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Mlc Speaks Out Against Speed Limit


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This guy isn't going to be Mr Braidwood and the D.O.Ts favourite person that's for sure.


Manx Radio Link


I think the views of this MLC with all his experience should be regarded with more authority and respect than the views of of the D.O.T on this matter.

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I read through the forum last evening and noticed that there was another post here (albeit a little obscure!!) replying to your topic, which you would appear to have deleted using your Administrator privileges.


I agree that offensive or nasty abusive posts should be deleted but I don't think it was. Once the forum Administrators start to delete posts, especially on topics they have started, simply because they don't like the look of them, then the forum starts to move onto tricky ground. Don't you think?


In any case I think the post was actually supportive of Mr Butt and in the same breath suggesting that the rest of the politicians were oafs. Or something like that.


And - do you see how many replies your sacred topic has got to now!! Mine only. Perhaps it would have gone *bump* if I hadn't have intervened with this post.


Perhaps you should have not used your Administrative Powers/Privileges in the first place.


Are you a friend of Dudley Butt? I take it you are. I think he can quite ably handle his own affairs on this forum without Administrator surreptitious intervention, don't you?




Edited for typo

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The post in question didn't make no sense at all. If a post like that was posted in any other thread I would of deleted it.

The poster was private messaged about the post and asked about it, but didn't reply, had they replied and explained what they were on about I might have put it back.

The post was complained about by another user.

As for me being a friend of Mr Butt, actually I'm not.

As for the topic being sacred, I didn't say it was, you did.

I hope all your points have been answered fully.





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He also said on MR that to save on fatalities on Manx Roads would be to ban Bikers and under 25s from driving on open roads.


I too have had the experience of having a post deleted, and one today for voicing ones own opinions,

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I appreciate that moderators have a difficult and often thankless job to do. I know I could never be a moderator as I would be deleting posts left right and centre, probably because I just didn't agree with them.


As for posts being seemingly non-sensical, then to me that would be the majority of posts on this forum. Really.


But most folk are able to skim through a topic and ignore the chaff and kiddies talk or whatever. That is the nature of an Internet Forum, is it not?


Perhaps there should be a New Manxforums where all posts are considered by a gang of moderators before being allowed. For extra safety and security, you could pass a bag around the table and each put coloured balls into the bag - if there was a black ball in it at the end then the post is out. :)


So - a forum where there was just intellectual, reasoned and sensible debate. But those sort of forums are extremely sterile and boring aren't they?


Declan, please feel free to add your thoughts. Nice to see solidarity between mods/ex-mods though.


Kind regards



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As for posts being seemingly non-sensical, then to me that would be the majority of posts on this forum. Really.

If the poster would have answered my PM, then the post might have stayed.

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Ilsner - Well, I was going to say you don't know the background, what else has gone on and which moderator made the edit, and that there may be a valid reason that you don't see. But Wilddog's post showed that I was wrong.

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Oh, and whilst I am 'on one' (I see both WD and Declan are both in the middle of posting right now...).


Was it just the one post deleted? Perhaps there were a dozen or so and because you didn't like/understand them you just deleted them.


Yes, it is indeed a new direction for the forum. Someone getting to you . . . . . . .?



Edited to add


I realise it was just the one post (I think) in this case, but the point still remains. How often does this happen for posts which are not abusive in any way?


Edited to further add . . . . fair enough about the PM to the poster - I didn't realise that point.


Apologies for being a little narky today!!

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He also said on MR that to save on fatalities on Manx Roads would be to ban Bikers and under 25s from driving on open roads.


I too have had the experience of having a post deleted, and one today for voicing ones own opinions,


The fact of the matter remains that there is a fine line between freedom of speech and what can be considered as slander/libel.


Given that many 'local forums' in Uk and other places are very closely monitored and that there was a recent case of a forum member in the UK being sued for saying a politician in her area was a paedophile.


