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"your Country Needs You", But For How Long?


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(3.)Welcome to Planet Earth. It's where I live...

(3.) It might be planet Earth you live on - but try standing in a bucket of the s**t you are speaking - you might just evolve a bit quicker - No offence intended of course :)

IMHO an excellent thread with some very interesting differences of opinion. A shame it has degenerated to the usual personal attacks. Oh well, fire with fire.


Rather a grunt than a crab...

I was responding to the insult that inferred I was not on planet earth. But you are right it is an interesting thread as we don't get much chance to debate these topics.

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Army chiefs have doubled the bounty on offer to soldiers who persuade friends to join up for frontline duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. A two-month pilot scheme that ended in January resulted directly in 100 new recruits. The bounty then was £650.

Now, with manpower gaps in many of the infantry and artillery regiments, it will rise to £1,300 for each recruit.

The prospect of being sent to Iraq has hit recruitment and the new three-year expanded mission in Afghanistan, where 4,500 service personnel are deployed, is adding to the strain.


I can't help wondering how someone who persuaded a friend to do this would feel if that friend was then killed in action (regardless of whether the 'bounty' had been shared or just pocketed).

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I can't help wondering how someone who persuaded a friend to do this would feel if that friend was then killed in action

I would imagine that they would feel desperately sorry that one of their friends was dead.


Of course, that's just a wild stab in the dark....


Dear me.

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I can't help wondering how someone who persuaded a friend to do this would feel if that friend was then killed in action

I would imagine that they would feel desperately sorry that one of their friends was dead.


Of course, that's just a wild stab in the dark....


Dear me.


And no guilt for having persuaded them to be there - for money?

How nice!

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And no guilt for having persuaded them to be there - for money?

How nice!

These days the army is professional, they get paid for it you know.


Guilt? Maybe, maybe not. You take your own chances. But losing your friends is never "nice".

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These days the army is professional, they get paid for it you know.

Ah, does that mean they are " Hired Killers" ? Or would we just say "thugs"?



No, only a massive tool would would be unable to make the distinction.

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No, only a massive tool would would be unable to make the distinction.

I'm not so sure. In this context the intellectually challenged probably would struggle to distinguish between a "Hired Gun" and a "Thug". I'm thinking here of the original "Thugee" cult of India who were killers for hire that was shortened to the word we use today. Mind you, having said that I think they've probably been watching too many Westerns. I wonder if they realise that in the main they're pretend? On this showing probably not. Oh well...

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Well, at least the distinction between a soldier, and Lovenotfear's crass characterisation of them as hired killers and thugs is more definite ;)


Sorry to offend anyone, my "crass characterisation" was only a observation!

Its like saying "go sit in a foxhole and we will tell u, when we need you to killl somebody!


Lets hope there will come a time when we "drop the weapons" and evolve, of shall I go first?


We have proved that we can make awsome machines + devices for killing one-another.

Surely we could use are great technology to "feed, cloth + educate" the poor of the world!


Is it just me? Or does that make any sence?


After-all, we are all one anyhow, so we only Killing ourselfs!












"Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius"

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We have proved that we can make awsome machines + devices for killing one-another.

Surely we could use are great technology to "feed, cloth + educate" the poor of the world!

Is it just me? Or does that make any sence?

After-all, we are all one anyhow, so we only Killing ourselfs!


Oh Utopia in power ? Now where have I heard that one before ?

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Quite odd about the number of disorders increasing in servicemen.


I don't personally think PTSD and what was encountered in the WW1 are the same though, not in the sense that they are both an identical, universal condition. I think each arose are individual as they arose from the circumstances of each war. Nevertheless, I think its a good thing that the British government is making an investigation into these disorders, it is about time the British military establishments was a bit more progressive in its views on such things.

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