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Is Anyone Doing Tt Homestay For Sex Slaves?


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What with the cost of the boat and fierce local competition I wouldn't have thought that bringing sex slaves to the Isle of Man for TT week would make good business sense economically but the head would be tremendous!


FIXED! :rolleyes:


Can anyone suggest the best way to get coffee and snot off a laptop screen and keys ....

thank-you Lonan3!

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HUNDREDS of sex slaves from Eastern Europe are being shuttled between different towns and cities in Britain, often several times a week, by criminal gangs determined to cash in on multiple "markets".


Many women, some as young as 15, are moved between several places in successive days, depending on where the traffickers think there will be a high demand for sexual services.


These include venues for rock concerts, football matches and other big sporting events, (such as the IOM TT with thousands of bikers looking for a quick leg-over).



would any sex slaves be noticed??


full article at:-



I am sure the hospitality school have already thought about a sex TTourist package.

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Well done for inserting the bit about the TT and making it look like it was quoted from the article.



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there's likley to be a mobile camper rockin on the prom soon...


which reminds me...is there a bye-law that defines the size limit on vehicles parking on Douglas Promenade???


Perhaps you could ask your good friend the byelaw officer?


When you see him in the pub later

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hmmm. that is if he hasn't packed for two weeks holiday starting tomorrow.....

He hasn't, actually - it's a trick to get you off his tail. Well, that's what the man in the pub told me, anyway... :ph34r:

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i think it's a topic that should be taken seriosuly just because it does appear to be on the increase and has a severe effect on the poor young women involved.


it's a frightening business, the things people will do for money - and their own gratification is truly disturbing, which is why we avoid thinking about it.


pretending things don't happen is the reason they are allowed to happen. observation is key.

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I agree.


But a bloke near us had his two teenage grand-daughters and the woman nearby who doesn't like him because she said he parked in 'her' parkingplace started spreading rumours that they was something untoward going on and she expanded even more when she started talking about it , especially when she had been drinking wine in her home. Unfortunaetly what she said stuck but was completely wrong. She was pretty embarrassed when she eventually found out they were granddaughters and then the chaps daughter and son-in-law came over. But I didn't notice her going round saying she had got her gossip totally wrong.

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