Whilst I am well aware that people should have the freedom to say what they want, I do believe that has been a downward turn in the majority of the topics on the forum having a very negative tone - people tend to focus on the negatives and forget the positives.


It does appear, however, that this is not just restricted to the forums as the local papers follow the same pattern, if there is a negative government topic the papers make it front page whereas if it is positive it is squirreled away on page 5.


Even if the topic does have positive points then they only extract the bad points as in the Independent yesterday about the Steam Packet - they failed to mention that there is a user agreement that the Steam Packet have signed to stay, the car park purchase will net about £500,000 a year in rent and that if they hadn't bought it now then Ferguson Lacey would have and he could then name his price (probably £20,000,000) rather than the £8,000,000.


So you have to be careful on voicing an opinion rather than using the forum as a place to slag off the goverment, therefore the forum mods are covering their backs if slanderous comments are made.

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There were two posts, none of which made any sense. There was also a complaint lodged.

I've explained to you why the post was deleted and to be honest I'm under no obligation to do that.

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(Crossed posting)

I very much agree and as I have stated - the mods have a difficult and thankless job. Respec' and all that.


But . . . . in this particular case there was no slander or libel. I just felt that WilDDog was upset at having his serious post sullied by someone trying to be facetious or stupid or drunk or whatever. Which I took to be case of unnecessary censorship, given the nature of the forum.


Anyway WilDDog, the thread has now come very much alive.



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I would like to make something clear regarding a reply a made in this topic, After being in contact with Dudly he assures me that Manx Radio and Stu Peters have taken his interview appart over the speeding limits, what I quoted was correct as being from MR but MR did not give the full story. Dudly has had to spend tha past 24 hrs talking to bikers and assured them that he is pro bikes and not as MR stated.

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Many issues have been addressed or are being addressed, as a result of posts in these forums, perhaps the most recent example being 'Safer Island Driving'. Many points made here have demonstrably been dealt with by MHKs, potential MHKs and the media - and therefore brought before the Manx public for further debate.


There are few, if any, methods of freely expressing an opinion and debating serious, sometimes urgent, and sometimes minor issues on this island, other than through forums such as these. But without free speech and the ability and right to express an opinion, we would all be doomed to the status quo and the island would stand still, or more likely be far worse off.


Moderating forums can be a difficult job these days, and owning a forum can be even more difficult. I agree that there is a fine line between free speech and libel, but there are always ways of getting a point across without being libellous, and perhaps more people should consider how to do that before 'firing off'. Perhaps one way to do that is to educate people as to how they should post by giving them clear examples, and if they fail to respond, then through heavier 'moderation'. The law draws a distinction between defamation that is published in a permanent form i.e. books, internet (including internet forums), newspapers, magazines, photos and all broadcastable formats etc. which is referred to as libel, and that which is not, which is referred to as slander. However, people should see many of these 'potentially libellous' posts for what they really are - not the result of malice - rather a demonstration of frustration in that no one who can potentially make a difference appears to be listening - never mind responding.


It must be very frightening for many Manx politicians (especially those of the ‘old school') to suddenly hear of forums like this where literally hundreds of residents (potentially 1,832 at the last count) are discussing and debating major and minor issues that affect the island, and often agreeing, despite various different 'political and moral allegiances', on approaches, suggestions and solutions. IMHO, as a electronic forum 'community' (not forgetting as a result of which many people have actually got together to meet) we should do our best to encourage more of the islands decision makers (political and business) to take part in debates on this forum, albeit anonymously, as this can only serve to increase the quality of debate (and which would isolate ‘potentially libellous’ posters – a minority of whom will always need heavy ‘moderation’). Twenty years ago it would have been unheard of for 1800 residents to get together and regularly discuss Manx politics and issues, but these 'decision makers' need to realise that the internet has allowed their own constituents and customers to get together - that this is actually happening now - and that they need to join in if they are to remain creditable representatives - and that otherwise they will be left behind.

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