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World Cup News

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Maybe the Isle of Man could set another precident in the history of Telecommunications.

The precedent's brain is missing.


When everyone goes digital in a couple of years, the BBC could easily go over to a subscription-based service, instead of buying a TV licence, you buy a card (like the Sky one) that you stick in your telly. Don't buy one, can't watch, simple as that. Instead, thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded, they get their money, whichever channels you watch.


Suppose you lived in Inverness, and the people who ran the Severn toll bridge kept demanding money, on the grounds that you've got a car, so you might go over the bridge..


Oh and these portable TV's, it must be internal batteries, plugged into a car battery isn't good enough.


Safer Island Couch Potatoes

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has any one noticed the amount of players falling over

slipping when in a great possition

or just looking like they are playing on ice


a memo from the bavaria branch of the freemasions the "iluminatus" has come into my possession

in which they boast about all the strong elecromagnets they have installed under all the world cup pitches

the magnets will react with the ferrous materials in players boots i.e stud pins ect

they plan to use the magnets to influence match results in a betting scam

they have complete control over these all the times

there is only one team playing in the finals this time with a non ferrous boot

and they like sausages


so guess who is going to win the final then


GERMANY !!!!! :lol:


cheating feckers

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