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German Night


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Why don't you just stick the lp version of Autobahn on repeat, occasionally break it up with Hallelujah by Can and you'll have the best music night the Outback could ever dream of (not that it dreams of having a good music policy of course).

Oy! What you mean by that? I always play good music there - well, the few times I'm taking to the decks anyway...


Played loads of proper music last night, and even managed to smuggle some Neuroticfish onto the playlist - ok, it was towards the end, but still - playing German EBM in a packed Manx pub without getting killed is something I'm a little proud of :)


God, this place so much needs a proper Goth night, but that's another story....


Will be there tonight and Wednesday, so pop down and tell me what you want to hear.


(Note to Door Polizei: If you spot someone in a blue jumpsuit with yellow cap - arrest on sight and subject to Sauerkraut torture at once!)

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God, this place so much needs a proper Goth night, but that's another story....


But a proper Goth night is held in a tiny room above a run down pub every third thursday of every second month, unless the date is an even number in which case it's shunted to the previous monday (providing it's not a leap year), and is run by the boyfriend of the girl who works in her mate's mum's 'alternative clothing' store, who only owns four CDs by Nine Inch Nails and a free compilation disk from an ancient copy of Meltdown magazine.


Surely a good goth night would be better ;)


Is there any market for it on the Island nowadays? Back in the day, when I were young and had my original lungs, the goth 'scene' comprised of maybe five people in the Tardis, and, if Head Like a Hole was playing, StuartT (if my memory serves me correctly).

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I think I'm a little bit deaf now - Rammstein on full blast at the end was nearly too much for my ears (the speakers are right next to the DJ pult in there - really loud where you are, but quiet at the bar - so I thought I'd play it safe and just put it on full :wacko: )


Anyroads, was fun as usual - Conga through the Outback anyone?


(bit of a sound warning on that clip - rather loud-ish)




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I think I'm gonna have a tiny little headache when I wake up - oh well, 364 days left to recover...

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