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Mhk Calls For "transparency" In New Company Law

Keyboard Kat

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David Cannan MHK called for "transparency" in new company law.


Manx Radio report


This probably doesn't concern most of us too much. It didn't seem to concern the majority of the House of Keys either.


I sincerely hope that the 2/3 of the House of Keys who did not support Mr Cannan's concerns regarding this matter are well and truly ousted from their seats in November.


Clean brush and all that.

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This probably doesn't concern most of us too much.

So if it doesn't concern most of us too much, aren't they purely representing the views of their electorate by basically saying "This doesn't concern us that much"?


I warn you, keep this up and you too shall see the pancake bunny...........

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Surely the pancake bunny should be hopping wild and free through The Truth Behind 9/11 and various similar discussions, anything else would be an insult to his/her talents.

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Company laws are created for those companies who have less than honest direcotrs to flaunt. Honest companies just get befuzzled by all the beurocratic bullshit.

I do our company return every year and its just the biggest load of rubbish ever, even more rubbish is that if I do not get it in by the stated date we get rude fines. Same goes for the VAT office. The little hitlers that work in these offices seem to get some kind of job satisfaction from punishing people who are trying their best & being honest...they are blind to the people who are ripping them off though.

The more complicated the law the easier it is to flaunt because no one can argue with the legal expert required to understand it all. Its all a pile of nonsense. Rules made to assist the crooked ones!

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