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Dvd From The Boogie Man

Mr Riff

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:blink: Yep, you read it right.

On June 4th ( Mad Sunday ) Mr Riff will release a DVD.


Simply called The Boogie Man, It captures some of the highlights of 2005. Laxey Blues Fest, Orkney Blues, TT Week, Its also got a movie from Manx Band Aid at the Villa.

There's audio from last year as well,including some bootlegs. There will be concert on the 4th at the Mitre Hotel Ramsey which will also act as a launch for the DVD.

The DVD will then ( like the Album and live Ep ) be availible at www.mrriff.com . The movie of Laxey Blues is already on the website in compressed format. The movie from TT week will be up at the end of the week.

And the extortionate cost of this extravagance, just a fiver :rolleyes: . (The DVD not the gig)

Who said Mr Riff was mean, Oh it was me! :P

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