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When Is A Gift Not A Gift?


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Iv'e recently been listening again to BBC Radio4's dramatisation of The Diaries of Samuel Pepys, written between around 1660 and 1690. The diaries record the intrigue in Pepys' dealings with the Navy Board where he held office.


The diaries recount how the Navy Board was to be called before Parliament of the time to account for its not having ships ready when the Dutch sailed up the Thames.


The diary recounts a conversation between Pepys' assistant at the Navy Board Will Huwer and Sir Dennis Norden Victular to The Navy:-


SDN:- A gift is free of all suspicion. What can they (Parliament) say about it?


WH:- I don't think so Sir Dennis


SDN:- Nothing is freeer than a gift


WH:- Except nothing


SDN:- What?


WH:- They (Parliament) can also say that "he who receives a gift sells his liberty", they can say that "gifts blind the eyes of the wise-est man and avert his judgement".


SDN:- They (Parliament) would throw my gifts at my head in this way?


WH:- No, they would throw them at Mr Pepys' head


SDN:- But your saying it'll be thought I'd bribed Mr Pepys


WH:- That's how it will look. They can say that "a gift is given for a gift but there is no such thing as a gift- less gift"


SDN:- My conscience Sir would never let me be a party to bribery


WH:- Unwittingly Sir


SDN:- Unwittingly?


WH:- Unwittringly. Bribery creeps in the keywhole - even when the door of justice is locked against it.


SDN:- Sir, its not bribery to give a few gifts in gratitude when your awarded contracts


WH:- How few is few?


SDN:- not many, few, I can't remember for certain......


So, dear forum members, does the message contained in the diaries from over 300 years ago hold true in the 21st century and say in respect of Tynwald members and Government ??

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He who receives a gift sells his liberty
It's a statement with a certain resonance isn't it!


At the same period commenting on the destruction the Dutch Fleet had wrought upon the Royal Navy Pepys noted that Sir William Batten, Surveyor for the Navy came out with:

The Devil sh1ts Dutchmen
While not particularly politically correct its a most helpful quote to know for anyone who's had problems while working with the Dutch (hands up I have)!
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