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Underage Sex-we All Know When And Where...don't We?


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I think people are getting mixed up with gypsies and pikeys, In simple terms a gypsies is someone who travels a lot aka a traveller (and always seem to do tarot readings!) and pikeys are the ones who break into a run down house, Try to take control of the street, Dump everything in the garden/road, Break into anything that could have something worth value in it (Or sometimes just for the hell of it) and mostly break into Car and Houses.


Well thats wasn't as simple as i'd have liked to have made it but i could of gone on a lot longer!


Where would we be without socio-cultural anthropologists, eh?

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if you work with children i.e. teachers /youth workers etc don't you have to be vetted before your allowed to interact with youngsters??

so , what checks are made on fairground workers before they are allowed onto the IOM??? - shouldn't checks be done before the fairground travels here in future??

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There are gypsies living here on the Island, some with million pound properties. it is not right to class these people with a bad few who just happen to be travelling workers.

There has been a much larger ratio of underage sex cases here on the island involving locals compared to these 2 incidents involving fair people who have been coming to the island since the early 90's.

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There are gypsies living here on the Island, some with million pound properties.


...... these 2 incidents involving fair people who have been coming to the island since the early 90's.


OK. Gypsies and carnies was a bad term. Pikeys is probably better. More appropriate is probably "itinerant rabble" or just trouble.


A more accurate description does not make these people any better, or ignore the fact that they have to apply for work permits which are designed to keep out undesirables, or that they seem to have a propensity to indulge in under age sex when the mood takes them.


Plus just because you live in a million pound property does not make you any better - I'm sure Mikey Carroll is proof of that.


Plus, just out of interest .. legally you can't defame a group of people .. its just individuals .. so frankly I don't care.

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Plus, just out of interest .. legally you can't defame a group of people .. its just individuals .. so frankly I don't care.


I think it may be classified as racial hatred.


Only if you're really stupid. Nobody can even pinpoint what group of people are mentioned. What race does "pikey" or "carny" suggest to you?

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if you work with children i.e. teachers /youth workers etc don't you have to be vetted before your allowed to interact with youngsters??

so , what checks are made on fairground workers before they are allowed onto the IOM??? - shouldn't checks be done before the fairground travels here in future??

If you are in a position of "trust" then you need to under go checks to verify that you have no questionable background in the following criteria:

  • Police Records of Convictions, Cautions, Reprimands and Final Warnings
  • Information from the list held under Section 142 of the Education Act 2002
  • Protection of Children Act List information
  • Protection of Vunerable Adults List information
  • Other relevent information disclosed at the Chief Police Officer(s) discretion

The granting of a work permit is also dependent upon conditions imposed by the IOM not recognising The Rehabilitaion of Offenders Act.


ie. If the worker had no previous Police record and wasn't in a position of "trust" (refer to Rhumsaa's shop assitant comment), then there would be no reason to vet the workers.

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yeah and lets vet people who work in shops too cause they sell sweets to young kids!


nice logic train fucktard

yeah I thought that was a bit harsh- quite a relevant point I'd say. Like in the same way I'd expect people running the kids bit in the villa to be qualified. Likewise if a manx pilot wanted to fly people round in a helicopter, I wouldn't expect someone over here just for a fortnight to be exempt either doing the flights.

what a fuckin laff that would be checkin them out; err cant seem to find you on the system mr noddy van catweazle?!

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