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T&l Minister Says "plenty To Do On The Iom"?


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A South Douglas MHK is pressing the Tourism and Leisure Minister on the re-development of the Summerland site.


Adrian Duggan says the Island has lost a considerable number family entertainment venues.


But Minister David Cretney says there's plenty to do, although he admits he would like to see some development at the vacant spot at the end of Douglas promenade:


Let’s see, there are lots of pubs, a few "clubs", a bowling alley and the cinema. The Villa is doing reasonably well for acts now but except for Bushies and the corner house is there anywhere else that you can put live bands on.


Does anyone know what the immediate plan is for the old Venue site or is this going to be another shark move of close it down an bored it up so it becomes an eye sore until we get our way. I would be nice if the owners for once decided to at least be fair to the island by putting a temporary lease that ca be revoked with 6 months notice so that at least the site doesn't become a complete dilapidated eye sore.


As for the T&L Ministers rather woolly comments above how is the department going to push the Leisure side for younger people in the future to make it more appealing for them. After all they must have a master plan for "leisure" on the island as it is part of the name for the department (isn't it)


Price wise everyone says that London is more expensive to go out that the IOM. Since moving over the most I've paid for a pint is £3.20 and I normally pay less than £2.60 for premium larger. How comparable is that with the IOM now? As from what I can see this is close to London prices now (unless you skew the facts by going to the tourist hotspots where you do get ripped off) what do you get for your money. Isn't it time the brewery diversified the entertainment in more pubs and allow assist the creative side of the island develop. After all being shrewd at business isn’t about just putting your prices up it’s about maximising your return and you can't do that by just sitting back.

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Everything on the Isle of Man is hunky dory thank you.


All that the government need to do is make sure there is enough money to go round to allow people to get drunk at least once a week then everything is quite fine, ok.


So we do need pubs and lots of them. They don't need to be good pubs, just as long as the people can get drunk now and again to numb their existence. Start 'em young is quite a good method too, far easier to keep them 'happy' with their lot in life.


I shall be developing a theorem on this matter in respect of how government can keep the masses under control, but the supply and control of alcohol is actually quite a good method.

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Can we have a sticky thread that lists the things to do on the island? I think it would be good to list the clubs and associations etc. There are plenty of things to do I'm sure - we're probably just not aware of them all.


Also things to do for short term visitors especially those under 18 who can't go to pubs. I'm always stuck for things to do with young relatives who visit.

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Let’s see, there are lots of pubs, a few "clubs", a bowling alley and the cinema. The Villa is doing reasonably well for acts now but except for Bushies and the corner house is there anywhere else that you can put live bands on.


There's more to leisure than going out drinking. The islands pretty well catered for with the size of population, especially for sports. It's a great place for Sailing, fishing, swimming, golf, etc. Indoor sports halls are a bit thin on the ground however, if we need anything we need another couple of those.


I see a lot of winging about live venues, yet I go out watching bands quite often and the venues are frequently quiet. Most of the audience seems to be the same folks and/or the bands family and friends. I was at one of the last performances at the Venue, a stone roses Trib band, and it was dead.


I love live music, but sadly there's no market. Far better to spend dosh on venues that do get used.

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It will be good to see your theorem as I was talking about having a wider variety of pubs offering different types of entertainment and as far as possible curbing or reducing the price of that beer. That means if you like live music there’s live venues, if you like chill out then there’s a couple of pubs there and if you us want o sit at the bar and have a quiet pint then there’s a pub for you as well.


Price wise (with the perceived current model) it wont be long before the IOM will exceed London and based on past experience this will cause a drop in the consumption of alcohol forcing the brewery to put there prices up again and then it goes into a vicious circle (an exponential).

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If anything we need less pubs not more. We've far too many, most of them site nearly empty and therefore dont have the cash to spend on entertainment.


Times are changing, most people dont go to the local of an evening or go to a club at the weekend and listen to 'wump wump wump' shite. They watch their home cinemas or play on their xbox 360's. They eat out rather than drink out.

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Can we have a sticky thread that lists the things to do on the island? I think it would be good to list the clubs and associations etc. There are plenty of things to do I'm sure - we're probably just not aware of them all.


Also things to do for short term visitors especially those under 18 who can't go to pubs. I'm always stuck for things to do with young relatives who visit.



I think it would be useful to have 2 stickys, one for over 18's and one for under 18's (possibly with what you have and what you want). As long as it’s used correctly it would then be a useful place for both Government and business people who work in the entertainment sector to put new proposals forward.


The issue with things for young people is that the economics aren't really there hence government nee to step in a it more (or charitable people).


