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Another Dot Faux Pas?


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That sign is a beauty!

"For further information, please call the Tesco parking helpline: We will contact the department of transport to obtain your details"


That looks odd for a 'helpline'. I can't actually see a phone number there at all.....

I know - bit useless, that.. The BBC story further up had the number in it: 0845 4566707


And I shall stand corrected on that camera thing - there are some, actually:


post-1086-1149349493_thumb.jpg post-1086-1149349513_thumb.jpg


post-1086-1149349505_thumb.jpg post-1086-1149349522_thumb.jpg


Big Brother is watching you, even in the carpark... :ph34r:

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Tesco - why stop there let any one have access to the DHSS computers the Tax Office, Hospital, Doctors and the Courts.

What could they do with that amount of information going the the high street shops - then let's imagine :D frre access to the Government Main Frame!!!!!!!java script:emoticon(':D', 'smid_4')


3 Words..... Biometrics & ID Cards..... Big Bro is coming quicker than you think..


BTW - I think this sort of thing is more common now a days in various places especially after 911.... ANPR is defintly in use by more offical organisations around the world. Serviced @ junc 19 on the M6 ( Knuttsford ) even use it.



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Some fella walks round with a gadget like the one from ..whats that program called here the bloke (sam becket) goes back n forward in time and the gardian angel has some gadget in his hand..well he has one of them and types your plate into it and sees how long u have been there before putting a ticket on the car, ive seen him in the staff car park when im working down there..

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Some fella walks round with a gadget like the one from ..whats that program called here the bloke (sam becket) goes back n forward in time and the gardian angel has some gadget in his hand..well he has one of them and types your plate into it and sees how long u have been there before putting a ticket on the car, ive seen him in the staff car park when im working down there..
You mean Al...





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Thanks for that. We can all sleep safely in our beds now, knowing that Mr Braidwood won't hand any details to any outside agent ............. unless he thinks it's OK!!


edited by mod


If, however, the information happens to find it's way into a brown envelope in the Chief Minister's safe......

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What Mr Braidwood forgets is that the IOM and the UK share vehicle details

Manx vehicles aren't on the UK PNC (Police National Computer) and that info comes from the DVLA so I doubt it is there either.


If a UK Police Force wants the details of a Manx registered vehicle, they have to phone the IOM Police Control Room and the details will be faxed back to them (obviously checks are made to ensure the caller is who they say they are).

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Apologies, My mistake... Wrong Details.


27. The Hon. Member for Ramsey (Mrs Craine) to ask the Minister for Transport:

Following your Departmentʼs discussions with the UK licensing office, the DVLA, what steps are being taken to identify vehicle owners who bear valid insurance and those who do not?

Answer: The UK Department for Transport commissioned Professor Greenaway of Nottingham University to carry out a review of motor insurance, with the aim of making recommendations to help reduce the current levels of uninsured driving in the UK.

The review recommended that the key to raising the likelihood of the detection of uninsured drivers was to realise the potential offered by the motor insurance database.

This database, which is funded and operated by the insurance industry, centralises the record keeping of all motor insurance, and includes the details of Isle of Man residents.

Its continued development to allow direct access by enforcement agencies, including the Manx Police and my Departmentʼs licensing section, will be fundamental to improved compliance with the legal requirements for motor insurance.

Proof of driver insurance using an easily accessible, searchable and continuously updated electronic record has been proved in other jurisdictions to significantly lower the levels of uninsured driving.

The discussions recently held with the DVLA in Swansea were directed at ensuring that the development of our new vehicle and driver computer databases, following the transfer of our licensing agency to the Post Office in April, will be compatible with both the DVLA databases and the motor insurance database for search and access.

Source: Hansards 18 Jan 2005


I took driver details and compatable IOM/UK Databases meant that our data was being shared.




Phone and fax eh?

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It's the same for Irish, and Guernsey/Jersey plates. IOM, Guernsey and Jersey have access to the UK PNC and so can check UK plates, but not the other way around.


Fax is the most secure! Every Police Force has a list of all the other Forces Control Room details including fax. If you pretend to be PC Bloggs from Merseyside Police, they will only fax the details to the number they have listed. Can't get much more secure than that!

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  • 7 months later...

What gets to me is that I am a slow shopper (especially when I shop with my toddler son!) and frequently take longer than 2 hours to shop. What would they rather... I shopped elsewhere?


Honestly if I got a ticket from Tesco while shopping there, I would really flip! :unsure:

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What gets to me is that I am a slow shopper (especially when I shop with my toddler son!) and frequently take longer than 2 hours to shop. What would they rather... I shopped elsewhere?


Honestly if I got a ticket from Tesco while shopping there, I would really flip! :unsure:


Longer than 2 hours!!!!!! I'd accept that a toddler might slow you down but what on earth do you do in there?






Ps. nice thread resurrection

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