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Underage Sex-we All Know When And Where...don't We?


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is it just me or is it that every year, year in year out, there is always a case of underage sex reported involving one of more youths who travel with the fun fair and some local young girl(s) who get(s) "seduced" by one or more of the the travellers?

Facts? Source? Anything?

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is it just me or is it that every year, year in year out, there is always a case of underage sex reported involving one of more youths who travel with the fun fair and some local young girl(s) who get(s) "seduced" by one or more of the the travellers?


You must be busy if it's just you!

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is it just me or is it that every year, year in year out, there is always a case of underage sex reported involving one of more youths who travel with the fun fair and some local young girl(s) who get(s) "seduced" by one or more of the the travellers?


It must be your eyes that subliminally pick up "Underage Sex" when glancing at the a newspaper. I wonder what a psycologist would say.

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is it just me or is it that every year, year in year out, there is always a case of underage sex reported involving one of more youths who travel with the fun fair and some local young girl(s) who get(s) "seduced" by one or more of the the travellers?


It must be your eyes that subliminally pick up "Underage Sex" when glancing at the a newspaper. I wonder what a psycologist would say.


Probably ask about past relationships with parents and make a passing mention that big people spell psychologists with an "h" - but there again not everyone knows that the "f" is silent in sausage :D

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Speaking as a psychologist, I feel that Ms Chatterbox is suffering from Karran's Syndrome. This is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, aggrivated by meglomania, which causes the sufferer to believe every tidbit of information that comes their way (irrespective of source or veracity) is of National importance.


There is no known cure for this aliment but Ms Chatterbox is fortunate to be on the Isle of Man, since we take an enlightened approach to this condition, indeed the Government has just invested many millions of pounds in a state of the art facility on Prospect Hill for sufferers

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is it just me or is it that every year, year in year out, there is always a case of underage sex reported involving one of more youths who travel with the fun fair and some local young girl(s) who get(s) "seduced" by one or more of the the travellers?

Facts? Source? Anything?


Its not a 'published' image of the island during TT - But it happens.

Ask any schools KS 3 or 4 co-ord. or Head of Year and the real problem could be seen as alarming.

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Oh dear


Did it happen to you the_kitty? Go on spill the beans....


What a question to ask a lady!


The truth is that there are young people on this fair Isle that do need protecting - from themselves and others. Its all too easy for some to be overcome by words and peer pressure, leading them into situations that they are ill prepared for.


The offer of attention is far too good to miss for some of these easily led members of our youth.

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Underage sex has been going on for years and always will, half the girls these days look alot older than what they really are. why is it that when a lad of 20yrs gets done for having sex with a 15yr old when the girl has told him shes 17, she should be the one that gets done for it. lada aint gonna ask for I.D when they hop into bed.

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I've never heard anything in my school about that happening


You must have been/ are a student in one of them. It just goes to show ... you mix/mixed with the right crowd!.


Nope, just people who tend to stir shit with practically everything that goes on in this island and what comes over.


Give us sources of these 'reported' incidences...

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