or Black Beauty finally going home to enjoy her retirement. She still fits like an comfortable old pair of slippers - even for a fat old git!


The only fly in the ointment is that Pitstop Paul has sucked his teeth and said I need to spend a chunk more money to get her 100% spot on - the previous owner hadn't done the suspension bushes, which are all pretty shot, the rack is worn, and the rebuilt engine has some dodgy leaks. So there's a long list of potential jobs.


But every time I look at her or drive her, I am beset by an idiotic grin and feel on top of the world. So the money doesn't matter (we're still only talking family saloon stakes). Although the Jag really needs to be sold to fund Lottie's needs.


So if you see us burbling round the island, don't think "look at that sad old git in his flash motor", be happy for us and give us a wave. She'll like that...

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My joy is almost complete. This was like buying a favourite child back from the gypsies, or Black Beauty finally going home to enjoy her retirement. She still fits like an comfortable old pair of slippers - even for a fat old git!


Black Beauty



During his long life, Black Beauty has many different owners who put him to a variety of tasks, from being a riding horse on a country estate to a cab horse in town. Despite often being subjected to cruelty, Black Beauty's strength, gentle temper and fine instincts stay with him throughout.

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During his long life, Black Beauty has many different owners who put him to a variety of tasks, from being a riding horse on a country estate to a cab horse in town. Despite often being subjected to cruelty, Black Beauty's strength, gentle temper and fine instincts stay with him throughout.

When reading the story to me, my dad always told me Black Beauty had retired to France and could be found in Cannes.

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Honestly, you really are a very sad man.


How anyone can get worked up over a silly old car is beyond me. It's only something that gets you from A to B after all.

For some people, it's more than that - just like some things might mean a lot to you, but not to others...


And some cars are meant for more than just getting you from A to B - they are showcases of engineering (that's mainly the German ones :rolleyes: ), beautiful to look at, and it feels great to own them...

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Honestly, you really are a very sad man.


How anyone can get worked up over a silly old car is beyond me. It's only something that gets you from A to B after all. You'd never catch me waxing lyrical over an old red car.


No sir.

The difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys.

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A newer red car though, maybe...??


Pfft. She's only 3 years younger than yours!


And guys... calm down.. I'm as much into this as you are. Mr Peters and I both fell in love at the same time (thankfully not with one another however).


I just choose not to wax lyrical about it in such a dreadfully embarrasing way.





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Honestly, you really are a very sad man.


How anyone can get worked up over a silly old car is beyond me. It's only something that gets you from A to B after all.

For some people, it's more than that - just like some things might mean a lot to you, but not to others...


And some cars are meant for more than just getting you from A to B - they are showcases of engineering (that's mainly the German ones :rolleyes: ), beautiful to look at, and it feels great to own them...


And that will explain why you drive a Rover :P



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Jacqueline - it's official - you have no soul.


Lottie and I are in love and you're just plain jealous that my red sports car is lovingly hand-made by British craftspeople, and yours is injection moulded by those wunnerful folks who brought us Pearl Harbor...


Wimmin. Pffft.


Stavros - I THOUGHT I saw a kebab trailer...was that really YOU?

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