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Pat Ayres

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Picture this, 3 o'clock in the morning and fast asleep. I am a light sleeper and woke when I heard the unmistakable sound of a vehicle being crunched in some way. Once heard never forgotten.

I ambled, bleary eyed, over to the window for a butchers.

Hang on a minute, my car seems to be on its' side!!!

Another look confirms this rather unusual situation.

Ring the police and get downstairs smartish.

The police are there before I get out of the door, marvellous service, pretty good living 50 yds from the station.

Some lowlifes, probably pissed up and lively, took it upon themselves to invert my motor car for a laugh.

Result; the entire nearside of my car is dented, the door pillar has bent popping out the window and impossible to correct, therefore 'writing off ' the car. Paint damaged throughout, broken passenger window and wing mirror ripped off.

This morning the police are back 'dusting' the car for prints as they are confident they know the culprits.

Future; get car to panel beaters for a quote for repair, see a mate for a valuation before damage and now. Before that, contact insurance company.

All the above a pain in the arse and completely unneccessary.

So the death of a 1981 Austin Allegro has come about, Hey Ho.


The police know who did it thanks to CTV and prints.

Not only that, they took pictures on their phones and sent them to friends, easily retrieved by Manx telecom.

Not the brightest people in the island.


Do I go for an ASBO, compensation or just damages, we'll see what Mr Moyle has to say. <_<

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Do I go for an ASBO, compensation or just damages, we'll see what Mr Moyle has to say. <_<


Try and go for all!, I hope the idiots have to repay you in damages and go to jail, What a mindless act!

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Do I go for an ASBO, compensation or just damages, we'll see what Mr Moyle has to say. <_<


Try and go for all!, I hope the idiots have to repay you in damages and go to jail, What a mindless act!



Also named and shamed in the press,with photos a-plenty. Little scumbags. :angry:

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Picture this, 3 o'clock in the morning and fast asleep. I am a light sleeper and woke when I heard the unmistakable sound of a vehicle being crunched in some way. Once heard never forgotten.

I ambled, bleary eyed, over to the window for a butchers.

Hang on a minute, my car seems to be on its' side!!!

Another look confirms this rather unusual situation.

Ring the police and get downstairs smartish.

The police are there before I get out of the door, marvellous service, pretty good living 50 yds from the station.

Some lowlifes, probably pissed up and lively, took it upon themselves to invert my motor car for a laugh.

Result; the entire nearside of my car is dented, the door pillar has bent popping out the window and impossible to correct, therefore 'writing off ' the car. Paint damaged throughout, broken passenger window and wing mirror ripped off.

This morning the police are back 'dusting' the car for prints as they are confident they know the culprits.

Future; get car to panel beaters for a quote for repair, see a mate for a valuation before damage and now. Before that, contact insurance company.

All the above a pain in the arse and completely unneccessary.

So the death of a 1981 Austin Allegro has come about, Hey Ho.


The police know who did it thanks to CTV and prints.

Not only that, they took pictures on their phones and sent them to friends, easily retrieved by Manx telecom.

Not the brightest people in the island.


Do I go for an ASBO, compensation or just damages, we'll see what Mr Moyle has to say. <_<


Little shits. Hope they get what they deserve.


Just a quick question though. Did the back window fall out? Always used to when Allegros were jacked up apparently...

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I wonder if these are the same little shits that put my Mums shop window through on the same night, just around the corner from where they tipped your car?


Oh, and Mr Giddawook, if you happen to find a name any chance of you possibly letting it slip during polite and totally unrelated conversation?

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I had a similar (not so bad) incident with my car 6 months ago. Caused £1,000 of damage to a car that was probably at best worth £800.


The copper surveyed the damage and said "Its kids. What can you do". To which I replied "Obviously not f**king much as far as you are concerned".


I filed a statement and never heard anything since.


I've since found out who did it anyway.


Even if its on CCTV they will say "Not sufficient evidence to prosecute" they always do.

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It may seem like a simpleton's reply, but ...


We do not have the huge rate of crime endured by those elsewhere, so what are the police doing instead of checking these incidents? What do they do from day to day? In a small place like this, surely the police can 'finger' the likely culprits and oick them in for at least a good talking to?!


OK, so the H&S, insurance, data protection aspects can be thrown up as foils, but they really are nonsense, when you look at it properly. (I would ask any qualified lawyer here to post to the contrary, these are all easy excuses for being (self-imposed) hamstrung).


If the police know who have done this then they are failing in not following the matter up correctly.

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Caused £1,000 of damage to a car.


I've since found out who did it anyway.


Take them to the small claims court. If the don't pay get an instalment order, if they don't pay that then get an attachment of earnings - assuming they are working.


Might be worth a try.

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Anyone know if small claims court can do anything ... at least you can represent yourself pretty easily, or so I'm told ... if its a group of them getting £750 quid off each one ... I think that's the limit ... would at least help.


Check out a BBC explanation of the UK version HERE.


And the IOM gov web site has some stuff on the manx version: Here

It says the limit is £5000 for the court over here.


They even have sample letters, I admit they aren't directly relevant to this case, but it would be pretty easy to alter the damages one.


Looking at it maybe it doesn't apply, most of the examples are commercial disputes, but I wouldn't totally discount it!


Any thing to inconvenience the little so and so's

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Yes, but it has to be a cut and dried case. You know, you supplied the goods, invoiced and payment was not forthcoming. The small claims court only really works when there is an estalished liability, not in this case where you have to establish liaiblity and then quantify loss etc.

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