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Who runs the IOM, Tynwald or Dandara.

Dandara have been turned down flat several times on the proposed development on the old Scholl estate in Farm Hill, yet they have ripped the land appart, cut down trees and hedgerows in an effort to take away any evidence that the area has wildlife and that the development would be a threat to it, before any expert wintess evidence can be produced.

A stop order was put on the site but they have just ignored it and carried on, if this had been any other person or firm they would have been made to reinstate the land to it previous condiotion (a bit late now).

How can they get away with it, who do they have on the payrole?







Heritage Homes has been told to stop work immediately on land where it hopes to build 21 homes and an elderly mentally infirm unit.


The forestry division’s issued a notice to the developer, which has spent the past fortnight carrying out clearing work on the site.


And it has also been agreed for a wildlife consultant to examine the land next week to assess if any damage has been caused.


Although planners turned down the company’s application on environmental grounds earlier this month, a 200-strong residents group feel no work should be carried as the land is home to a number of protected habitats.


South Douglas MHK, David Cretney (pictured) who has supported the objectors since the outset, believes it’s a breakthrough:


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We were about to buy a ramshackled old farm house & live "the Good Life" (you know, few chickens, a cow and perhaps a few sheep), but when I called the planning office they said "No way, not ever, no habitation certificate blah blah blah"


The saying now "Me names not Dan I'm not allowed to plan", sadly we do not have to money to fight the decision nor the balls to just go ahead anyway. It makes me sick, we are a little Manx family trying to make a better life for our children. What good are Dandara doing?

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Take photo's and be nicked for tresspassing?


It's gutting, I live nearby and it's depressing to think that nice final bit of greenery in onchan will soon be covered in a magnolia breezeblocked shanty town, but what can you do? It's their land, the've displayed repeatedly that they'll go to any lengths to ignore the peoples wishes.


This is just the venue all over again. Refused because its a public entertainment resource, so they close the resource down and re-apply. This time refused because its an area of natural beuty, so they tear it all down, make it ugly and re-apply. They obviously have no respect for anything but profit, sick, but the planners/dolge should have the power to stop this. There's some pretty influential homeowners closeby though, as you know, I'm surprised they've not intervened.


Sadly, I've found out first hand, the government has no power over unscrupulas (gah spelling!) landowners at all.


It's fortunate that a lot of the land nearby is owned by locals who do at least have some respect for the island. Note in particular the donation of land by Harvey to the glen, etc.

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Take photo's and be nicked for tresspassing?

Tresspass not being a criminal offence it's pretty hard to get nicked for it!



You are not allowed to take pictures while on someones land without permision, it comes under tresspass to harresment

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It's gutting, I live nearby and it's depressing to think that nice final bit of greenery in onchan will soon be covered in a magnolia breezeblocked shanty town, but what can you do? It's their land, the've displayed repeatedly that they'll go to any lengths to ignore the peoples wishes.


This is just the venue all over again. Refused because its a public entertainment resource, so they close the resource down and re-apply. This time refused because its an area of natural beuty, so they tear it all down, make it ugly and re-apply. They obviously have no respect for anything but profit, sick, but the planners/dolge should have the power to stop this. There's some pretty influential homeowners closeby though, as you know, I'm surprised they've not intervened.


Sadly, I've found out first hand, the government has no power over unscrupulas (gah spelling!) landowners at all.


It's fortunate that a lot of the land nearby is owned by locals who do at least have some respect for the island. Note in particular the donation of land by Harvey to the glen, etc.


Superb post Slim and brilliantly put.

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Take photo's and be nicked for tresspassing?

Tresspass not being a criminal offence it's pretty hard to get nicked for it!



You are not allowed to take pictures while on someones land without permision, it comes under tresspass to harresment

Couldn't the pictures be taken from the outside of the area, maybe using a good camera and a zoom lens?

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Who runs the IOM, Tynwald or Dandara.

Dandara have been turned down flat several times on the proposed development on the old Scholl estate in Farm Hill,



Take photo's and be nicked for tresspassing?


It's gutting, I live nearby and it's depressing to think that nice final bit of greenery in onchan


Slim, think you have got a bit mixed up there unless I am totally stupid :o


Its all bollocks TBH. I lived up there when all we had was greenery. I could look out of my bedroom window as a boy and see the cows, fields and then Snaefell. Now its just houses, more houses and the top of the Mountain. The people who bought and moved into Farmhill destroyed the landscape there, as well as the developers. Now they are shouting because a little piece of greenery is going to be demolished. The people there need to think about what the land looked like before Anagh Coar turned into the biggest estate on the Island, it was great! Just ask The Skeat ;)


I do not condone what Dandara or Heritage or whatever have done by any means but it just seems a bit 2 faced to me for them complaining about building on greenbelt and farmland when their own houses were built on exactly the same.

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Donald wus just about sick of this. If you asked him, the so called people of the Isle of Man could winge for England. Or Ireland.


Donald thought:


Who actually runs this so called country?


Who actually decides on what the people want?


Who actually decides who the people are who want it in the first place? (Think about that one carefully)




There is just months to go.


Kick 'em all out ferchrissake.



(Go to top of mountain and meditate. What do YOU want. Tell man/woman who knock on door in few months time what YOU want for country of Isle of Man. But remember, if they are freemason tell 'em you will vote for them whatever and they can do whatever they think best)

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I live very close to said land, and have posted before that I have no strong feelings (although I think the objectors warning about worsening the traffic problems in Farmhill didn't do themselves much good) and, on the whole, would rather see any necessary development being of this little pocket, which is home not only to wildlife, but also some lowlife, than continual development out into the countryside proper!


Having said that, why does Dandara/Heritage Homes believe that it is above the law? What kind of scruples do these poeple have? They own the old Court house as well, don't they? Look how that is being left to rot so eventually it can be demolished. Are these the acts of a responsible developer? Surely, someone, somewhere should now say enough is enough.


Just a thought, but local planning offices in England can impose a contribution toward social housing in the area as a condition on granting planning permission for large houses. Why don't we impose something similar here? Not a requirement that they build a certain number of first time buyer homes, which is only serving to line their pockets further, but actually require them to pay cash (the case I have in mind involves not an inconsiderable sum, although it is small in comparison to the projected cost of the proposed building) to DOLGE, or whichever department has responsibility for public housing. It may make them think twice about unnecessary or undesirable development, possibly...

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I actually know this land very well and have just paid another visit to it this morning, workmen are still cutting down dispite the court order issued by DAFF yesterday. Dan has stuck his two fingers up at the Goverment yet again.

What a lot of local dont know about the land is that up untill a couple of weeks ago it had a large pond fed by a small stream at the end of Farmhill lane. This pond was the only place on the Island that brown trout bred naturally something that not many places in the UK can brag about, ok they were only small brown trout, but anyone who knows about trout will tell you its something special to have natural bred trout on any waters.

This pond and stream has now gone, filled in and something special to the Island lost for ever. :angry:

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