For over 18's I think 2 or 3 multi purpose halls are in order for various parties and special events for u to 250 - 300 people. I think there is still a potential alternative music scene in the IOM but it needs to be built back up and the local artists need to be pushed to excel.

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If anything we need less pubs not more. We've far too many, most of them site nearly empty and therefore dont have the cash to spend on entertainment.


Times are changing, most people dont go to the local of an evening or go to a club at the weekend and listen to 'wump wump wump' shite. They watch their home cinemas or play on their xbox 360's. They eat out rather than drink out.


One question, is this because the islands leisure side has become stagnant, un-inspiring and too expensive? Can you tell me any club that is different to the rest (apart from decor and clientele) and any pub that is different from the rest (apart from decor and clientele). Where does really stand out over there now?

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One question, is this because the islands leisure side has become stagnant, un-inspiring and too expensive? Can you tell me any club that is different to the rest (apart from decor and clientele) and any pub that is different from the rest (apart from decor and clientele). Where does really stand out over there now?



You're still equating lesuire with pubs, which is bollocks.


But if you're saying people dont go to pubs because they're stagnant, no, I dont agree. Pubs have changed, they've changed a lot. They've become more like resteraunts in the main, and either more family friendly (you're average 'dandara estate' pub) or more club like (eg colours). They've had to do this to survive.


As to a pub different from the rest, there are a few, for different reasons. Rovers, cork n bottle, Jaks, cornerhouse, The Office, Traf, Colours spring to mind, all doing things the others dont in different ways.


Problem with the IOM is there isn't enough of a market here to diversify too much, you diversify, you limit your market, you go bust. So you have to hit the biggest market you can.


A 200-300 person venue would be lovely, but unless its filled every week it's not going to make money. The office is a good venue for what you're talking about, but is often got what 20 folks max in of a weeknight?

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Let’s see, there are lots of pubs, a few "clubs", a bowling alley and the cinema. The Villa is doing reasonably well for acts now but except for Bushies and the corner house is there anywhere else that you can put live bands on.

The article first quoted was about "Family" entertainment, which has been in decline for years. Mr Cretney is correct in that there are lots of things to do for families, but by narrowing his answer by refering to the former Summerland site came accross as dodging Mr Duggan's accusation. How can refering to one location be seen as an answer to an Island wide concern? Besides, he is the Minister for the Department that is responsible for that site, the fact that it hasn't been progressed in any way is a reflection on him and his department.


We will never see the likes of White City again, and there is a problem with Private investment into Leisure facilities however there is a case for Government to step in and push forward suggestions and ideas for more venues for locals and visitors. When it is raining for the 5th or 6th weekend in a row and you need to pluck an idea of somewhere to go out of thin air, that is when Mr Duggan's point is backed up.


Does anyone know what the immediate plan is for the old Venue site or is this going to be another shark move of close it down an bored it up
The old Venue site has been boarded up for a couple of weeks already. Apartments are the proposed outcome.


Can we have a sticky thread that lists the things to do on the island? I think it would be good to list the clubs and associations etc. There are plenty of things to do I'm sure - we're probably just not aware of them all.


Also things to do for short term visitors especially those under 18 who can't go to pubs. I'm always stuck for things to do with young relatives who visit.

I think it would be useful to have 2 stickys, one for over 18's and one for under 18's (possibly with what you have and what you want). As long as it’s used correctly it would then be a useful place for both Government and business people who work in the entertainment sector to put new proposals forward.


The issue with things for young people is that the economics aren't really there hence government nee to step in a it more (or charitable people).


Have a look at my website for ideas. There are links to all sorts of clubs, organisations and attractions. There is also an Events Guide that has generic events filtered out and concentrates on Family orientated events.


The website has been online for 3 years now, yet I still receive "What's in it for you" looks when I try to obtain information to publish, information that benefits the person being approached as much as the local public.


There is nothing in it for me other than the warm fuzzy feeling that I develop when I receive "Thank You" emails and the occasional "Yes, I know that website, well done" :)

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Of course there is lots for the self-styled and aptly named (by himself) "Minister of Fun" to do.


I would suggest that for anyone who likes drinking and arsing about on motorbikes (which seems to be almost his entire remit) that there is indeed "plenty to do" on the Isle of Man.

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[sim city mode]


1. Demolish the Terminus Tavern & horsetram terminus. Move the electric railway station & depot up to Port Jack.


2. Build a shopping mall, indoor leisure facilities, multiplex and multi-storey car-park on the site.


3. Replace the horsetrams with a monorail, monorail, monorail :D


[/sim city mode]

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Well, sir, there's nothing on earth

Like a genuine,

Bona fide,






Also it didn't seem to harm Ogdenville, North Haverbrook, and Brockway. Sir I think you have the perfect plan! :D

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