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England Flags


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Why do you have a picture of a Scottish Queen as representing England Slinky?


Just a super wild mental guess here, but because as Queen of the United Kingdom, she's also England's queen. Not sure where you get 'Scottish' from in any case, since she's descended from the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Wurtemberg, but there you go.

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Doing the email rounds just now:




Oh yeah, that had to come.


Anyone reckon that this sudden appearance of flags is just another marketing venture to separate the mug from his money?, as with all football, it seems that way to me.


Im happy with my nationality but i i dont see the need to broadcast it to complete strangers around the island its a private not a tribal thing.

A little humility would be nice about now, cos i aint interested in what team people support, its of no interest to me at all.

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Just in case anyone is planing to actually go to the World Cup - the only flag I would recommend for use in certain parts of ze Heimatland is black, red and gold:


Former Government Spokesman Warns of Racist Hotspots


Erm..so if I was to fly a German flag outside my house, would I get applauded or shot? :unsure:


Neither - we'd just surround your house with barbed wire. :P

Already done that - but thanks for the offer! :)

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well i knew some grumpy old cunts would have a moan about all the england flags, WOO FUCKIN YEA, in that case tell all your fuckin students to piss off back home and stop stealing english peoples places, at least we dont live our whole lives going "Im english dont you know?" "Notice me,notice me im english and you have to know that im not german/spanish/welsh because its very important that you know that, and that you know im not anything else,etc." obviously its fuckin football so people are going to fly flags even alot of manx friends that i have (doesnt matter if they were greek/australian etc, theyre still human) fly the english flag for world cup, your obviously jealous that your teams not in it, dont cry.

I doubt that a Manx person has denied YOU a place at University!

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You know some of your history I can see.


But not all of it.....


Oh, StuartT, your lofty condescension so far exceeds and sits so ill at ease with the extent your abilities - much like an Alan Partrigdesque character without any of the pathos or humour.


She is the Queen of the UK, and not just of England, so therefore she cannot be regarded as a symbol of England, but of the United Kingdom (and the Crown Dependencies) as a whole.


Then she can't be considered, in the legal sense, a Scottish Queen either, can she? No.


In practical terms however, it would be fair for both Scots and English to regard the queen of a symbol of them and their nation, since the Act of Union preserved both constituent nations as separate entities under one sovereign, with two distinct legal codes. As such, practically speaking it wouldn't be that odd or out of place for both Scot and English to hold up the Queen as a symbol of their constituent nation. Only the most freakish of constitutional pedants would baulk at such a notion (especially since this distinction within the Queen's sovereignty is recognised within her own coat of arms), and although you have the pedantry down, you don't have the constitutional knowledge to ride that pony very far.


The name Saxe Coburg Gotha comes from... insert hastily compiled wikipedia aided smackdown here


That's all very nice, but there are two aspects that you've failed to take into account:


1. By the previous point, in legal terms it's invalid to consider the Queen as anything other than a Queen of a unified state incorporating both England and Scotland. As such, her being, using your own words, 'a Scottish queen' only has any meaning if we regard it in terms of biological and immediate descendency. In this context the right of ascension to the throne through X or Y is irrelevant, and instead the notion rests entirely upon her parents' nationalities and cultures. In this scenario, the influence of the germanic houses is as great and significant as any other, and she can't really be considered a Scottish Queen.


2. Even if we ignore the afformentioned point, the right to hold the throne of the United Kingdom does not, as you claim, come through the Scottish Kings and Dynasty, but through James' claim to both the Scottish throne, and the English throne thanks to him being a descendent of that most English of kings Henry VII (thanks to his English subject father, Henry Stewart). Plus the point of the right of succession is, if I may put it blunt, arse, since we don't have to go much further back to find a common source of Breton and Norman Descent as the 'well spring' of legitimacy for both nations' monarchs

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Well, i honestly dont know what to say!


Hmm as it was said earlier - We are apart of the uk


exactly what is it we all find annoying about a damn flag on some body's car.


nothin wrong with being a lil proud of being british (showin a lil support) - is there?


people its just a flag or two... get over it.

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Sorry Chebobs, we are NOT part of the UK. That much is very clear!

Try asking in Ramsey Post Office - I was after some information a year ago and had to explain to two Island-educated counter beings that the IOM was nort part of the UK!


I had to give up in the end.

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Why worry about a few English flags flying around during the WC? I see many cars carrying Scots / Welsh / Irish / Other flags whenever I visit England - and outside of the WC as well.


I would take a guess that many people over here support English football teams and are more influenced by English football than say Welsh, Irish or Scottish so quite natural for them to support England during the WC.


Time to really start worrying (if at all) would be if the flags stayed up AFTER the WC!


What is the percentage of Manx / English population wise anyway? And who is to say that the people flying the flags are not English (or mainly English). Should the English ban Manx flags from Glastonbury / UK university campus sites / Manx cars etc?

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