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Life Can Be So Gay!


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When Chris Moyles recently described a ringtone as "gay", it reopened the debate about our ever shifting language.

While the BBC Board of Governors rejected complaints against the Radio One DJ of homophobia, saying in their best Queen's English that in addition to meaning "homosexual" or "carefree", it is also used by young people to mean "lame" or "rubbish", there are others who believe that, at the age of 32, Moyles should have a more sophisticated grasp of the English language. "The BBC is right in the fact that 'gay' meaning 'rubbish' is in common use among young people," says Professor Sally Johnson, head of linguistics and phonetics at Leeds University. "But that doesn't make its use acceptable. The BBC is a public service broadcaster and Chris Moyles should know better."

The new meaning of "gay" was apparently first noted six years ago being used by young people and teenagers in California, a state which ironically has a large and influential gay community.

The change represents another major departure for a word which originally meant carefree, happy or bright and showy.

The sexual connotation was first acquired in the late 17th-century when it was used to mean "uninhibited by moral constraints" and later used to describe a foppish dress code.

It took until the 1960s for it to be adopted by homosexuals [Yorkshire Post 7/6/06]


So, is it now acceptable to use the word 'gay' to mean rubbish - or am I likely to be handbagged if I do?

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I've reposisioned my opinion regarding homosexuality. (no smart arsed somments thank you.)


I recognise that society has changed. i have too. It's not for me, but it no longer is it the anti-social thing it once was.


As regards the use of the word "gay", surely words only mean whatever we want them to. For example it was once a bad thing to be wiked. Now it means something is great.


(Please excuse me - I'm suffering from a bad case of the "Stolichnayas'"!)

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Wot u talkin about Wildog?


I'm talking about life being so gay, it's great isn't it? Just like the two dudes in the picture, they're great as well aren't they?

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Wot u talkin about Wildog?


I'm talking about life being so gay, it's great isn't it? Just like the two dudes in the picture, they're great as well aren't they?

I really hope you're missing the point here Willdog - that's Gary Coleman - from 'Different Strokes' - with his well known catchphrase . '' I don't believe you!'

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